Good morning. Late morning. It’s already 8:30 am. Lot’s of day has sauntered past. Hmm? It was one of those things where someone snuck back into bed after feeding kitties. Yayy for Saturdays!
We’ve been up now for a while with company listening to coldplay. We listened to his entire new album several times, but this last time played it while reading the words. Pretty damn good! Seems kind of sad though. It’s like most of it he’s thinking that if his love just tried they could meet up again. That’s a pretty loose translation, but pretty much how we’ll file it. I enjoyed listening to the music ... I don’t usually stop to slow down to "hear it." Can’t imagine how much I’m really missing by coming to it cold from outta nowhere. *sigh*
Let it pass...
So, need to use my time well to get the most out of "free" space. I’m right where I want to be. Playfully thinking/writing. Not to many cares. Well there are a few, but don’t feel so heavy at the time so appreciating the break. That may change moments from now you never know.
It took awhile to get over where we were from having had the therapy session. What finally broke our mood was first doing the lunch duty thing, then being up front. Sr. Needed to eat and the other Q and secretary were gone. So, we relaxed and poked around while up on Sr.’s computer. She was having a "be nice to ann Day" so we we’re feeling pretty relaxed. After she got back we went out for a smoke, then back to the office. Looked at the clock and thought ... shoot it’s 12:45 pm someone ought to plan for her 1:00 thinking group!
What came to mind most concretely was that the folks up front had been into a cleaning mode. Sr. Had them take apart the workshop and two offices. Everybody’s stuff was out in the hall. So, I decided to have a "cleaning" meeting. I looked up the flylady and pulled out her 11 commandments. Then we went through them. It was a great session. I was a little worried, because Sr. Had changed the tables in the multi-purpose room. So everyone was spread out differently, but they handled that and stayed fairly focused.
There weren’t any behavior problems ... just had to break up a couple of private conversations. I don’t mind a few words to friends, but I like them to keep up and operate as a group. Often what happens are there are micro-groups. It’s best when individuals from the smaller groups speaks out ... then, they are usually picked up by their group and others and things gel.
I was hoping to impress a different kind of logic to doing housework. More from the standpoint of having fun with your living space, rather than doing chores for mom. I think we met with some success. The following is what was discussed.
FlyLady's Eleven Commandments
Keep your sink clean and shiny.
2. Get dressed every morning, even if you don’t feel like it. Don’t forget your lace-up shoes.
3. Do your morning and before bedtime routine everyday.
4. Don’t allow yourself to be sidetracked by the computer (TV).
5. Pick up after yourself. If you get it out, put it away.
6. Don’t try to do two projects at once. ONE JOB AT A TIME.
7. Don’t pull out more than you can put back in one hour.
8. Do something for yourself everyday, maybe every morning and night.
9. Work as fast as you can to get the job done. This will give you more time to play later.
10. Smile even when you don’t feel like it. It is contagious. Make your mind up to be happy and you will be.
11. Don’t forget to laugh everyday. Pamper yourself, you deserve it.
Pretty neat! I was given an extra surprise. I hadn’t known that right outside the door Sr. Had sat down to listen as she was waiting for the cars to start picking people up. Wow! And, she looked relaxed no complaints. I’m sure that she was satisfied with a meeting concerned with cleaning ... even though Flylady approaches it different. It would have very much fit in sister’s keeping things in a positive light this week. YAYYY.
So, that was that. Most of the morning went by not being able to concentrate on what we should have been thinking. You knew that part.
Let’s see ... what else ... Friend is out fishing. Hunting bass! Umm, or whatever... Hope that all works out. We reminded him to stay in the boat, but he thought maybe with these kind of hot temps, it better that he fall in. Yeeks! With the fishes???
That’s all I got to say about that one!
What else. Hmm, nothing on the kids. And, you heard about Dr. M.
Hmm, anything more on work? Hmm, we had a real good staff meeting (well as much as I can tell). We finished up with some work with the DSPs on the new goal data sheets. I thinktheypretty much have it down. We started off the meeting with a sheet we had found listing four steps to learning. First is like the Ignorant step (where all is bliss). You aren’t aware of what you don’t know. Then there is the step where you don’t know it all and am aware of that! Then the next step you know more, but can’t veer too much from it straight up. Then the last step where you have incorporated the new knowledge and its like regular life. Pretty cool!
We were using it to emphasize ... please don’t tell me how impossible everything is when you are on that second step and everything is still out in front of you, OR don’t tell me you are not smart enough, then blame me for being a monster who is trying to embarrass you. Well, we said it much nicer than that, but we wanted to get a point across. It’s a process. As in ... please before complaining to the sister, give me a little space to move here! I think it’s called latitude!
