Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Rembrandt Street - Chapter 8

Problem in Resolution

Mr. And Mrs. Willobee had been home in the early afternoon when E’beth’s get-together in the rec-room had ended. Earlier they had gone grocery shopping with Megan on the University’s campus at the newly opened Mr. G’s. Margret had been picked up by Phil to spend a day at the library and Cathy was at the hospital volunteering with Sarah and her mother. Now, it was about 2 o’clock and Mr. Willobee was working at his desk. Mrs. Willobee was resting in her room and Megan was taking a nap.

E’beth came through the door quickly. She let it slam before calling out, "Mama?"

Mr. Willobee looked up from his work and said, "Shh, your mother is resting. I’m in my office. Can I help you E’beth?"

"Oh Daddy, something happened!’ rushed E’beth. It was terrible. We were in the basement and Alice went to the back part and Silver’s Grandfather came down and he scared poor Alice, and ..."

"Whoa, whoa E’beth, you’re talking too fast. Let me try and understand you! You were down in the basement with the girls, right?"


"And Alice, she’s the new girl. She went in back of the rec room?"


"And the Grandfather came down while you were all there?"


"Ok, what did he do to scare poor Alice?"

"Well, he wanted his cigarettes back, and..."

"Hmm, hold on there. Did Alice have his cigarettes?"

"Oh that’s ok daddy, she just picked them up by mistake, she was returning them."

"Ok. Then what did the Johnston’s grandfather do that was upsetting?’

"Well, he was pretty scary because he seemed cranky, but Alice said before we got over there to rescue her ..."

"Hmm. Who went over to rescue Alice from what?"

"We did Daddy, Tammy and I heard her scream so we rushed over and that’s when Silver’s grandfather got cranky, but afterward, after he went up stairs, Alice said she saw his pants were unzipped and he was relieving himself in the floor drain..

"He was what?" Mr. Willobee asked sharply.

"He was going to the bathroom and ..."

"Ok, ok I’m sorry, I have the picture now. What happened next?"

"Well, he went up stairs and Alice made me promise not to tell the other girls. So I didn’t, but after the upset no one wanted to stay around, so I said goodbye to them and they left and now is now. I’m supposed to meet Caitlin in an hour over at her house for scouts. We’re going to plan our meals for the trip."

"So?" asked Mr. Willobee, What have you concluded about all of this?"

"I don’t know Daddy. I didn’t know what to think. I was glad when he went back upstairs, but kind of afraid because he might come back down again, and I didn’t know what to say to Alice. I don’t know her very well and I think she has now a terrible impression of me.

Mr. Willobee asked his daughter to pause. He said, "E’beth, it would be hard for anyone to know how to respond. Fortunately, this isn’t something that happens everyday. What happened shouldn’t have happened. I’m glad he went back upstairs and I certainly will talk to him, but you weren’t the one to make a bad impression on Alice, the Johnston’s grandfather did that on his own. You are not responsible for what he did. Do you understand what I am trying to tell you?"

"Well, sort of Daddy. I didn’t know he was going to do that, but now I know. How am I ever going to invite the girls back?"

"I don’t want you to worry about that right now, because I will make sure this doesn’t happen again, I do want to make sure you know this isn’t your fault!" At this point, E’beth started to cry. Her father pulled her into a hug and he held her while the tears fell onto his shoulder. He pulled out his clean handkerchief and handed it to E’beth. She blew her nose and wiped away the tears.

"But, do you think Alice will ever forgive me?"

"There is nothing to forgive E’beth, remember you have done nothing wrong. It would be like the kittens tipping over a plant. They don’t do it on purpose. It’s an accident."

"But something very wrong happened while she was at my house daddy."

"E’beth, you know I am going to talk with the Johnston’s. Why don’t we think about how we can help Alice?"

"Oh yes Daddy, I think that’s a good idea!"

"I understand that Alice’s father is a policeman."

"Yes he is Daddy. Her and her mother and father and her just moved here from Philadelphia."

"I see," said Mr. Willobee. I should talk to Alice’s father. What is his name?"

"Alice’s last name is "Snow," Daddy."

"Do you have her number on the Rolodex?"

"Yes, of course. I wrote it down the first day."

"Good girl! Then you have done your part. Do you trust me?"

E’beth laughed, "Of course I trust you Daddy."

"Well, then let me take care of this now. I don’t want you to worry any further."

"Daddy, what will happen if Alice doesn’t want her father to know about it?"

