Ahh, good morning! Just me. We’ve been up playing with our buddy the last couple of hours. Leaves a big grin on our face! But, we figured we should get into some "work" as well. Well, at least as much work as free writing gets!
Not sure as where to start with the day. Maybe I should clear up a few things. First, the house. Macadam and I talked about it and we pretty much decided that we were going to have to let it go. We got hung-up with my second son Tanner. A few years ago, I’d co-signed a car loan with him. The mortgage company needed proof from him that it was he that was paying the loan not me. This became an impossible feat for son. PLUS, I can’t get past the point of how worried Macadam is that I’ll have enough money for everything. There’s a small chance that something still could go through, but not likely.
Next, is the State Inspection on Tuesday. That seemed to go very well. Well, almost. Sister is frustrated because we only got 98%. 2% was lost with the DSP deal where her background wasn’t coming up right. We knew that was going to be a trouble spot from the start. I’m very relieved it was only a couple of points, and not our license!
Between this and the staffing on Wednesday, I was a pretty relieved girl by Thursday! I did, however, not like how the staffing went. The Administrator, DSP, and rep. from the state decided to all trigger my client. They kept repeating especially the state rep ... If you do this ... then you are going to jail! He kept saying I won’t do that, I don’t want to go to jail. Please stop. BUT, the lady continued to badger harshly as might a prosecutor.
She doesn’t even know him or what he’s capable of processing or how much difficulty it will cause his mind. She had no business doing that. PLUS, we got into this literal discussion. I was saying that her tactic was "aversive" where I’d been trying positive reinforcement. We were both sure our own the better. BUT, I know by regs and accreditation, I’m in the right! There is nothing to back up the poor practice of terrifying a client to get your point across. BLAH! I’m not against letting him know consequence, but it should be done if anything ... matter of factly, not hard-line accusatory and threatening. Dumb stuff!
Anyway as I was saying ... we’re over those major hurdles. We won’t have to go through State Inspection for another year, AND I’ve no more annual meetings until middle of June. YAYYYYYYY
So, where does that leave us? HEHE PLAY!!! LOL well, sorta. I’d like to say without that much pressure and stress, work again DOES feel like play. And, doing that we are.
For the last month and a half, we’ve been trying to work through some bugs in our own system. The last two weeks we’ve inundated ourselves with concern. You see first Friday of January, we had an Administration meeting. At that time, I’d been dropping the ball as far as follow-up on some of my obligations. My boss chose the forum of the meeting to throw out on the table how displeased she was with me. I’m not saying that was the right format, but it did catch my attention. PLUS, I knew I was slipping up. Couldn’t keep everything attuned. I’d let go of my organization. I thought I was too busy to keep up with it. Alas, that’s not the right way to go.
So, I’ve been figuring and figuring. PLUS, the government was nice enough to deposit a small return to my bank which allowed a few purchases. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy shopping on the Internet? Hehe
The first thing I got was a new program. It’s still in the mail, but at least now on its way. The program is called, "Taming the Paper Tiger." It has to do with using your computer and files together. You got it ... a new SYSTEM!!!! Can’t tell you how much we LOVE new systems! A couple of weeks back, we’d already started to prepare. We’d watched all the training videos of how this program worked, so we’d reordered our main file drawer on the left side of my desk. We still need to get rid of the dead files in the credenaza/computer desk AND I’ve got ineffective records on the right side of the desk. But, the point is we started.
We got a stack of hanging files and numbered them one through 31. Then for the time being, I set up my laptop on my writing desk and noted the papers that were going in these files. So, it’s like having a chart of accounts. This is an action file. Only things going here were things that were still open and in need of processing. With this technique it allowed me to get rid of all that odd paperwork that was on my desk and incomplete. I also moved around the things on my desk so the laptop was directly in front of me and could be pulled forward or back AND I put the calculator to the right which freed up some desk space. I also have on this desk a candy dish of loose pop change, a little owl statue, a desk light, a picture, and my 3x5 cards. That’s it. It’s a nice size desk and holds all of these well.
