=_top> (Graphic from Viv the sparkly star!)
Hmm, this mornin, we decided that we’d like to write again. I offer my apologies to those waiting for induction into the Hall of Fame. We WILL finish this project ... it’s just that we need to take a little time for ourselves inbetween. It’s been pretty intense this last couple of weeks. Not necessarily the bad intense ... just that it’s been such an emotional high connecting with so many people we find ourselves sometimes lost to our own thoughts.
We’ll need to be figuring out a technical problem too. Think we are going to need to start a new HofF Journal to compensate the part where it seems you can only write about 175 journal entries in any one given month. We’re thinking that the last 100 journals could go into an attached journal, but we haven’t worked out all the details. Probably a few choice decisions. We’re better at that type of thing as it comes up about 40 entries from now.
It’s been a very long time since we’ve read our normal journals and now there are so many more we’d like to add to the list. We feel lonesome for this simple act of writing as our minds sort out the details of our thoughts. Our small world has been shaken by the magnitude of how much bigger it is just by the mention of three or four hundred more journals than we might normally see in a week. So, many people ... all with points of interest and validity!
In another semi-related matter, we’ve decided to try turning a cornerstone in our life. We would like to spend less time "griping." I think we do a lot of griping about work ... and more in particular about our boss. Sometimes in our personal life, we gripe to our friend and a little even to the boys. We’d like to make amend for this kind of behavior. We know there will be things that irritate us ... just, we figure if there is a problem, we should be able to resolve it by maintaining a different view and attitude.
Last night was an example, and maybe a chief reason why the need to change. We were coming home to meet our friend and he’d been to the place a couple of hours ahead of us. He was doing us a favor, because he’d seen the need to clean our living room carpet before the new couches come in on Saturday. We’d been frustrated because the house has been so torn up in processing the changes and we had to go out to get us a dinner. We rarely go past our beaten path and we knew the service was slow where we were going. He’d also told us something we didn’t want to hear and we were still processing this.
But, the thing is ... if I stayed on my agenda, he was most likely going to have time spent which wasn’t going to be nice, in spite of him working so hard and helping out so considerably. So, we decided to switch focus from ourselves to him. It took us a few minutes to register a smile, but the thing is we did. We let go of all the work and other gripes, and just listened to where he was at. Turns out there was quite a bit going on in his world and he’d been feeling kind of down and out. We have the ability to lighten his load only through a little caring in the right places. He left feeling better which made us feel good.
I’d like to be doing more of that. A lot more of that.
I don’t think it means necessarily letting go of all the problems. Just I would like to be more efficient in handling them. Maybe think it through, or maybe sleep on it ... make a decision, then let it go. Maybe we could make use of the new recliner or couch ... do it from a relaxed mode? Not sure if we could do it without writing, but the thought that comes to mind is that we either use a legal pad or a private journal. It seems like a good thought at least ... lets me feel good. We’re figuring it might not always be the first thing that comes to mind is the best way to go. In this way, we’d be more self sufficient ... and that which is remains an issue ... could still be brought to Dr. M. AND, TALK there, not use the time to GRIPE!!!
Yep, yep ... that’s where we are at! Let ya know how we’re doing by the ‘morrow :)
I really found this entry to be timely for me. I just came back from visiting my father and venting/griping all day on the phone yesterday to family & friends trying to sort out my frustrations with him. I know I was expecting to post details in my journal, and I still will, but I will do it better by referring to your advice about considering his (my father's) view on things he is going through. I try to keep my journal gripe-free about my husband in particular because I know writing out negative thoughts will taint my attitude terribly in dealing with him on a daily basis... but I should keep this in mind re: other family members or frustrations too! THANKS! Shana
Sounds great, etal..... Yea!!!!
Hello Guys, just a note to say Hi and let you know I'm catching up on my Journal reading. My Regards to all, Bill.
My how I have missed you!! I love reading how you articulate, and just ...I don't know, it wonderful. I am glad to be back. You were the first to comment on my first journal - and I would love it if you would come back and visit me and my new one.
Talk to you soon!
Love, Erin
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