Afternoon ... wanted to leave a note on how much I enjoyed the festivities of this last month of Anniversary celebrations and last night’s closing Ball. Couldn’t have been more delighted! We haven’t seen Viv yet this morning. I’m not sure all who would have had hang overs. There was quite a bit of drinking! My is that Vince quick! And, I was thinking some of the clothing might have been too tight for the number of clothing pieces shown to be missing through the night *silly grin*
We’ve been busy over at the FlyLady site and spent a few moments as well tidying up at the Hall of Fame. I’m very appreciative of Slo designing a graphic for the inductees. Time to let all these other thoughts though go for something new. One last hurrah for Vivian and we’ll be on our way! Vivian - You’re the best!
How we do love new thoughts and ideas! Ebb’s been out over the weekend. So, its been rather quiet here ... noone to share our pineapple cups with. We met the Count Alucard last night at the dance. We hope he comes to visit! I was much too shivery to have placed a good first impression. There were a few moments, when we found ourselves lost in his eyes. Then we saw him turn toward Vivian, before scampering away into the night. Perhaps if V ... would not have been so busy. Though not sure if that would have helped. We noticed him "hanging" against wall entrances and pillars. I’ve heard he’s rather particular in regard to drinking. Maybe, he meant to only scope the room ... I look forward to finding in the community his renown keen intellectual abilities ! I’m not sure what he is planning ... I’ve heard rumors of him creating havoc in towns visited. Seems he appreciates the Philadelphia arts ... perhaps he’ll stay awhile!
On quite a different subject ... this morning, we’ve been in touch with our friend, Thomas ... We invited him up to the balcony for a half a cup of coffee. He’s much entranced in his writing to sit for long spells. His argument ended in the belief expressed, "The only One Who can teach me to find God is God, Himself, Alone."
We’ve long since thought there were a true self and a false self. One of our first psychological terms learnedwas having a "masked self or persona." This afternoon we are left finding ourselves trying to justify our thoughts. We were left by Thomas feeling diminished by his scolding. We have been feeling ourselves becoming more and more of ourselves by placing beautiful representatives of purchased choices amongst our various rooms. But, Thomas was in ill temper and set down upon us quite an argument against our tenacity. Basically, he said:
All sin starts from the assumption that my false self, the self that exists only in my own egocentric desires, is the fundamental reality of life to which everything else in the universe is ordered. Thus I use up my life trying to accumulate pleasures and experiences and power and honor and knowledge and love, to clothe this false self and construct its nothingness into something objectively real. And I wind experiences around myself and cover myself up with pleasures and glory like bandages in order to make myself perceptible to myself and to the world, as if I were an invisible body that could only become visible when something visible covered its surface.
But there is no substance under the things I have gathered together about me. I am hollow, and my structure of pleasures and ambitions has no foundation. I am objectified in them. But they are all destined by their very contingency to be destroyed. And when they are gone there will be nothing left of me but my own nakedness and emptiness and hollowness, to tell me that I was a mistake.
I’m still shaking. Have I that much lost touch with my true self ... that which follows the likeness of God? Thomas had offered hope in whispered thought. He trickled into my ear more quietly, "The secret of my identity is hidden in the love and mercy of God." So, why had he decided to be so harsh with me! Perhaps here lay the seeds of guilt? Hmm, would it help if I blessed each piece? Not sure here ...
Well, now ... what am I going to do ... I’ve brought home all these great items. Maybe if just I not worship them, or my ability to requisition them? *Sigh* But, they are pretty! This is going to be a tough call of order for the day. Shoot ... knowthat God is more mighty than all of these, but might he not be more pleased with my happiness? Feeling sullen... We’d gladly give them up if He were to choose between them and me in a flash flood ... But, what are the chances three flights up? Course there was that Noah scandal... Let’s not put these thoughts back upon Him!
By chance could it be wrong, that I don’t seek His Holiness more often? And, it being a Sunday too ... oops ... then their was the drinking part the night previous! We’re pretty sure he’s an extended sense of humor, God. I’m thinking someone owes someone an apology for our unheavenly hoarding spree. He gets so serious on Sundays! Hmm, there’s our first Thank God ... He doesn’t wish us to go back to live days over, because I might have found ourselves repeating our purchasing ambition!
Shoot, now we’re being downright spiteful! He may not think us to heartfelt!
God, does it count that these items purchased are found to have been made by excellent artisans who were grateful to do your lovely world justice? By chance ... You have seen the Pope’s place, right? Ok, ok ... feeling a little worm-squirmish trying to escape this hook! One should never seek to entertain Thomas right after church. Is that the lesson to be learned here? Shoot, pretty sure that’s not the right path. Yes, Thomas can make a pretty good point! Tomorrow, I should read him too!?? Yes, Lord ... and the day after Sir. We’ll find the path through the bramble ... thank You for Your direction. Hope all is well with Your golf game too! The weather’s been fine :) Thank You for Your mercy ... as well as a slim waist for the dance last night! Did you see how well V can dip! Yes Sir, yes Sir ... changing subjects again Sir. I know ... I know...
*From the imagination of Lissa and Seeds of Contemplation by Thomas Merton (1949).
Hello!!! I am not quite understanding why someone would condemn you - it is not our place as humans to judge. Only God can judge. I think some bad attitude was flowing around that table. Are we only to surround ourselves with God's beauty? Beautiful flowers that grow in our gardens are to enjoy. Are we not able to take a cutting of those flowers and bring them in our house to bring beauty in? I don't think it's sinful to want to bring beauty in to a home. Items to make us more comfortable... I am excited for you to have a chance to have these nice things. You deserve them and I know they bring happiness to you. I know in my heart that you have not forgotten God. Enjoy sweeties! Tammy
My dear Aynetal,
I was happy to meet you at the Anniversary Ball. I am presently finishing my affairs in Philadelphia, but I expect to be visiting the Mid-West in the near future.
Hi, just thought I'd drop by to attempt to catch up. I checked out your new journal over there. Sounds like you've been very busy and doing lots of enjoyable things related to that Anniversary celebration thing.
So sorry I've been behind on my reading. I couldn't begin to offer all the explanations in the comment section, but it wasn't because I forgot everyone.
ayn - love the inductee award! - as soon as i figure out how to add to the about me space - i'll add it - the hall of fame is a great record of the first year - thanks for all of your hard work!
the anniversary events were all so great - sorry i missed the ball - had to work -
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