On the 3x5 cards, I’ve set them up so there is a marker card for each day of the week and one card for things more than a week away. At the top left of the card in a box, I write the category the card falls such as clients, administrative, annual meeting, whatever. Then I write date and time. Then if there is any corresponding paperwork, I right in the top right corner the action file number that goes with it. Then I write a title under the subject, such as a client’s name, or for example a computer subject could be titled, "Paper Tiger." Then, I write a summary of the individual task and its steps, or other detailed information. A lot of cards require extra notes or responses which we write on the back of the card in the process of processing. It becomes a great hard copy of single tasks from start to finish.
The task could come from anywhere. Sometimes it’s the boss, a client or a staff. Sometimes it comes through the mail, our regular routine tasks, or a personal observation. Wherever. Then the cards are sorted according to day I think I can process them. Inevitably things change, new duties are added, tasks are completed, or put off due to more time needed. But, the system is very flexible. I’m learning to pick up a new blank card any time something new is presented.
Now this next week, we’ll refine the new system even more. We ordered (and it came in last night) a long 14" file box for the completed 3x5 cards. We also ordered a new sorter file that includes numbers 1-31 and the month’s of a year. Plus there are some colored tabs. The sorter is going to be the new way of sorting the day to day cards with tasks written on them. It won’t be such a clutter to my desk because I’ll keep it in the upper left hand desk drawer and I’ll be able to better plan out into the future with it. The box will sit next to the wall behind the calculator. I write completed on the cards with a highlighter marker along with the date, which gives me a great sense of pleasure. The cards will be filed behind tabbed cards with the different category names. Yes, this is how my mind processes! *Silly grin*
I have in mind from other attempts at order the proper categories which go with all my job functions. Plus each of the clients will have there own tabbed section. As well, part of the processing of a card made on a client is that on the big computer we keep what is called, QMRP chrononotes. This is a summary of all the major changes orinteractions with the clients. This will eventually make it to the client’s file and will be discussed while writing the monthly Qnotes.
Now comes a fine point of distinction. Back to the laptop. I have a really fine, fine "organizer" already on both my computers and I can transfer info to one computer and get it to the next. But, pretty much I use the organizer on the laptop or at least that is the screen left up on it the most.
The organizer allows me several different avenues of action. One of the most important is this camilian calendar which switches 7-8 different views including two page planner, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, and yearly views. I use many of them, but usually start off with two page planner. On one side you schedule hours in a day. On the other side appears your to-do list, projects, outgoing phone calls, and a little notepad. Pretty damn cool. There are a lot of card to-do things, but for the bigger projects it will be important to schedule them for 1 1/2 hours - 2 hours a day. Hmm, the organizer has a planner too. For up to 15 categories you can schedule in 4 major projects a day ... Have to give that more thought. It's going to be really important that whatever is written and then filed on those cards (beside client data) is that I don't have to write anything twice. Hmm, as long as we have the planner for projects, maybe we could use the two-page deal to include a loose list of what ACTUALLY happens during the day. Sometimes that's a big difference than what was planned. Thinking that sounds pretty good. Because it would allow us to analyze how things are actually going. Like if one day a DSP shows up 5 times. That's the kind of thing you want to discourage!
Lordy only knows how I ended up with two computers. Hehehe. Think it started out when my big one was down. I took one of the extras. We’d ordered 11 laptops through a grant at the same time I got my big one. Six eventually went to staff and the remaining four are being used by a set of 8 clients. Bingo! Two computers for Mwa! Since nobody complained, we thought just ... well, marvelous!
Most of the writing and Internet usage or anything permanent like projects and such I do is on the big computer, but it is very convenient to have on my main desk something to take notes with in general or from the phone or people walking in. It also keeps my phone numbers. We’re going to go back to using the organizer more fully, and the laptop will also host the Paper Tiger software for my new filing system. It is very nice to be able to use it without having to turn around and skirt the five feet back to the other desk (credenza with tall back cabinet).
Anyway back to the new system ... The paper tiger ... now that’s where the beauty lies. Basically, one of the reasons I got the colored tabs was that the product people say that anything that can be numbered can be added easily to the program. The filing system boasts that its not about putting things away as much as retrieving information as necessary. This is going to be a wonderful, wonderful thing. Especially, due to our poor memory.
