Friday, December 30, 2005
Saturday, December 3, 2005
Exodus Report #3
I just wanted to update you all of what is happening at this point with the report. The first one to respond was Vince. He’s linked to the Exodus report from over at his place, as has done Gabreael. You two are too wonderful! Thanks! In addition, Gabreael has not only posted the report on the AOL Journal message board, but she has also emailed a copy to 50 other “moved” journalists. What a girl! Thanks, thanks, thanks. I have emailed the report to a few special people. This list included: TSGERKIN, DEABVT, VivianSulliNwank, His1Desire, Judith HeartSong, GabreaelInfo, Pattboy92, ArmandT, LAB2401, Muse nLA, NICURNmama, RepublicanJen, SisterCDR, Upseted
From what I could see these are either just some of the important people I know, or people who have gone an extra distance in presenting their views as to why they have moved. I have heard back from Tianka and Vince their unparalleled support. Viv said, "I thought it was an excellent idea to give them something quantifiable. I think many people feel the Exodus is just something emotional...but it's much more than that!" Pam wished us good luck, Armandt has stated that it is a “Great Report,” Jen passed along a Thanks, and Judith let us know she has passed on the report to the Washington Post. Jen has invited people who left AOL to join a web ring, I'll post her address below. Also, I’ve written a couple of additional comments this morning. The first was a post at the AOL journal message board, and the second was a response to “Bill” over at Joe’s smoky place. I invite you to volunteer your efforts to further communicate out the message. I’d like to think the numbers represented are of value to the community and a clear communication to AOL.
That’s it, V is pretty sure, I should be getting back to some school work. Thanks for all the support you give just by being here. SMOOOCH!
AOL Journal Message Board this morning:
Thank you Gabreael for posting this report. At first glance the report may not seem significant, however the numbers are very telling. I’ve read some of what has been going on with the message board, and there seems to be confusion with numbers as journalists try to figure out their significance after AOL’s claim to a “600,000” number. It is, I imagine, hard swallowing, because there is simply not a shred of evidence to support that claim. It is somewhat threatening and demeaning, which I believe is AOL’s intent on our emotions.
Although, we can know not everyone has registered over at Pam’s directory, we can trust that the 995 people (journals) that had one time registered ARE real. It is a good representative survey. I believe that it is a first of its kind, in that, there has been no report, thus far, on AOL Journal numbers, or our impact representing the time and heart AOL journalists have devoted at their journals, or in visiting their peers as a byproduct of community spirit, or for that matter customers for AOL's advertisers.
I hope that more people take the time to read the report and that it gets passed around. In summary of the report, approximately 1/3 of the AOL community is staying with or without anger over the ad banners and treatment from AOL. 1/3 of the population hasn’t bothered to comment in their journals for over a month, and many of these have given clear intent on not coming back. In addition 15% have quit the AOL journal experience directly. That reduces the number of journalists either having gone private or in having moved to 8% and 6% respectively.
While the 6% movers may not seem a large number, it needs to be pointed out that is a number in addition to other obviously dissatisfied customers. This is something we are asking you to help communicate to AOL. Not only have they grossly misrepresented themselves to the media and us, they simply aren’t recognizing their damage to the spirit of their paid constituency. Good will is hard to come by, and in this factor they have and are failing miserably.
Our best,
From Smoky Joe’s Place this morning:
Hi everyone. Bill Schreiner, VP for AOL Community Programming (he's something like my boss's boss's boss) would like to address the ad banner situation:
Hi Bill,
I'm Ayn. I have been an AOL subscriber under Aynetal, Aynetal2, or Aynetal3, back to '93 when you were all charging per minute. This last week a few friends and I put together, what we are calling the Exodus Report. It can be found on my new Blog site over at Blogger, or at my old AOL Journal site, which I had maintained for 27 months. The report can also be found at a few others such as the message board, Vince's, and Gabreael's. It is my hope others will pick up the report, to know better where we are at as a number on your ledgers and sold to advertisers.
Basically, what I am saying is giving you all the most benefit of doubt and according to the numbers generated by looking at 995 journals(journalists), AOL's number of 600,000 journals is highly inflated even if it did include worldwide numbers. The representative number of journals that could be counted at Pam's directory suggests that about half the journalists have turned away from your Journal product. I invite you to look at the reports, and to speak more clearly on your relationship with the declining number of journalists (customers of your advertisers goods).
Ayn(Ann) Garvey
Comment from aynetal3 - 12/3/05 10:08 AM
(Web Ring Invite from Jen)
posted by Ayn | 9:26 AM | 0 comments links to this post
Exodus Report #2
In the wake of the storm, lighthouses have been lit for the safe return of the J-Land Community as it was once known. The following AOL Journalists have registered at Pam's Directory at one point over the last 29 months of Journal Service and have offered public opinions on why they chose to move away from AOL.
The first number represents the number of months the journalist had been using AOL Journal services. The second number in parenthesis represents the number of site visits that had been made to that particular journalist's journal up through the couple of weeks between November 15th and 30th. The comments are condensed, short-hand versions of the text, or at best paraphrases of what the journalist wrote. The statements are not quoted directly. Please visit the journalists to obtain a more pure, elaborate-spoken testament of their thoughts and feelings.
We did the best we could in trying to capture "the Essence" of what was being said of the reasoning journalists were leaving for Blogs outside what was once homeland.
