Good morning. Just me. I’m up early this morning and need some time to run-off excess anxiety. I think I should be doing better in a moment, because I finally figured out how to get rid of the sliver that was at the top of my 4th finger. Man ... can that make a person testy first thing!
We’ve had a little excitement over the last 24 hours. I did go to work yesterday, but as it turns out ... we, had to spend the day in the ER room. For those of you who may have forgotten this experience, it is about the absolute most dullest thing you can do. Especially, if your predicament isn’t really a big deal.
I had woke up from a nap on Sunday after noon and I’d had a new big red (sun-burned) looking area (12"x8") on my abdomen AND what looked like another hernia (3"x2") where the last one had been. The first three doctors all guessed wrong, but finally my surgeon was out of surgery and looked at it and declared I had Cellulitis (skin infection) and a Seroma (a mass or swelling). Modern medicine ... you gotta love it. It was an 7 hour ordeal, because my doctor was the Chief of Surgery and it takes awhile to get them guys out of the operating room to diagnose an infection.
So, I’m on anti-biotics *giggle*. He said the Seroma was just fluid that had gathered in the hernia "sack" (I know gross) and that it would gradually be absorbed back into my system. Then, because surgery is obviously more fangled than I had realized, he took out his pen, drew a large circle around the infection and said if it gets worse/bigger come back to ER. Thought ok, we can play that game. Sort of just slightly less complicated than tic-tac-toe!
This morning now we have another umm lump under one of the sutures, but we’re going to wait on this and just take anti-biotics. It’s just like an inchxinch. Figured it would be ok, since we have a follow-up visit on Friday. I know we had to go to ER, because that is what the surgery nurse told us to do, but I wouldn’t volunteer for that experience just "for fun!" They didn’t even feed me!
Fortunately, our friend took heart. He stopped by twice. The first time he looked at me and asked if I were being a little bit of a baby and I guess he figured by my INNOCENT smile, I might have been a little more competent to handle ER without him. So I got a kiss on the top of my head and he left. The second trip was only for about 3 minutes. He brought me two big chocolate cookies and gave me another kiss. It’s terrible how well he knows me. *Giggle*
So, that was about it, except when I started my car to go home, both the oil and anti-freeze light came on. I was feeling pretty put out by then, of course. But, I stopped and fixed that too. Was like the most UNPRODUCTIVE DAY!
I did however get a first hour back at work. That was pretty scary enough. My mailbox was full, and my desk had literally a foot high pile of "stuff." My boss caught me in the beginning and said I should get comfortable and come back for a few notes. I brought my legal pad. She gave me 10 priority items and said that’s enough to get you started. Yeah, like right. The next thing, or course, was that I went back to my office and ate my super snicker’s bar. I have to do something over my privacy, because the DSP two rooms away, yelled out, "Are you eating something in there?" MAN, busted! Hit me like a ton of bricks. "I WAS BACK!"
They must have missed me! I leafed through the mail and made mental notes. I’d gotten a package of cards from the clients and someone had left a cute white fuzzy monkey hanging from my door. "Bout the neatest thing that caught my attention first was that my new computer program and book had come in. This was the one to help me with my filing. YAYYYYYY! So, I downloaded that. I only got about 15 minutes to play though, before I had to do the other ER stuff, but for sure we’re looking forward to going back.
The biggest change ... this always happens while your gone ... but, the biggest change is that my biggest head-ache DSP is leaving at the end of the week. She QUIT!!! Wow, what a relief! We’ve been waiting for this for four long years. Actually, the grape vine is so ripe at our work, I knew about it over the weekend, but I wasn’t going to tell that to my boss. We’re really not a very big place.
It is going to mean more On-the-job training though. Sr. says I’m to give the new DSP my mornings. Actually, she’s a woman hired by sister 3-4 weeks ago part time and for substitutions. She’ll go full time now. I like her already and it will be a great change for the group. We’ll start next week.
YAYYYYY V-ster time! He gets the best of our complainin! :)
Soooo, brand new day ahead. Yesterday in the short hourandahalf time at work, there were a lot of people interruptions. I felt real welcomed back as well as being presented all kinds of interesting problems. Heheh there was fun stuff though too. One of the DSPs came back twice just to show us the art work her group had completed. Awe!!
Think we’ll leave early today ... Need to get the prescriptions and stop for gas. Barely used up anything last week.
Really folks, I have absolutely nothing on my mind except getting back into ordering my work life. V says I should come home on time, but I know I’m going to want to stay late. Will NEED to get everything in order. I haven’t even made a list of all the stuff I gotta do yet! That pile of papers promises plenty of stuff!
I don’t know why I don’t get droopy over the amount of work. I think though that I’m one of those people who feel needed when there is something to do. That’s the whole housework problem. No one NEEdS me to do that! "Cept kitties .. They like clean litter box, but beside that? Hmm, well one thing more. Someone, I don’t know who? But, someone taught my brand new four year old granddaughter to recognize the difference between a vacuumed and pre-vacuumed carpet! Well, like what was the deal there?? YEEKS!
Sure would have been nice to think of bringing home the new organizing book. What am I going to do to calm myself down? What would my boss do if I showed up an hour early? Hmm... Question, would she mind if I caught her in her Pj’s? Hmm, might interupt her from morning prayers. Maybe just a half hour early, I know there are clients who get there then. YAAAYYY. I know, I know ... nuttier than a fruitcake.
Hmm, did we take our slow-down pills last night?
Ok I am tired now and I have not gotten busy yet!
lOVE Reading you. I'm relieved to hear surgery wasn't needed. I'll say one thing: WIsh I had some of your energy. Hugs. *Barb*
Everythg went great! I`m so happy that no further surgery is needed!
Get those anti-biotics today!!
Yea, Harold!
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