I’ve worked with client files for a long time and that system is all good. Basically, each client has a hard one inch plastic hanger file and they sit beautifully in a very assessable two drawer lateral file between the two desks. As an aside, on top of the lateral file is a "kick-ass" printer and my hole puncher and on the credenza alongside the computer is this nifty scanner. This for us middle of the world management people is a dream come true.
It is not big office, but one that is very, very accommodating of a good work flow and aesthetics. Nice view outside, pictures and a few plants. About the only other thing in it is the coat rack, two guest chairs, a long window ledge of books, and a garbage can. I think I’m going to make a play for getting the paper shredder back in our office. Think it was taken out when it was still flooding, but its not getting properly used cuz its now too far away. Hmm good idea.
Ooh Ooh!!! I just used one of my next play items that also came with the UPS guy last night. I bought a little Phillips pocket recorder called Memo 381. With that I bought a dozen ½ hour tapes. The idea is to record my thoughts away from the office that can be used for the office. This way while at home, driving, or at the doctor’s office, or any place in general, if I have an idea ... we can, then later recall it back at the office where it’ll be more productive! I guess you could say that this is my 3x5" cards while I’m on the move. YAYYYY! Life’s so fun!
Wish there was someway I could carry it around easily without my coat on so I could take notes when I’m out of the office getting tasks from the Administrator or staff. Hmm, have to think on that some.
Anyway, back to the Paper Tiger software ... There are quite a few screens I haven’t seen, but the main deal is an open screen with tabs across the top. Each tab represents a location with items. Items can be files, folders, magazines, books, archived storage, whatever. The key is that any one of these locations can hold things that are numbered.
Each item is then recorded with information such as, it’s title, it’s due date if any, and key words that you may later associate with it. Like one set of key words could be "client, the name of the client, Annual report, incomplete, due date 2-20-05, The thing that makes this program soooo much fun is that you can enter any one of these key words and the information and its location will automatically present itself through the find feature.
It can also list reports of things such as all the items in one location, or all the items pulled up with a keyword. You can also have anyone including a peer, the boss, a secretary, or a new person taking over the office a very easy key to finding absolutely anything. But, let’s say that I keep this job for the next 20 years. If they would allow me, believe me I would do this. I have that great of a job and office. 20 years give me a lot of time to be filing!
I know, I know ... what fun is that??? Man-o-man ... It is like having everything you hold in written resource available to you as easily as it is to owning your own personal Internet!!! Eventually, the system would hold all 80 feet of the books I own! So, even if I become daffier, I will still access the knowledge that surrounds me in reading material. I’ve always wanted to catalogue, but this is that and so much more. She laughs maniacally!
One reason a person would do such a thing is because they were darn right crazy ... but there are other reasons too? I get frustrated at not being able to recall important resources when there is so much information around me. Some of my books go back generally over 30 years. Some of the information is outdated, but I like to think that more of it was what led people to new conclusions.
For example, I might have a book on group dynamics that was very good 25 years ago. It is still going to have key elements that are applicable today, or at least give me the vocabulary to update myself via the real Internet. Right now, I can’t recall what was in it. But, I could list key words from the chapter or first paragraphs of each chapter, so that now I’d be able to enter key word, "play therapy." and I wouldn’t have to look through every book to find it.
Might be a real nice asset if I were to be writing a report on one of the lower levels of clients who are processing at this level. Or, if I were presenting at a staff training meeting why I might choose to interact with a client in one way or another. I can’t tell you enough of how much I like to write and think and discuss. Sure, sure come in handy. I want to be able to provide information that is usable to them.
I’ve been working and working at trying to think through how to build a bridge between my knowledge or potential knowledge and the DSP’s. We’re talking of a group of people who have barely finished high school. It seems that half of the staff, I’ve got 8, can hardly write. But, if I knew the material well enough, I would be able to condense and make things simple. As well, my interactions with the clients.
With the responsibilities of CARF where they were always looking for new modes of excellence in the field, I might someday contribute quite a lot. I was very encouraged the last accreditation where my series of Business reports received special merit. Those reports were good because of all the information they included about actual Center practices. To now throw in a little knowledge!?? Wow!!!