Aiibrat - 27(33,928), ads, and stupidsheetguy tos'd
Andreakingme - 27(unknown), ads, not enough good, AOL doesn't care, change good, people matter
Angelm0304 - 8(5,517), change good
Annalia135 - 19(43,182), miss the community, grown, 1 1/2 years, support, love, hope for return through Jason Calaconais
Anmyatt - 12(unknown), ads, subscribers already pay, non-endorsements, private use, exclusive, no respect from AOL
Armandt - 27(50,418), (months changed from 7 to 27 due to AOL error), ads without permission, without warning, canned statement from PR, journalists need human contact, prefer another blogger, no customer service, felt ambushed, AOL sold integrity, Exodus, boycott AOL journals, moral objectives against particular ads, ads "crap"
Aynetal3 - 27(34,005), boycott AOL Journals, anger at ads for services paid, principle
Astaryth - 13(7,920), ads, benefits of new journals, change good, moved with the movement, now enjoy bloglines
Angelm0304 – 8(5,520), don't know why
Ber144 - 22(11,674), ads, mobile, tired, AOL non-communication, dislike no choice in ads, boycott
Bettefan05 - 24(6,048), past loyalty to AOL over, time for change, miss friends
Blattman2005 - 1(149), metaphoric run away train, ads, village cannot support this extra weight, spell the death of J-land as we know it, forced us out, there is no turning back
Boycalleddare - 21(7,149), not amused, insufficient services at AOL
Chance2288 - 19(1,794), ads, I'm not disempowered, protest, thought being valued meant something, feel abused, feels unloved, sold-out, pimped us, choice, split revenue, cost/value, independence
Chasenkids - 18(52,369), not paid for advertisement, don't endorse product, last straw, ads, join friends
Chittarabunny129 - 24(8,425) ads
Ckays1967 - 26(35,125), love and respect for community, petulant, redirect energy
Coy1234787 - 20(30,468), ads, the Great Exodus
Cutebutpsycho028 - 15(31,270), people leaving, been procrastinating changing before, angry at AOL, want to get back to real life
Dazeychic - 27(32,196), ads, had postponed decision before, regret losing service, to better live, connecting to people, expression
Deabvt - 25(22,671), sadness, diasporas, ads
Dvlwitgrneyes - 16(11,204)
Emmapeeldallas - 3(7735), ads, don't get me started on AOL, AOL wasn't offering anything I would buy somewhere else and this confirms it
Ernhrtfanalwys3 - 4(3775), won't have my journal used as free bulletin board, sick and tired of AOL not putting customers first, we're not going to take it anymore, AOL sticking it to it's paying customers again, I wasn't surprised, AOL leader in screw-over
Freeepeace - 26(78,974), ads, don't endorse ads, nor condone or approve of customer disregard and disrespect, moving on with life, community, moving on
Gabreaelinfo - 12(unknown), AOL's wretched behavior, ads, paying for advertisements, expense of AOL
Gourneeaun - 26(7897), ads, protest, angry at AOL
Gypsytrader49 - 24(3956), ads, already pay for journal, infringement on community
His1desire - 28(41957), ads, angered at thoughts for sale, angered to make decision/take stand, journals invalidated next to Blogs outside AOL, journal meant recognition which was not for sale, angry at Blogs outside AOL laughing at us, not an AOL billboard, need to protest, torn, angry, sad, frustrated, not heard by AOL, pressure of negative attention after receiving VIVI award, stressed, AOL profiting
Iscribble4u - 5(663), disappointed, rocked by corporate action coming from AOL, extremely unhappy, banner ads
Jeffcomedy - 19(3524), ads
Jellogirli - 24(unknown), intolerable terms with AOL, angry AOL deleted adult entries, can combine two journals at Blogger (adult content), people better able to know me, let it "hang-out"
Judithheartsong - 19(51632), mass exodus, ads, sickened and dismayed, defiled, grieving loss of sacred space, AOL won't take protest seriously, take a stand against ugly and wrong, cost of support system, so will assist with tracking moves the community is making, AOL can you hear us?
Krobbie67 - 24(unknown), blogger's benefits outweigh AOL, difficulty maintaining two accounts, breaking point offering free email without membership cost, already pay a Internet Access Server, selling farm on backs of loyal subscribers, have been thinking of leaving
Lab2401 – 23(3116), AOL incompetence, paying for space others get for free, ads, AOLs dysfunction, after 2 years, I find I don't seem to matter, AOL has lost my loyalty, been placated with assurances of improved service that have fallen short of promises, small pebble on their mountain, they can decorate our space their way, AOL does not respond
to emails, comments or calls, don't feel I'm wanted or needed, angry at AOL, feel disrespected, corporate greed
Lamove04 - 17(45062), hates Bank of America, boycott ads on my blog, sarcastic of AOL ad design/strategy person, disgusted with ads, people will leave, corporate greed
Levi1023 - 20(7632), on strike, AOL is terrible, journalists should be paid for the ads, most money grubbing companies don't care, AOL needs to here our complaints
Lights4me40 - 16(1122), AOL shutting me down, haven't had time to read journals, AOL makes me mad, will miss journal friends, no longer want to pay for it
Luckyaugustgirl - 19(10660), repulsed by offensive ads, more comfortable with the option of moving while things are controversial, desperately sad heart, good friends leaving, torn, don't want to lose community, afraid not to take a stand, ad ruins color scheme of journal, I hate AOL
Musenla - 25(14013), banner ads, subjected to indignities, invaded private writing space in middle of night, no permission asked, journal defaced by ads we don't endorse, AOL making money from space paid for by journalist, AOL made a big mistake, trying to attract advertisers at expense of paying customers, blatant disrespect, erode good reputation you may have, shameless ad fiasco, cancel subscription, not being treated by dignity and respect, abused subscribers long enough
Nicurnmama - 11(14156), Respect is a two-way street, love for journalists, ads, advertising at the cost of husband paying the bills, offensive ads, doesn't want the bitter hateful feelings having toward AOL, sad life is like this, optimist, tore the community, genuinely care about other journalists, community accepts each other as all shapes, sizes, beliefs, sexual preferences, political parties, and international, the community will endure - somewhere beside AOL, ugly thing to have happened
Paisleyskys - 8(unknown), I have loved every moment with AOL journals, but it is time to move, ban the ads
Pattboy92 - 24(64028), won't put up with, saddened, no warning after community VIVI awards, sense of unity AOL's Swan song, refuse to pay for AOLs advertising, no control over the advertising, if anyone profits my words should be me who is paying monthly service, unacceptable, should have been informed, angry AOL created screen name just to take complaints, not swayed by promised of "nifty" things to come, made the decision to move
Promiseluv372 - 8(3299), Hey AOL remove that ad, disclaimers band-aid gag, want the ads gone, my journal my thoughts, do not approve of the ads
Realitycheckmco - 19(unknown), AOL should wake up, wrote to AOL as 7 year paid member, AOL has greedy coffers on regular basis, AOL doesn't care, ads, need to affect AOLs bottom line, had to think hard whether or not to move, need ad free of products we don't endorse and open expression of self
Republicanjen - 16, 18331, Other blogs are ad free, AOL bloggers angered, leaving service, AOL services now being offered free, ads now being added to paid and non-paid journals, uproar in J-land community, ads an intrusion, AOL dishonest with journalists, many either moving or leaving service, ads are not palatable, mood of J-land transformed practically in a matter of hours just after journalists had hosted the VIVI Awards, mood soured quickly, boycott AOL and their advertisers, AOL ambushed its paying customers
Ryanagi - 19(unknown), on strike, 10 years with AOL, makes me cry the way AOL has shafted their members by opening to the larger non-paying Internet, giving away free services some are paying for, whoring out my journal with ads
