Monday, August 9, 2004

Thomas stops by ...

Mornin ... I figure that I should try to write something in my journal today. I really enjoyed the story on Viv and us. I would like to do more entries like it. We separated our interests yesterday so that ... practical household matters are going to go to a new journal that I don’t expect will ever be read by anyone. The new journal can be found on the side bar under, "Our FlyLady Journal." It will be more of the running effort to be getting something done.

I would like to reserve this journal more for prose that’s more community friendly. Really, not sure how we’ll go about this. We’ve lost our voice and seek another.

We’ve progressed the Hall of Fame project some, but still have remaining the last 75 entries. I have to apologize for this ... we had started to become overwhelmed and decided it was best to let a little away from computer life seep in. We also slowed down in that we were able to figure out how to get past the problem of posting in a journal that wasn’t going to allow us to have an older entry section that is functional until most likely September. We’re within a few entries now of proving or disproving this theory. Need to be brave.

I would like to spend more time reading and writing, both on-line and off. More of a conversation of thoughts. It’s been so long of talking to ourselves that we’re not sure how to begin. I’d like to think us able in the collection of ideas.

We’re hearing George Winston’s, "Sleep Baby Mine." It is slow and peaceful. We’re still looking around at our environment, thinking how much we’d like to spend time in the home that we are creating. We have a collection books on great ideas through time, but then we have the other journalists who are also representing great ideas. I would like a sense of people coming over virtually to sit in our living room with us. We might as well pretend also, that the curtains and coffee table are in. Eh, why not?

Hmm, who could we invite over this morning.

Maybe we’d start our day with Thomas Merton*. Yesterday, he talked of seeds being carried in the air that we plant in our soul. I’d want to tell him about our multiplicity to find out what he thought on people with multiplicity having more than one soul. He would perhaps talk of their only being one soul which was created by God. He would say, that we find God in all relationships. I would think ... yes, one God. Perhaps after we die we’ll meet him as one ... to which though Casey cries out, "But I will want to meet him too!" Ok, so maybe we’ll see him en troupe!  BUT, our invitational soul will be one!

We’ll ask Thomas about his time spent as a monk becoming more Godlike in his mannerisms. He wouldn’t want us to though think he were any different than any other monk. He’d say, "We are all here to nurture the relationship to God." We’d think ... "Yes, that is true ... like Slo." He’d ask, "How do you mean?" We’d tell him she’d made it a point not to cut down a Spider Amaryllis so it could continue to live producing fine scents. He would say, "Yes, the relationship with God is within life."

He would add we are one with God as we unite with "Life Who dwells and sings within the essence of every creature and in the core of our own souls." We would ask he means to include all life. He would think, yes all that God created.

Thomas would then think to enlighten us on all things belonging to God such as, "pleasure and pain, joy or sorrow, and every other good or evil," for it is His will more than the thing itself. We’d pause to remember, "... like with the sexual abuse ... it was not perhaps the Grandfather I should focus on, but the will of God?" He might say, "Yes, you sacrificed your body and in so doing accepted his will." "You mean he willed the abuse?" Thomas might think to say that abuse is evil, but your ability to withstand was to become praise of God.

He would add, far from being defiled, we were purified by God. I would think ... You mean, I’m not a bad person? Thomas would say, "The world is full of contradiction. Do not think to worship self with creatures. That would be nothing, and to worship nothing would be hell." We’d think to Giggle, "That be like less than seeing the glass half empty?" Thomas would say, "Ok, later ... there's a lot of work to be done here!  Btw, nice coffee table!"

*From the imagination of Lissa and Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton (1949).


Anonymous said...

By the way, Nice coffee table!

Anonymous said...

Good luck in the dividing of your journals.  I know there are times when I want to post certain things, but they seem inappropriate for the type of journal I keep.  A seperate journal might be nice at times, if I felt I had the time and the energy for two.  In that, I'm a little jealous of you.

As to the other points in this entry - and I recognize you're just working things out for yourself and there's no real need for comment here - I just wanted to say that I often find it difficult to reconcile the existence of God with the presence of real evil in the world.  I think we often have to grab onto something in this world, whatever that thing might be - a belief, a truth, a hope - and just hold onto it in order to get through.  I think if we're able to do that, find something that helps us make sense of the insanity of life, then we're very fortunate.  Too many people go through their lives without anything to hold onto.  Sad, you know?