Not so much got done this week. Not sure why. I did a little on the phone, not much. There was the dishwasher day ... that was tough. Did I tell you? They came to the house, but didn’t have two people - didn’t have documentation for white glove service. So, talked on the driver’s phone to company, then they emailed me ... pretty much were going to blow me off ... "we’ll umm work on it, maybe tomorrow." YEEKS! UH UH TODAY! So, I asked my friend WITH PHONE AND COMMAND to take care of it. Sure enough with calls all the way to washington DC, he got the message through and machine was delivered that same night ... no second day off from our work! The next day same friend came by with pipe wrench, fixed the faucet, and Wallah! Clean dishes!!!!
That was the coolest!
Now, today, I have to make space on shelves for extra dishes so I can finish unloading second load. This was the extra stuff from the new handy-dandy Bullet mixer. They hadn’t found a home yet. Awe.
This week due to the couple of deliveries and tiredness from messy home ... we had cleaned things up and we don’t want to lose this edge we have found. I don’t think we plan to go outside the home this weekend, so maybe concentrate on keeping it in great shape. Sure is nice to live in it this way. Oh, and we’re remembering to open the drapes. That’s good for us too. Reminds us that it is day out there ... i.e. something more than us and the computer. Eh, it’s an optimal career!
Ahh, just followed through on that! We’ve got light!Hehehe... we’ve got insulated drapes, when they’re doing their thing ... it’s really dark in here!
Hmm, already a couple of things out of place. Hold on 5-minute room rescue!
Ahh just a few things. Whoops ... coffee! Very good!
So, what’s next?? I still have a few things to do for school. I need to make a comment and read a couple of chapters of the APA manual. Hmm, maybe I better make that comment right away before I forget it’s due today. Hold on ...
Ahh, some time has past, but that task is complete! Always makes me feel good to add comments to the course room. The people that are taking this course with me are absolutely great! Everyone is like honed into what they are doing and has great aspirations. An excellent beginning. There is something very positive in having our work read by the others and having been given the assignment of commenting to others. It is all very encouraging. It’s much like commenting to others’ journal posts. But, the comments are generally a little longer. There is more back and forth.
I can hardly wait until each new time going back to the room, to see what else someone may have written. Sometimes, the posts are to something I have written and I get the feeling of having made a real connection ... a shared thought or direction. It’s really really cool. I am just enthralled with this form of education. It is perfect!
Hmm, Ok what’s next? Just thinking we’re already 60% done with first Master’s course. I’m really doing this! And, no less top of the class! Yahoo! Each post, I’m more sure that psychology specializing in education IS the way to go. I run over and over again in my head what learning means to me. This last post ... (see over here in Master’s Work) ... well, it seems to be more than anything else what has balanced my life within the "poverty" of well ... being wrapped up in whatever went on to assist us in forming self as a multiple. Don’t get me wrong. I’m very, very appreciative that my mind created a means of living through hell of childhood. But, there had to be something else to support us ... and learning was this something. It IS a very stabilizing factor.
I have always had the talent of finding others who could support the curiosities my minds have sought. If not for one part, another would be given opportunity to develop. Someone of us is always learning. Sometimes, there has been fantasticteachers for those of us most forward in our worldly front and those parts have created new options for the parts of us with the most impoverished background. It’s one of the most amazing things.
What I am feeling now is gratitude ... and certainly it is times like now, I feel in relationship to God. In the last graduate post, I wrote of having always maintained some sense of hope. I’m not sure how that happens. I had one psychologist in my life talked about people having an inner core that is hidden and protected even past ourselves. It is that which we nourish in our progressions. It absorbs life giving growth factors. Maybe only from a smile from a passerby standing at a bus stop, or a flower blossomed in one’s path. Whatever it is ... life has a way of working out toward the best, if we allow it. I feel very strongly about this.
Cool, cool ... Just got a short IM from a co-worker we’re developing a great relationship with. It’s still a novel thing to think of work people in a two-way conversation on a weekend. Great, great!! As soon as we stabilize our finances, I want to invite a few people over. That be wonderful! Oh ... and one more thing. I want to get rods and get the lace curtains up in the kitchen and back bedroom. That’s an important one that is taking forever. Maybe I could convince Macadam to one day get rods for me. My friend has been hopeless as far as going to hardware store. I need just some inexpensive rods ... maybe too little to order from online. Hmm. Maybe though that is what I’ll have to do. I’ve seen nice delivery offers lately from Target. That should be sufficient? Let’s see ... hold on.
Ok, ok ... we can do that ... maybe next check. Will cost $80 for two sets of a simple bronze design and would include two sets of the hold-backs. Nothing in comparison of what I paid for living room set. They have a set that stretches from 60"-108". That will work out ... my windows are 72" and 80". Cool, cool. We’re moving right along here!