Sepintx - 27(45389), Black Tuesday, embarrassed, AOL monetized its AOL journal product with ads, ads highly annoying, distract from journals content, waste bandwidth, AOLs ads cannot be disabled or blocked, banners across top are a throw back, ads not effective - lazy marketing, my content is unique as is other journalists, we deserve better marketing
Sideshowjane - 25(unknown), hate the ads, angry, paying AOL and AOL adds ads on our journal, we should be able to speak our mind without corporate interference, my friend has moved, people I meet on Internet say AOL is bad, AOL another faceless, money-grubbing corporation to make money, displeased
Sieblonde - 14(16296), spam ad, intrusive unwanted, shoved down my throat, no longer trust AOL, looking at other blogs, angry at journal malfunctioning, resentful, paying to be a non-consenting billboard, refuse purchase from advertisers, extremely intrusive, annoying, want them off journal, no longer participating in AOL sponsored events, such as guest editor, Scalzi's journal, magic smoke, message board or other
Sistercdr - 24(3048), AOL appears to have miscounted complaints, hate some of the advertisers on my journal, neighborhood trashed, dissatisfied with ads on paid space, sign online petition to stop AOL from displaying banner ads on paying members journals, for every one complaint there are ten equally dissatisfied customers who don't speak, just leave taking money with them, complaints give companies opportunities to change and satisfy customers, insulted, question commitment to customer satisfaction, inconvenienced by maintenance requirements, people use AOL, but nobody seems to like it, customer service issues making people angry, stayed previously because of message boards and journals, but community destroyed with effectiveness of a tornado, while "your thoughts, your blog," will not support advertisers, rude, intrusive of personal space, permission not sought, AOL is a media company, more money in ads than customers, rates driven buy subscriptions, exodus of journalists, AOL forcing away draw for advertisers, more ads than most, dissatisfied customers dissatisfied with advertisers
Starbell2 - 25(8848), Have been blog shopping for a couple of months, following migration of J-landers, other blog, very professional and more savvy, be with bloggers who are famous, professional, teckkies, and more knowledgeable, which is growth, Google has the brain power and are Internet orientated
Thebludragoness - 1(unknown), I'll be nice, hopefully can call AOL and tell them where to stick it
Theresarrt7 - 18(19301), journals are hallowed ground where secrets cry aloud, journals defaced with ads, we do our living, laughing, loving, and dying on these pages. They are not billboards for advertisers, you have defaced by house, remove the ad banners
Txsguinan - 24(13634), feel jinxed, sad everyone left town in protest, I love it here, but it is time to move on, I don't want to leave, but I can and must, friends going or gone
Upseted - 7(21109), boycott companies providing banners on AOL journals, Angry at AOL, forced ad banners without notice, do not endorse any of these companies, AOL is not listening to paying customers, remove ads banners, AIM was supposed to get banners not paid members, neighborhood is going to get bigger, more diverse, members already pay highest cost on ISP, AOL profits more for ads than customers, are we redundant, take a stand for services, customer should be priority, but AOL considers the advertisers the customers not those subscribed for years, flashing ad banners aesthetically offensive, take time to load, garish, crass and annoying, what not given away isn't worth paying for
Virage65 - 10(6704), don't like the ads, left in support of my friends, almost everything you see on AOL is advertising, I would stand with my friends in a legal complaint, sign a petition, listening to your customers is an effective way to promote good will, welcome a peaceful resolution
Viviansulllinwank - 28(unknown), AOL waited until the VIVIs then they screwed us royally, take a stand, angry at AOL, disappointed, resent what they did to the community, resent customer service for not taking care us, no release or advance notice, ugly ads, biggest insult was waiting until they thought we were happy
Xasporated - 21(unknown), words, messages, photos and expressions belong to the author of this journal not to profit AOL, relocated (free-of-cost), no ads to paying membership, please do not click ads
posted by Ayn | 9:25 AM | 2 comments links to this post
Exodus Report #1
The Exodus Report Generates Something AOL doesn't have: Reality numbers of Journalists who do make a difference
In an effort to survey the AOL Journal Community in the wake of the Advertising Scandal, we divided the community into six categories. They are:
People we know are staying at AOL journals because they have written in the last two weeks since the brouhaha. These people we called “stayers”
People we are not sure will stay at AOL journals because they have written in the last month, but not since the last two weeks since the brouhaha started. These people we called “On vacation”
People who we are pretty sure aren’t too involved because they haven’t written in their journal for over a month. These people we can call “MIA’s” Missing in action.
People who have stated in their journal they are moving out of AOL journals to another service. These people we can call “movers.”
People we are unsure of because they have gone private. These people we can call “private”
People who have quit entirely leaving only a blue box. These people we can call “quitters” (of AOL Journal Service)”
Ok, now … We surveyed 995 people (journals) – all the names were registered in Pam’s directory. This is a fair presentation of the J-Land Community. It is kept by Pam, who has been with the service the entire 29 months of operation. It can be assumed Pam has over the years already pruned from the directory, people who no longer maintain journals. Due to Pam's cancer, the Directory has added new people in the comment section, but the directory has remained fairly fixed for the last 8-9 months while Pam recovers.
Note that AOL provides no directory of journalists, although at one time, they had at least maintained a list of the last 500 people having posted an entry, so there had been a means of finding others. Now AOL service utilizes a front "Journal" advertisement listing Scalzi's and Joe's (Two AOL journal editors) sites and 5-6 regular journalists (Editor's Picks). The remaining credit for community promotion is credited to the individual journalists who gather as J-Landers to look outward and support others who post regularly, or are new to the community (posting and linking).
It has been stated that AOL hosts 600,000 journals. Even if AOL included all countries hosting the journal service, this number would seem overpowered and over-inflated by AOL marketers. The largest known gatherings of AOL Journalists in the US has been numbers closer to a thousand, but even giving AOL the benefit of the doubt by multiplying the known number by 100, which is to say 99 out of every hundred journalists are hiding, reasoning would still demand AOL isn't and hasn't been paying attention to their Journalists. This is what the numbers have to say:
Of these 995 journalists surveyed by having registered at one time in Pam's Journal and the most popular journalist in J-land:
323 (32%) journalists are stayers. Of these 323 stayers, 273 (85%) maintained visit counters. These people on average maintained AOL journal accounts for 15.44 months. These people have “rented” AOL journal space for a total of 4986 months. According to visit hits counted, these people represent 2,847,439 (52%) of the known visit business (representing activity for the advertiser). These journals average 10,430 visit hits.
84 (8%) journalists are vacationers. Of these 84 vacationers, 70 (83%) maintained visit counters. These people on average maintained AOL journals for 14.89 months. These people have “rented” AOL journal space for a total of 1,251 months. According to visit hits counted, these people represent 513,881 (9%) of the known visit business (representing activity for the advertiser). These journals average 7,341 visit hits.