"E’beth something bad happened to Alice today. If it had happened to you, wouldn’t you want me to know? It was the wrong thing for the Johnston’s grandfather to have done and that has to be fixed. That’s what Daddy’s do.

E’beth wrapped her arms around her daddy and said, "Daddy you are the best Daddy anywhere!"

Mr. Willobee chuckled. "It’s getting pretty close to 3 pm. Do you need to wash up before the Scout meeting?"

"Oh my, I almost forgot!" I need to go Daddy. Before Mr. Willobee let her go, he gave her one more hug and kissed her on the top of the head.

Mr. Willobee decided to wait a few moments before knocking on the Johnston’s door. He wanted to wait until E’beth had left and he wanted to think of what he would say. He had felt inside a sharp pang of anger that one of his daughters and the daughter’s friend to have been exposed to this indecency. He knew as a resource he could call the building owner or the police, but he wanted to hear the grandfather out, and if the grandfather couldn’t be held responsible for his actions, Mr. Willobee wanted to presume that Mr. Johnston would be.

Mr. Willobee knew that under no circumstances could he allow the situation to continue. He was very protective of his daughters and had a strong moral sensibility. Regardless of the old man’s position, he shouldn’t have been in the vicinity of the girls. Especially, if he was unable to hold himself until he could utilize one of the three bathrooms on the first floor. Mr. Willobee also considered that the grandfather was drunk, hence unstable. He wouldn’t be able to make a general assessment of his mental character until he met the man in person, though he had doubts already. It was highly likely Mr. Willobee would be fair, but firm.

Mr. Willobee’s thoughts were interrupted by two very fluffy kittens romping into the living room area. First they were in front of Mr. Willobee’s desk, then under his desk. They knocked into his legs as they tumbled. They seemed to play fight often as they honed their skills and continued determination over who was to be the boss cat. Gus already was establishing himself as the dominant one, but Gertrude had a move that Gus hadn’t figured out. She would roll on her back. As he toppled over her, she had available then all four paws in which to attack. Gus could be seen eating longer than Gertrude, where she seemed to nibble the food delicately. He was a horse!

Mr. Willobee knew already that if the kitties were up ... Sure enough Megan was heard to be waking up. He could hear the shutting of the bathroom door. As well he could guess that Mrs. Willowbee would soon be up and making dinner. E’beth had slipped out the door with a simple, "Bye Daddy! I love you!"

Mr. Willobee centered his next thoughts on Megan and the kittens. Without his awareness over the night, the new sleeping rules had become established. Although he’d made a bed for them, Gus and Gertrude had proven able to crawl up the side of Megan’s bedspread and were found cuddled next to her. Gertrude had found a cozy place next to Megan’s chest half covered by the blanket and Gus tucked him on top of the blanket directly in back of Megan’s knee.

Mr. Willobee considered bringing the kittens out of the room, but one look at Megan’s cherub face had convinced him otherwise. He knew that they’d adopted each other at first sight and he wanted to encourage the relationship. He knew that Megan needed companionship and he understood that Megan had a direct need to "take care" in a mothering sense.

He had recognized the need in the other girls as well, but they had each had the "next sister" to help tend to. They Willobees knew that they had stopped having children, so, in this far fetched sense the kittens were to be the last of the Willobee legacy and would help allow Megan the sense of not always being the "baby."

Mr. Willobee was so lost in his thoughts, he was not conscious of his wife having entered the room until she could be felt gently messaging his shoulders. She then leaned down rubbing her cheek next to his and hugged his upper torso. Mr. Willobee’s demeaner smiled from within him. "Good morning dear," he teased lovingly. Often when the Willobees had been separated, they greeted each other as if they’d just woken up together.

They were a very playful couple. Both were each aware of their own abilities to live fulfilled lives and were in tune with the parenting skills and abilities, which allowed them the comfort ability to be best friends. Mrs. Willobee murmured softly into his ear, Mmm you smell good, then asked, "How are you? Did you miss me?"

Mr. Willobee said, "I’m fine, but E’beth had come in with a problem while she was with friends down in the basement." He said I will fill you in on all the details after Megan gets settled in, but in the meantime, I’m going to go downstairs and talk to the Johnston’s."

"Oh no, I hope it isn’t serious."

He said, "Alice had been exposed to the Johnston’s grandfather relieving himself. Mrs. Willobee pulled away from her husband in disbelief of what she’d just heard. Mr. Willobee turned in his chair and took Mrs Willobees hand in his. He said, I’ve talked to E’beth she is ok for now. In a few moments I’ll go downstairs, and then after that I will make a call to the Snow’s place.