There IS one more thing. I have to put up some pictures in my bedroom. Hmm, it seems as if we’re going to need a handy dandy fix-it person. It’ll take a couple of weeks to pull that together. Hmm, might take a lot of super-duper back rubbing, but allowing fishing trips with not a cent of guilt is very good for that kind of thing :). AHH womanly tricks! YAYYYY fish!
Ok, things are going along swimmingly! Hehehe. HA that’s a real word!
Be pretty neat to have it done bythe time Jacob comes over. Think that’s a couple of weeks away too. Wouldn’t thatbe great!!!! Ok, can’t push this too hard ... we better check on friends mood. Still need money for groceries. Got to put it all together!
Lesson #1 ... got to keep up with housework. Hmm, couple of things to hang in bedroom closet and then those shelves. Problem there is there is a couple of broken pictures that I don’t know how to process. Nice frames. Pictures of the boys, but glass is broken. What do regular people do with that? V?? Hmm, that’s right V will know! Maybe in the meantime I could put them in one of the empty back bedroom dresser drawers. Yah ... that’s a good hiding place.
Hmm, there is another problem. We have a clutter of books on the computer table. Dear friend mentioned maybe needing to throw away some of the old books on one of the six tall book shelves. He tried not to chuckle when my jaw fell to floor. Throw out a book??? Man ... that sure didn’t go over well. What AM I going to do there? He’s right ... looks cluttered where the rest of the house isn’t.
Seems like I have a few options. I could "throw" something away. Put a row of books on the back bedroom’s closet bookshelves, or start adding rows of books on the top of the shelve casing. Hmm... The least hurtful to me seems to be putting books on top of case. Might not look top drawer, but I am at a "horrid" levels as to missing just one of my precious books. It thrills me each time I give them a moment of attention. AND, if I did that ... I would have established a means of 36" x 6 = 27 more feet of book space! Yahoo ... that’s what’s going to happen! YAYYY! Decision. Need to get that done today too!
Ok, what else is holding us back? Nothing really just checked shelve in kitchen ... Pretty dusty and there are a few decorative cans. Nothing real special. We’re up to that fairly frozen to screen thing. Hmm, maybe better set the timer. Ok, 10:30 now ... let’s say 11 am. It will give us time to adjust. Last time I stood up, we got real dizzy and had to sit down. BUT, we can do this! Ok, timer is set.
ok, We’re going to handle this! We are going to sleep with PERFECT home today. YAYYYYYY! And, what would be better yet, is if we could make ourselves move around a little during the day time. Maybe go sit over on the couch for a little while ... Hmm, maybe we could even read those couple of chapters of the APA manual over there? Better get the water filled up on the nexttrip up too. That always is good for the day.
what else?
Hmm, Iknow ... we need to start the BIG assignment ... the final project. I remember reading something that if we had something down by the 8th week that the prof will look over up to three pages. Tomorrow starts week 7. Ok, is that doable? Better look ahead to see how tough week 7 is going to be. Hold on.
Ok, did that ... actually, I read all the assignments through to the end of the semester. It seems that the paper is a separate experience other than regular hand in twice a week assignments, although writing the assignments are part of developing the final paper ... Think that I need to think of this. Maybe what would be most advantageous is to complete the assignments ahead of time, if they are necessary to build the writing? Not sure. I think this next week’s assignment is to do a lot of reading on how to put together a paper. My goal then is to read all that today along with APA assignment. Then do the first assignment by the end of Sunday. Would be really, really neat if I could also put together an outline of the paper tomorrow, or even start today as I am reviewing how to do it. That would give me the feeling of progressing in a timely fashion. It seems the last week, week 10, we are to hand in the normal two assignments AND Final paper. That’s a lot of work, that could be avoided ... especially starting THIS WEEK!!!!
I had forgotten about the interview. My guy had not responded back when I’d asked to confirm a date or gain his phone number. So, yesterday night, I sent out another request. I hope he comes through. Otherwise, I will need to look for a back-up. I’d wanted to be speaking to someone in psychology-Ed, but I might have to resort to my aces in the hole. Hehehe either V or Dr. M. At least ... they’re in psychology! AND, I know they could each give me an hour of time. Hmm, sure wish V was not mega-states away enough for a back rub ... that usually works best! *giggle* Pretty sure by now that’s what happened to my initial interview inductee. NO BACK RUB! Men! Can’t live with them, Can’t live without them!