298 (30%) journalists are MIA. Of these 298 MIAs, 244 (82%) maintained visit counters. These people on average maintained AOL journals for 10.54 months. These people have “rented” AOL journal space for a total of 3,141 months. According to visit hits counted, these people represent 1,177,942 (21%) of the known visit business (representing activity for the advertiser). These journals average 4,828 visit hits.
59 (6%) journalists are movers. Of these 59, movers, 47(80%) maintained visit counters. These people on average maintained AOL journals for 18.12 months. These people have “rented” AOL journal space for a total of 1,069 months. According to visit hits counted, these people represent 939,912 (17%)of the known visit business (representing activity for the advertiser). These journals average 19,998 visit hits.
80 (8%) journalists are private. Of these 80, no visit counts or months utilizing AOL journal service were able to be surveyed.
151 (15%) journalists are quitters. Of these 151, no visit counts or months utilizing AOL journal service were able to be surveyed.
Collectively, giving the most benefit of the doubt, we can calculate through Exodus Report:
Stayers, Vacationers, and Private people are more pro-AOL and amount to 487 (49%) of the people or a known factor of 3,361,320 (61%) site visits
Quitters, MIA’s, and Movers are more anti-AOL and amount to 508 (51%) of the people or a known factor of 2,117,854 (39%) site visits.
Discussion Posts to follow.
Ann and Tianka, surveyors
Link here to Acutual Numbers used in the Exodus Report
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Boycott AOL Journals
We've been Moved ...
I just wanted to let the few of you know who might
still be reading my journal, I have moved to Blogger.
I am doing this because of anger felt at AOL by adding commercialism to the service I pay for. It is a matter of principle. I will maintain the AOL account until I can transfer documents.
Ayn et al
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Please help support Boycotting AOL journals by writing directly to Bank of America ... Let them know what you think of their advertising in our Journal Space! Click here: Bank of America | Contact Us | General Inquiries | Send E-mail
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Evening! Just me. It has been a wonderful day. I left six and a half hours to visit jacob and I’m just back. A little more tired, but worn in just the right places!
How I do love visiting the boys. The practical details are that I made it there just 5 minutes late and he was hiding behind a post. That will tell you the mood of the day! Hehehe. We were in a large, quiet commons room, so we sat down there to talk a little bit. Pretty exciting, yup, yup. We fell into talking right away, but we were interrupted when a fat, chubby squirrel looked in at us through the tall plate glass window, and just stared at us with his little munchers filled with berries from the bush just behind him. Jacob fell into telling squirrel stories from round the campus. I guess they are quite hardy fellas!
Most our conversation is pretty usual for a talk with one’s college son. He talked about classes, and teachers, and some of his friends. The funniest story was that I guess he’s taken to reading his Bible in the Bathroom. I’m pretty sure I’ve read in there too, BUT not as likely to bring the Good Book. I think the longest story this time was about a gym teacher (with Ph.D.) Messing up one of his grades. Apparently, he gave a take-home test, then posted a new one on the board two days later for people to take instead. If there is one thing a college student knows, it is philosophical injustice! As it turns out his study buddy is a girl who is a junior with a straight 4.0 average and the monkey business is threatening. As the story grew longer, I felt very bad for the pair. I hope they are able to work it out. Who has ever heard losing a 4.0 over a 100 level gym class! Yeeks. AND, just for the record, when did they start paper/pencil testing in P.E.?? Like does everyone lay on a padded Mat to write?? Yeeks!
Jacob is getting more and more good, each time I talk to him. I’m not sure where he gets it from. One of today’s discussions was on honesty. I said, "C’mon Jacob, You NEVER lie?" He said, "Well, not too much!" I wouldn’t have gotten that far, but I could remember once! I felt kinda bad. Said Gee! I seem to lie all the time. Well, not mostly, but I have my ways. Most of it is in regard to shluffin at work to get some school done. I’ve stopped doing that because it was making me feel bad about my work. But, if Sr. Tess asked me do you know anything about missing cookies, I would think first to blame my friend. Hehehe, well no, I would take the blame, because we’ve got some guilt piling up about stealing cookies from nuns, but not enough guilt to stop entirely...
I also told him in a sense I lie about seat-belts, in that ... I don’t often wear one, unless I know I have to pass a police car. But, all that got me was another lecture. Let me tell you, I’m about the most lectured woman you are ever going to meet! Like I have to figure out what I’m going to tell my diet buddy about the milk shake for lunch, when he asks how I did. He usually, catches me anyway, but some tactful creative fibbing is sometimes better than receiving another lecture!
Hmm, Guess I don’t really lie too much either, well, not at least on the important stuff, ...
Whoops, friend just signed on. Someone told him about the milk shake. He’s going to now start stacking up my lectures! *Grump* His other conversation was befuddling me. Think we need some sleep. *Sigh* Nighty nite!
"Survey Like None-Other!"
The goal is to have this in every single AOL Journal. What do you have in common with others? Do you like the same things? Post this and put the title of your entry "Survey Like None-Other!" This is a great way to introduce yourself to new readers!
1. What sign are you? Cancer
2. What is your favorite color? Moss green - it matches my new couch and kitties eyes
3. How many waffles could you eat in one sitting? Um ... we’re thinking at four without a thought. Yeeks! We’re talking quarters, right?
4. Can you touch your tounge to your nose? Not a chance
5. If you had to choose between cats and dogs, which would it be? Cats - though could we talk "attitude?"
6. What is something you have learned recently? Did you know our Federal government is still messing with the American Indian’s identity and land?
7. What is your favorite quote? That`s easy; "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem" (Abraham Lincoln, n.d.).
8. What is your favorite entry in your own journal? The perpetual one I keep working on.
9. What color is your bedroom? *Gulp* Apartment white
10. Where is your favorite place to visit? Garvenin Bluff over the Mississsippi River
11. What is one thing you want to accomplish this year? Err, three? My first year of Master’s Program and catchin up at work, and holding my brand new Grandchild!
12. Why do you write in a journal? It’s like asking, "Why do I drink water!"
13. What is your favorite joke? "Hand your assignments in on time!"
14. Do you like the city or the country? Country would be a very nice place to look at horses, but the real heart of work is in the city.So,we compromise. Work city, retire each night to suburb.
15. What style is your house decorated? Mmm, "lived-in."
16. Who is your favorite artist? "GOD!!!"
17. Can you pat your tummy and rub your head at the same time? Yup!
18. Are you a night owl? Early morning bird, on a good morning we’re not only seeing Deabvt, we’ve got some homework done too!
