Wednesday, September 8, 2004

Wednesday Morning

Good morning. Just me. How are you? We’re doin pretty much fine ... foot has fallen asleep again, so it’s tingly.

Ahh, that’s a little better. Got up and walked on it some :)

Not much cooking yet today. My mind is kinda blank for first thing. Hmm, maybe that’s why we were having trouble settlin down ... Forgot to apply the new patch! Hmm... so far so good. We’ve gotten over the dreaded first three days without smoking :) Starting now day #4. Still taking a lot of concentration, but the moods haven’t been real bad. We’ve been having real strong dreams. Yesterday when we woke up we were reciting the directions very clearly as if we’d been in real life or awake all along. We’d been in a novel situation of just having opened a psychological testing center. Hehe.


Anonymous said...

Oh, congratulations on the end of smoking!  I guess I must have missed if you mentioned that before. :-/  I know that it will get easier as time passes. :-)

Anonymous said...

Yea!!!   4th Day.... I`m surprised you weren`t opening a library!
{{{ hugs }}}

Anonymous said...

No new news?