Hey, I just thought of something! Dr. M IS in education ... in a way!! He is the director for psychiatry interns! Yep, top guy! (hehehe - It gives him really nice office too - three walls of windows WooHoo!!) That puts him in charge of a whole education program! Shoot, now I hope that the other guy doesn't writeback! Let me review those questions ... would they work for Dr. M?
Hmm, would definitely have to think through the questions again. I would somehow have to convert the educational side ... with the other guy we were heavily leaning on gaining information on precision teaching. With Dr. M. we would lean much more on educating in the field of psychology, not sure if that would be ciphoning out the psychiatry part. Hmm, have to think here ... obviously, I don't need tips on how to be a psychiatrist ... leaning toward teaching or more so directing role. Hmm, that would be a good holding marker. Could focus on directing in the psychology field. Sort of like being responsible for others, forming a program, and other business management type tips as well as the fact that everybody is most likely analyzing everybody else hehehe! Ok, that'll work for now ... at least guide me through the panick stage of not having someone to interview!
Hmm, glancing at the clock. I have about six minutes left, best I get going then. Have some work to be doing! What final thoughts can I think? Hmm, there is enough orange juice to get me through at least today on those whatever drinks ... like slushies. I forget now the formal title. That’ll have to do. Can’t afford more orange juice.
Oh, we could mention that part of our week. We’re at a financial overload situation. We are in the hole on both checking accounts. Paycheck is due on Wednesday, ability to use it not ‘til Friday or Saturday. We have 11 packs of smokes. Should get us through. We have 1/4 tank of gas, but only $7.00 toward that to get us through rest of the week. AND, we got one more $5 left for parking at Dr. M’s on Monday. We might need an emergency $20 from friend. $5 for Dr. M parking on Thurs, and $15 more for gas. That’s not too bad? Hmm, better hope that friend catches BIG fish! AHA! That’s the way to go :)
Hey, I know! We can offer up a trade! Just checked freezer and there's a huges sirloin round tip or something. We could offer to cook dinner again this week instead of him taking us out for dinner and margaritas! That's surely worth an even $20?? Wow! We sure have on our good womanly thinkers today. :) It's like us to figure that he's getting a real good deal!
It's kinda funny when I think about it too. This friend and I don't write these kind of things down, but there ISa checkand balance sheet. And, speaking of ... we're still at a standstill for those grants. Hmm. It is in his court at the time, but I'm behind a whole-get-car-out-of- fix-it- garage-expense of $500 I owe him. Better give him a reminder ... Only so long I can take advantage of he's got too much to do to do anything... Need to be fair in love and war ... less anyone be getting grumpy or put-out! I think this is a definite lesson all young people should know!
Wow, just thought how handy psychology is! Hmm, with these kind of warfare tactics ... it sure makes me wonder how things evened out at son's house enough to get me Grandchild #3. Eh, too much thinking ... let's let it go to things mothers and mothers-in-law shouldn't know about closed doors!
Ok, we’re set ... time to progress! Thanks for being here! You are well loved!
Oh, one more thing as a note. We've been playing the six album options we have for coldplay and those who go with that on his mixed albums. Been Great listening! YAY V!
Well one more thing though. I just finished editing this entry. It might seem odd to people that we analyze most of our moves before literally moving. There are a couple of reasons for that. One, we are in general very analytical people, two is that with our back, we can't waste footsteps, and three ... Damn ... isn't it noticible? We're a writer! HEHE LOVE IT!!!
Hmm, Ok what’s next? Just thinking we’re already 60% done with first Master’s course. I’m really doing this! And, no less top of the class! Yahoo!
Pretty neat! I was given an extra surprise. I hadn’t known that right outside the door Sr. Had sat down to listen as she was waiting for the cars to start picking people up. Wow! And, she looked relaxed no complaints.
Hehehehehe Yea, Sr!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Especially, YEAAAA, Friend! What a good man!
" YEEKS! UH UH TODAY! So, I asked my friend WITH PHONE AND COMMAND to take care of it.
Hmm, Ok what’s next? Just thinking we’re already 60% done with first Master’s course. I’m really doing this! And, no less top of the class! Yahoo!
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa [TOP STUDENT!!!!!!!! ]
Whatever it is ... life has a way of working out toward the best, if we allow it. I feel very strongly about this.
Good Work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hard to believe you didn`t break the AOL limit!! LOL
Wow lots of things going on. I wish i could go back to bed after feeding the kitty on a Saturday. That's the problem with retail, have to work Saturdays.
:( Oh well I'm just glad to have a job in this market.
Your master's work sounds very interesting and sounds like it is going well. I'm very proud of you all.
<3 Meri
Come visit at my new home when you can.
I'm going to have to work on that list there ya got posted.
(sigh) :)
I used to use Flylady's site I think I'll check it out again :)
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