19. What is something you love in your house? (If you have a picture you get extra credit!) My babies "Mischief" Missy and Chief!
20. Do you believe in God? Yup, yup!
21. What hobby could you never give up? Writing without a doubt.
22. What color makes you think of Hope? White with a silver lining
23. What color makes you think of Love? Fall!!
24. What is your favorite flower? Passion Flower!
25. If you had one wish for the world, what would it be? Love!
26. Whats the best surprise you have ever recieved? Getting sons!
27. What can you cook like no-one else? Ah sons swear by my Swedish meatballs with gravy and mashed potatoes!
28. What do you think about most? All that I don’t know, yet is on my path toward being educated.
29. Who is your favorite poet?
And a man said, Speak to us of Self-knowledge. And he answered, saying: Your hearts know in silence the secrets of the days and the nights. But your ears thirst for the sound of your heart's knowledge. You would know in words that which you have always known in thought. You would touch with your fingers the naked body of your dreams.
And it is well you should. The hidden well-spring of your soul must needs rise and run murmuring to the sea; and the treasure of your infinite depths would be revealed to your eyes. But let there be no scales to weigh your unknown treasure; and seek not the depths of your knowledge with staff or sounding line. For self is a sea boundless and measureless.
Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth." Say not, "I have found the path of the soul." Say rather,I have met the soul walkingupon my path." For the soul walks upon all paths. The soul walks not upon a line, neither does it grow like a reed. The soul unfolds itself, like a lotus of countless petals.
The Prophet, Kahlil Gibran
30. And last but not least, if you could wrap yourself up in one word...what would that word be? Good!
Thanks Shelli, I had fun with this!
Friday, November 11, 2005
Hmm, maybe I should go to bed?
My blog is worth $5,645.40.
How much is your blog worth?
V's blog is worth $44,034.12.
How much is your blog worth?
Hate to say it Deb, but
It says your blog and my
Masters' Blog both
worth 0.00 :(
Finalizing Organization of Week One
Ok, not too obsessive, but part of better organization is figuring out what you do during the week. This is how this first week looked.
Annual Meeting Work was 42% of my notes averaging 8 minutes per note, and 23% of the real work load.
Staff Training Work was 19% of my notes averaging 17 minutes per note, and 21% of the real work load.
Organizing was 10% of my notes averaging 26 minutes per note, and 17% of the real work load.
Client files were 9% of my notes averaging 45 minutes per note, and 28% of the real work load.
Discretionary Time was 8% of my notes averaging 8 minutes per note, and 5% of the real work time.
Clients were 8% of my notes averaging 8 minutes per note, and 4% of the real work load.
The Boss was 3% of my notes averaging 7 minutes per note, and 2% of the real work load.
CARF was 0% of my notes averaging 0 minutes per note, and 0% of the real work load. :(
So on average, I am writing 30 notes per day and spending 15.75 minutes per note. There were 122 tasks, but only 44% were completed :( Well. that means that 51 tasks WERE completed YAYYYY!!! :) Hmm. 14% of those tasks left were high priority, or hotter. We'll call this my stress load :) The way we "run" the staff and clients are that we now have base figures, the goal of the next weeks and months is to note progress!
Ok, on to the next part, or we'll have to start charting our behavior at home too! Hmm...
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Long and quite unruly (1 of 2)
Dear Dr. M.,
I'm just writing, because I like to talk to you and its the middle of the night and I have toooooo much energy! I think we fell asleep around 6:30 and its now about 1 pm. We fed the kitties the good stuff, but Chief is saying ... Go to bed woman! He is sitting on the table with me with his back turned. That did it ... gave him a petting, then got up for my coffee and he lead me back to his food container, but we'd already fed him! Ahh, but I found a grapefruit out there! Good friend brought them! Mmmm :)
I suppose I should consider going back to bed, but its like found time :)
V was on when we signed on and we talked for about 10-12 minutes. He had one of those need to go to a couple meetings to stay certified as clinical psychologist things. He seemed kind of tired. Before he said he was only going to eat a tasty pie. We frowned. Then later when I'd asked him what he would do if he met a beautiful Dr. psychology woman at the meeting, he said he'd offer to share his pie :) So, you see he's a pretty nice guy!
Our friend stopped by for just a half hour yesterday, but it was nice. He was on his way to a poker game and figured he had a little extra time. It was kind of funny, because it hadn't been discussed he'd come over. He was at the center yesterday afternoon and said he was going to stay until 5 pm and I asked him if I could stay too then and he said yes. Then we both went our separate ways, I had thought, but just after getting off the expressway, he pulled his car next to me and about scared me to death! Just didn't expect it.
I must have been a good person to talk to because it happened all yesterday. Sister came back to my office to discuss insurance, then of course, DSP #1A came in, then we had the staffing for MM, and then G., the state person came back and we talked for about an hour (some time to work), then I was going for a smoke, and then I noticed J. the other state person had come back to talk to JK (client), so he stopped in for about an hour. It was really kind of strange, because we also passed an afternoon staffing for the other Q and so E. CSO person was there too. What are the odds of them all in one day, when they each have caseloads of 80-100 people and we only serve 50 total?
Some of the talk was about work related stuff, but more from a personal point of view. The first one is probly in his early 50's. I was busy moving around in the office when he was going over files, and then I said something about being obsessive and he seemed to understand that Was like Wow! Cool! I had told him last time that I was a multiple. He had then asked about a friend of his that seemed multiple that had concerned him. He's kind of a serious person with a sneaky daring smile. He's real nice and very good looking, but kinda ticked at his work. J. complained too. J. wants to be a pastry chef! G. said he would stay for a while. I sure do hope so at least. He has a Masters degree, so I figured that was pretty cool. :)
I like that they talk to me, so I'm feeling kinda important. I worry a little, because I am conscious that it is a good idea to stay on their better side, but it is much more than that. It really seems that it is different talking to people with higher degrees. I don't know if that means I'm getting to be more snobbish, but the conversations are different. DSP's have a job, where the more educated the more apparent career. When they talk about personal stuff, I feel like at the time I am sitting there, it is about the most important stuff. I like getting to know them. I feel like I have an open guest chair policy. I was glad my friend was in a serious work mode though, because then I could work while still feeling he was around. Sister came back to talk to him too, and I'm always happy when she comes back, and real work is getting done. She caught us doing good!