Oh yeah ... something I’d forgotten. We got in the mail this week an invitation to a series of meetings down at Springfield (Illinois Capitol). The meetings would take place for one week each over the next three years. After attending the meetings, you would carry the extra title of being a community programmer. This would be a very big deal in that it is a very strong element of what all CARF is about. Getting people with developmental disabilities out working with or in the community. It would fit nicely with the grass roots effort I’ve been involved with the past on the citie’s south side network. They look for projects to support which would give me the ability to do something for a greater good. Pretty neat, hmm?
Hmm, I just recorded into memo an idea for future thought. Wouldn’t it be great if we used the client and their laptops which could be networked into the same paper tiger system keywords for developmental disabilities. What a nice contribution to the community. Hmm, have to think of it thought next to the speed I could do the same as we’ve been discussing. Hmm, just a thought.
Not sure where we are now. Felt a little megalomania like for a second.
Ok, Ok ... there is one more big subject that I’d like to discuss that is included of this new world order we are trying to invent for ourselves. See the last projects are very important because I want to be a productive person in society and this concept of order fits into personal broad lifelong goals. It’s what career thinking is all about.
Hmm, another aside ... we, came across this again this week. It is our personal mission statement we made a few years back. Still feels pretty good.
"I will respect myself by being honest with my thoughts and feelings. I will love myself, my God, my family, my friends, and people I meet along my path. I will honor my freedom and independence and cherish my right to make choices. I will strive to be capable. I will be responsible for happiness, and I will share whatever wisdom I learn in offering help to others."
You see ... this is what feels most important to me. And, all our thoughts now are saying Yeah! Go for it!
Well, you see the last part of our thoughts this week went to another system. We joined a club. It’s called the "Taylor Time Club." I don’t see it any differently as our membership in another professional organization, "AAMR". The club is headed by Harold Taylor who is an "Effective Time Management" Consultant. In the last 25 years, he has written 15 books and about 50 other projects sold in 38 countries. WooHoo! He’s like a Hall of Fame guy in Canada as far as author’s go and in his industry he’s at the top, or at least has made a site on the Internet that is supposed to carry the most information on time management there is. We saw a presentation where he was talking before 1,500 business people ... we figure that’s good enough to make us listen.
You get some special deals with being a member (at cost - Thank you Uncle Sam). It includes 200 articles, audios, 6 books, booklets, courses, manuals, guides, reports, tips, newsletter, video, and training instruments. I’m just floored with how productive this guy really is. So for awhile, we are going to allow ourselves to be under his guroship! We were referred to him through the Paper Tiger presentations. For all simple purposes, he shall now be called, "Harold."
This is kinda like, really, a pretty big deal. We’d like to think of it as a major life marker development. As in our mission statement we are going to strive to be capable. You see ... there is absolutely nothing standing in our way. We’ve got conducive values, job, family, friends, etc. and no one is holding us back! Beside the two kitties I’m under no personal obligation to be taking care of anything, except what’s running in my mind at the moment. Why not make it spectacular!??
LOL as one last aside ... I think Harold meet FlyLady, Flylady, Harold. Let's go make babies!!!
"I will respect myself by being honest with my thoughts and feelings. I will love myself, my God, my family, my friends, and people I meet along my path. I will honor my freedom and independence and cherish my right to make choices. I will strive to be capable. I will be responsible for happiness, and I will share whatever wisdom I learn in offering help to others."
That`s a beautiful personal mission statement!
Er, imagine! Ann with a new system! Hard to believe! LOL
The staff at your center deserves a hearty congratulations for their hard work!
98%!!! { Top Worker! }
Harold, meet the kitties!
I agree with Vince. That IS a wonderful personal mission statement. I created my mission statement over twenty years ago. I read it every day and revised only once. *Barb* http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/THERESTOFTHESTORY
wow! maybe you could come to my house and help me with all my papers. You sound like everything has a place. I'm more like a confused stew! :)
W O O H O O !!!
MPD has 20,000 hits!
succulent personal wisdom ayn!
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