Mrs. Willobee acknowledged that her husband, as usual, had things under control, but it didn’t prevent her from worrying. Mr. Willobee could read her mind and said, "Don’t worry dear, we’ll talk about it later. Right now I see we have a very groggy six year old to care for. He nodded his head to the right. Mrs. Willobee knew without looking that Megan had made her way to the office and was pulling up a chair in front of the desk. She opened one of the drawers at the front of the desk and withdrew a large coloring book and a cigar box of well-worn crayons. "Mommy" she said, I’m hungry.

"I know you are dear. Why don’t we go out to the kitchen and see what we can find."

"Oh yes, that would be a very good idea mama." She returned the coloring supplies to the desk drawer. Got up and walked around the desk taking her mother’s hand from her father’s. she looked at her father almost apologetically, but scolded, "Daddy, you had your turn! Now Mommy wants to take care of Me!"

Mr. Willobee laughed pulling his daughter into a bear hug. He squeezed her and said, "Maybe it is still my turn!"

"Daddy, daddy," she squealed in glee, "let me go, let me go!"

"Or what?" teased Mr. Willobee

"Or I will turn you into a dragon!"

"Oh no, you don’t" he said releasing her, "Please don’t turn me into a dragon!"

Megan shook her finger at her Daddy and said, "Now you be a good daddy and share mama!"

"Yes dear, and right away too!"

Megan smiled broadly and took her mom’s hand again. In her most angelic face she asked, "Do you suppose there are any cookies left?"

Mrs. Willobee laughed saying, "Yes dear we’ll check."

Mr. Willobee went downstairs and returned without having talked to one of the Johnston’s. He knew he would return in a couple of hours. There would be a better chance of someone being home around dinner, and in the meantime he decided he should call over to the Snow’s home. He retrieved the number from the Rolodex that was by the dining room phone and sat down to call when he could hear the sound of Cathy running up the steps. Mr. Willobee laughed to himself thinking, when hadn’t that child run up those steps. He decided to wait a few more minutes before calling.

"Daddy, Mommy, I’m home, I’m home! Is anyone here?" she shouted as she burst through the door.

"We’re both here dear, Mama’s out in the kitchen." Cathy turned toward her father’s office. She had on the red and white striped dress and cap. It was required that all candy striper volunteers dress the same when they worked. Cathy was very proud of her dress and she was excited to have won the argument to wear grown-up nylons with her uniform. Mr. Willobee smiled when he saw her. Her bright cheerfulness was infectious. He opened his arms to give her a big hug and teased, "Did you perform surgery today?"

"Oh no Daddy! You know what I do!"

He said, "But not today. What did you do today pumpkin? Did you have a good time?"

She said, "Oh yes! There was so much, but do you think Mama has cookies because I’m starved!"

Mr. Willobee pretended to pout. How come I’m losing all my women to cookies?"

"Well Daddy, because I can’t eat you!" Cathy exclaimed. As Cathy left him, he found himself nodding his head thinking, this is true, this is true.

With everyone out in the kitchen, Mr. Willobee decided to try calling Mr. Snow one more time. He dialed the number and waited as it rung several times. On the fourth ring a strong male voice answered.

"Lieutenant Snow here!"

"Yes. This is Robert Willobee. Yourdaughter Alice and my daughter E’beth are friends.

"Oh yes, I’m aware of that. How are you?"

I’m good thank you, but there was an incident today while she was over and I wanted to know if I could come over to talk. "Yes, yes. That would be fine. Anything serious?"

"Well, yes actually, but it would be better if we talk in person."

"I’m available now. Do you have the address?"

Just down the block at 5314 second floor?

That’s right. Come ahead, I’ll be waiting for you.’

"Thanks," said Mr. Willowbee. He hung up the phone and walked to the kitchen. Dear I’m going to talk to Mr. Snow. I’ll be back soon!"

"Yes dear. Good idea."

Mr. Willobee grabbed his coat from the mud room and left the building.


Anonymous said...

Mr. & Mrs W are the Greatest!   Seem to be in love!!
I think i recognize these kitties!
E`Beth trusts her Dad! Great!
Mr. W is very understanding.
Hey, Phila Police Lieutenant!!  Yea!!!!!!!!!
Such a small Chapter!!   LOL
Megan is so cute!
And the grandfather....Uh oh!!
Love It!!

Anonymous said...

Have a Happy and Safe New Years!

Anonymous said...

Wow Ayn, you're writing a story of your own?  I need to read back to the other chapters, but I have to say great job with this writing effort!  I like Mr. and Mrs. W. already.  =P