Yesterday's meeting went pretty good. This is a client who is being treated for Leukemia, which had been in remission from 1999 until this last month. The mother is mostly blind now. She can see face shapes and colors, but not much detail and like has to be guided with fingers to sign the right places on paper. She is very much in love with her son and he's her baby. I had to scold her afterward for trying to pick up the garbage left from his lunch. She needed to know he was ok, and that while here, he was able to pick up his own garbage. G. and I had both sat for an extra15 minutes after the meeting to let her continue talking. I think she needed to talk. I felt bad during the meeting, because we were discussing some behavioral problems, and I'd forgotten to remember the mother thinks of her son as an angel. But, she let me slide. Sr. was a little confrontive and concerned that G. wouldn't like the goal, but I was happy when G. said he was ok. and DSP #3 also agreed that it had been good and that she didn't mind doing it. Sister had fretted that it had been too long. Not saying it isn't, but ... *Sigh* While sister and I were going on, the mother fell asleep. Kinda strange. That's never happened before. We just gently shook her and then we made sure she was ok. She was a little cloudy afterward, and during the meeting she was evasive of Sr.'s questions. I had opened up a discussion on where MM was going to live, because the mother had at one point during the summer been told there was an opening for CILA. But, after the cancer came back now, she has decided that she should keep him at home. She is afraid that no one else will recognize the signs when he is sick, because he isn't able to speak well. Mostly he makes sounds similar to speech and gestures. About a month ago, she didn't know he had pneumonia, except he was crying and she went to the doctor and he said MM needed to be hospitalized. She has some respite care for him, so that's a good situation.
Whoops, seems we're into a kind of over talkative mood here. Just seems we're a little wound up with all the extra meetings of the day. We got nice affirming messages throughout. The state still comes in and says our center is comparatively good next to other agencies and that staff out there aren't getting to know their clients and how they write nothing personal about them. The parents and clients all keep telling them the same thing. They love the center. So, that makes me feel real good. We must be ok. Still have to work harder at keeping the paperwork up to date.
That was the other ongoing concern during the day. I am still spending a little more time on the new work journal, but it is keeping me feeling that I can handle it, no matter how far behind I am. Kind of an odd thing, but it is allowing me to admit somewhere in our mind of our responsibilities. I get frustrated if I can't be stamping completed on things. I had some trouble yesterday with so many people in and out concentrating on marking time down. It is unbelievable now that I am paying attention as to how much time I lose during the day. I'll look up one moment and realize another 40 minutes has gone and I'm barely aware of what's just happened. Now, the long part seems to be in checking the lists in the journal and making sure things get processed properly. Some of the time seems to be spent in clearing small obstacles that could get in the way of concentration to be sitting down for the bigger projects. Like I was supposed to have a meeting with DSP #2 about MD's goals, but she came in right before G. left and begged off, because she had so much work from the workshop. We did the best we could in that we looked into the goals, and made some decisions without her, so that we could come back today and give her the easy version. I think she is overwhelmed enough so that it is better just to put something in front of her she could handle. But, basically that took another 20-30 minutes to process and the major projects weren't started again.
There are a couple of overriding projects right now. Well, one smaller one. I need to get DSP 1C on the Nurses register. The other ones are trying to find some good client files, which means getting annuals and Qnotes processed and I have to take care of paperwork (signatures and schedules) for staff training. All of it is involving of time and concentration. There seems to be so many of the little problems. We're up to page 9 in the journal after only 3 days. According to schedule, I am going to go through the half dozen journals I ordered in about 100 days. Pshwoo. I think there is more at the start though, because you are getting all the backed-up work in there. Yesterday, I finished entering everything I know that has to be done ... at least, with the normal work. I didn't really include much on staff training, and nothing of CARF. Hopefully, we'll get to the part where annuals and Qnotes are being processed on time. That will take a lot of pressure off, so that I can schedule CARF again.
Asst. M worked exceptionally well with the new system on Tuesday. I told her that over the weekend I'd decided to structure her day more. So, the first half hour, she will work on QChrononotes, then the next hour, she will work on entering data into Tiger, then the next two hours, she will help me with any rush projects, then beside the hour for staff training, the last 3 1/2 hours will be going into writing Qnotes. So, we began to process all that with her on Tuesday. Unfortunately, we ran into a couple of problems with computers. First, was that we had to figure out how to correct the problem with her Word program, showing an expiration period. Which basically came down to taking out the Professional program, and reloading a Microsoft works program that still had word. Means that she is going to need doing Qnotes from my main computer. It will be a little crowded, but it should be ok. We had to also move all the Chrononotes over to her computer. They were only on Word, so that was just a few emails over to her. She entered after all that the few cards, I had at that time. I like the part of the system that I handwrite out the notecard, she types it in and then files card to my box. The next part, we told her about the Tiger program and then we worked together on getting one long client file into it. It isn't going to be a real time consuming thing after they are all entered, but this time we had to spend time testing out the system. It is great. It is set-up so that if a document in the client file has expired, we enter a keyword "update" in it, then we can pull that list at any given time. We have also entered under the autodate thing dates one month before a document expires. So, hopefully, we will learn to pull reports per day, so that we can catch everything ahead of time. If we can't catch it on the day it is due, I'll have to be responsible and mark it "update," so it remains on the "to-do" list. I noticed we can also pull by time period, so what I might do is pull a list or the week on either the Friday before, or on Monday morning, then we can better schedule in the week. Beside meetings I'm not able to schedule much more than that in and for the present, I am just working on getting the day scheduled. The dots work great in that, during the scheduling period we're trying to arrange time for red dots, and yesterday we looked into some orange dots as well. If anything HAS to be done on a day, it is scheduled right away into the calendar. We are going to be working by the hair on our chiney-chin-chin for a bit yet.
After we entered the first client with Asst. M. the second computer problem was trying to figure out why the laptop wasn't printing. It could connect to the Internet, so within the time spent (especially with different cords and plugs), we narrowed it down to it was having problems with the print set-up. We really don't know how to fix that, so will have to wait a while on printing out direct. In the meantime, we figured out we could export the completed reports to PDF, and from there save to disk and transfer over to comp #1 for printing. It's not perfect, but for the time being until another computer fix-it guy is around ... will have to make due.
After lunch was over, we began the work of teaching Asst. M. how to do Qnotes. We first started with transferring over the data part, which is a consumable difficulty for each client. I think we are going to need arranging time with all the DSPs to make sure we all are on the same page with our recording. I will do that after we set up some good files for state with Asst. M, so I can have her record officially how each of the goals are set up and counted. I'll have her then type it up and keep it with the goal recording book. That will be a good thing. The next thing we did is went back over the first client's Qnotes that we thought would be good for the State. It took us a couple of hours to do four notes, but I figured that was pretty good considering all the training necessary at first. The program - MS Publisher is easy enough to handle - no problem for Asst. M., but then after explaining how things were listed on the days and month summary, I had to begin to teach how to enter the word summaries in the regular progress, problems noted section, and the real good stuff part. Hehehe. Ok, so still working on our professionalism :)
I had to explain to Asst. M. that just because the DSPs write-it it doesn't mean, we don't have to think our way through it. We explained things like we don't record the DSPs redundancies, and we had to be cautious of things like them stating they were working on things that should have been covered 3-4 years ago. It isn't rocket science, but needs consideration. I think that within 3-4 weeks Asst. M. will have it down although will still ask questions about particular client/DSP things. Since, I will be most often in the office back to back with her, I don't think it will be a problem. Usually, we are pretty quick about being able to answer, and Asst. M. asks great questions. I was very happy by the 4th qnote, she was saying, the DSP already said that! Hehehe thata girl! After that client's notes were done, she worked on deciphering the stats for another client. Very, very Good!
I can't tell you how happy Asst. M makes me feel. She's just so damned smart and easy to work for. She's kind of like you in that ... she is a very smiley person by nature. And, what we learned this last time is that she can think at my speed and has the same kind of concentration abilities when working through problems. I liked that she was able to make suggestions while we were both problem solving. What a dream!!! Our friend said, be careful or you'll train her to replace you. But, we just laughed and said, "Exactly!" Because you know ... we would really, really like it if someone replaced me in doing Qnotes! Maybe it will give me opportunities to really be doing some good work with especially CARF, my neglected baby. I'd like to think I've moved up with something in the world. We're pretty sure we've got Qnotes down.
Whoops coffee break and time to make some rice. BUT, my timer battery has gone dead ... will have to rely on my ability to watch time. Yikes! My downfall! Ok, ok we can do this too.
I figure Sr. Tess is going to be happy ... pretty much got that idea, because we've been giving Asst. M. such great reports. If she can do chrononotes, Qnotes, and learn maintenance than she's got a pretty gosh darn good start at being a full-time Q. I sure hope that she is going to want to continue after she graduates in June. She seemed suggestive when we suggested her to wait a year to get her masters so that she knows more closely what and whom she wants to work for. Though in talking to Asst. M's Mama, that's not exactly what the Mama wants. The Mom is afraid that if she steps away from school, she won't want to go back, because of interest, or time, or stepping away from a fullincome. I think that Asst. M is smarter than all that and motivated. And, I'm not sold yet that she wants to work with people who are mentally retarded for the next 5-10 years of her life. It is a great field and we'll try to convince her that the sky's the limit, but I know she also has an interest in forensics. We'll have to see. I know that Mama would be fine, quite well if she stuck to mental retardation, but I'm not sure if Asst. M. wants to pass up the excitement of that other world, or the money for that matter.
Darn, 25,000 character limit! (2 of 2)
Aha! The rice only got a little bit too done. I could really see her doing well with juvenile delinquents. I think mental retardation is going to be too easy for her, that is unless she was really challenged to do some really introspective work and learn think independently and ahead. I don't want to seem pretentious, but Asst. M has a good trainer in me. The first part because I know the present job pretty well, but for the second part, because I am still learning and I will take her with me, as well as learning from her. She's not going to get that everywhere she goes. Most people are very settled in their ways. And, I think out there she is going to find a lot of G., E. and J's who would rather be doing something else, maybe especially because of bureaucracy. Just that I could see her in a court of law preceding like on TV, where she is dressed nicely, is young and beautiful, and not only knows her stuff, but really cares. She is like a precious jewel in the making. She's got it all! She'll have to figure out big fish/little pond, or little fish/big pond. :) Ahh, I know something that might help ... She could be trained to get into state politics. That might help her with some of the professionalism she is going to need. She first told me that she doesn't write or read well. I'm not sure about reading yet, but I know she can write. My guess is that if she is slowed down with reading, it's only because she indeed reads very well, but the reading she chooses will be the hard stuff. Man, I sure hope she decides to stick it out. But, Sister is going to need eventually paying her so that she is somewhat motivated. She should be making about as much as her Mom almost and after June next year, should surpass her mom. Eh, lots more time with this one. There is no doubt in my mind though that after 3 weeks she surpasses all other trainees :)
I guess only a couple more topics to go through ... I wanted it down for the record that Macadam is doing well. I don't know if I talked to him before or after our last appointment. I think after. He and Lee spent a week ago Tuesday staying overnight in the big hospital. But, the results came back negative that would have meant the baby is coming within two weeks. Sothat is real good news. Macadam says she has the kind of bedrest where she can be up 15-20 minutes for every 4-5 hours in bed. Hmm, seems I've written this before somewhere. I think we've told anyone interested. Macadam thinks its going to be harder and harder to keep her down, because she's already getting bored. We'll have to see. This Sunday, we have an appointment with Jacob and his roommate, and the following weekend we have another tentative plan to go over to Macadam's. We're looking forward to both.
Ok, two more subjects your appointments and school ... which do we tackle first? I guess we better do school first. We've made some progress on it this last week, but we're not up to 100% yet. Over the weekend and Monday, we completed the four assignments that were past due with multi. Then yesterday morning, we completed both outlines for final projects. That's all good news ... but I still have two more assignments for cog and then one each for what was due last night. So officially, I am still four assignments behind. Some progress, but not full. It seems like school is being treated like the big projects at work, it is a process to clear all my smaller tasks and excess thoughts, before I can settle down and get into it. It is a while now over a couple of weeks since I've had any feedback with teachers. I don't think they comment much on late work, plus the cog teacher has been moving and the multi teacher has been dealing with hurricanes. Yeeks! Funny, a teacher last semester moved too. What's up with that?
The multi work has come pretty easily, but I'm being a bit leery of the other. It seems easy enough after I learn it, but there is pain and long hours in doing so. Just there is just so much ... not actually in amount, although that is up there, but mostly in difficulty. I think we have talked before about how new the concepts are. Before I fell asleep last night I started reading the multi. I think I could get done fairly soon both assignments due this week, so I could concentrate on cognitive, but I'm not sure if I'm just putting it off. I was able to do a fairly good outline, but I know I have to read a couple more chapters. And, I am going to need to start budgeting time for the final paper. We are already into week 6 of 10. Well, actually 11 ... they give you a week to catch up. The semester is just zooming. I feela little bad for not keeping up better, but every time I do get a little more done, I feel better. Can't say enough for V's questioning, "School?" Sometimes in our mind and the mind's priorities, it's like we're almost forgetting school exists. It's very much how were feeling right now about annuals and Qnotes. We know they are there, but it feels a million miles away. Well, at least down past the next street corner.
That was one good thing about yesterday's processing at work. We finished the task of separating all the tall stacks of work, so we know where each of the annuals and other tasks are in files and folders. It should be easier now to break down the tasks. It took us a while just to get to the part, where we were able to think through how to do one. So, while we were remembering, we wrote down "report, signatures, goals/objectives, and filing." It took a couple of extra days to remember we had to check ICAP reports too. I keep going over it in my mind, but I think that's how you do them. Asst. M might get into a little of that, but I hope to getting more of it done, so I'm not saving it up for her rush couple of hours. I do find that thought of her coming back, propels me further down the line. Last night, I think I mentioned I already , I scheduled my day for this morning. I allowed a half hour for mail, Sr., DSP 1A, and getting loose thoughts together, but I think I scheduled in the day to be getting projects accomplished. I gotta try to remember now. Think I scheduled in .75 minutes each for the next four client files into the computer, then I have a half hour for something, don't remember, but then I scheduled an hour for getting the nurses registry in, then an hour for staff training, and then 2.5 hours into the staff training calendar. We figured we would stay at work until 5 pm. I think we are going to try to hold onto that time, because while we can get good quiet time at work to progress the extra hour, when we get home, we are finding ourselves to tired to do seriously any school work, whether I left at 4 or 5 pm. Might as well get something done at work. It doesn't hurt me in Sr.'s eyes either. Plus, Thursday, early for your appointment. And, there are still the times, our friend comes over and we have to leave on time. Hmm, maybe I should switch that then to 5:30. Most likely only 3 nights. That is less than 5 hours a week, but it is good hours. That's about the latest really, because we need an hour or so to wind down. The secret is to eat, have a smoke, then start reading school work, that puts us out like a light! Then, obviously, we're up early. Maybe if we get these extra thoughts out of are head, we'll be finally able to concentrate on school?
Ok, one last thing. We need to think through how we are doing with you. I think it's been awhile since any of the younger parts have been out. I'd like to have it stay that way for at least one or two more meetings. In our head, the most important thing is to be getting down some of these processes. I was kinda hoping that if we brought in the journal, you might be able to help us iron out some kinks. We had a pretty long discussion about it with friend on Friday night, hmm or was that Tuesday?? *Sigh* Anyway, he was contentious from the start. As soon as I even mentioned the word journals, he thought we were wasting out time. He had also seen the new project folders and thought that out of hand. Each time out of about 20, I tried to explain something, he kept blocking the conversation with negative thinking, which is a terribly frustrating thing to go through. It makes me feel defensive. Finally, we stepped down trying to explain anything and just let him talk about his own organization. That seemed to calm him down and I am always learning something by the way he does stuff. I just don't think he's comprehending the seriousness of what's going on with my memory. He's got a great memory for detail. School though should still be ok, as long as everything is tied to paper. Just have to appreciate extra time consumption in getting it down. Benefits are that it really does allow for excellent order. Oh oh V thought. He is going to think go for A- in order, skip A+++. I live with the thought, that at any day, someone should be able to come in and take over my job. I told G. and believe that I could stay in the office forever, and if I ever made money, I would pay Sr. to keep my office :)
Whoops didn't get very far into our thoughtsof therapy. We umm still telling V. that we're in love with you. I think you might have to be a psychologist to understand something like that. I'm thinking sometimes, we live in a happy bubble. Just feeling too gosh darn happy. Thinking the boys used to make me feel that and during the early years so did my husband, but then there were the 13 years in between 1990 and 2003 that weren't so good except the boys, Dr. W. and our friend. Wow, what a lot of years. I think that's right. Dr. W. in 90 after the big break downs and separation, than our friend in 93. We lost the boys in 97 that was hard, but thinking now between 87 and 90 the real bad years with ex, but made it through with Dr. C. By 90, although everything fell apart, it really did seem to get better because of the above mentioned. So let's just call 87-93 bad years. By 93, we were officially divorced. YAYYYY! Then of course school '97-99, and then you from '99 forward. Each of these years were marker years and as for the last 6 years ... AHA You were the one who created the happy bubble! And, it didn't hurt that V. stepped in '93. He is still getting a good part of the credit for what allowed for school. Ok, let me try this one more time ... Going to do a time line!
OK ... you can skip this next part ... we're just rambling, we are going to put it all together.
59-77 BAD childhood (18 terrible years), 77 graduated high school, moved to college, 80 left college for marriage, Linder street apartment, Chicago, 80 Macadam born, 81 North Oak Park house, 82 Tanner born, 83 South Oak Park house, 84 Jacob born, 85 Spring Street house, Elgin, 87 marriage started falling apart, Douglas Street Upstairs half house, Elgin, met Dr. C., 90 mental collapse, met Dr. W., Douglas Street Downstairs half house - separated, 92 get three boys, 93 apartment on First Ave, River Grove, officially divorced, met our friend, got jobs at JVS, 95 Thatcher house, River Grove, 97 domestic crises lose three boys (start at square #1), Homeless shelter and 3 government projects, 99 graduated college with BA in psychology, got job at the Center, apartment Northside Chicago, and met Dr. M., 00 to present apartment on Forest in Brookfield, '03 collapsed of depression/too many deaths, started journal, met V., and '05 started college for MA in educational psychology. Hehehehe that's it! It all makes perfectly good sense, doesn't it?! Make a hell of an interesting resume. This all is why I am here today, hmm... Would it sell?
Pretty darn good all said! Wow some real rough years too, but given these last 28 years, nothing will ever be as bad as the first 18 of being a kid. Yep, yep 46 years old and counting. Shoot, this is my whole life so far! Pretty darn good. Wow, another interesting fact! Beside house growing up first 18 years, the longest I've ever stayed in one place is this place for the last 5 years!!!!! And, I've loved each moment of being here. AND, by ourselves! That makes 8 years "on our own." One day I'll tell the terrors of moving so much, especially on relationships with friends and neighbors. Other than that, never more than 2-3 years. Wow! Ok, not sure why all this, but my life is now accounted for! :) It's kinda funny. Been a long time since we thought it through. Looks also interesting in that 7 good years married, 6 very bad years watching marriage fall apart and end, but 12 years super years with friend. :) Hate to say it, but over and above all that there's been 5 poor years with psychologists and 16 great years with psychiatrists! Funny! You'd think by 21 years, we should be now in some kind of common law relationship with our doctors and sharing half the loot! hehehe.
Ok, ok ... I know, we've gotten to the silly part. Don't think school work is happening this morning. Only 45 min before work. *Sigh* I'm not sure which is the most outstanding highlight from all this psychology. Man, wouldn't it be prophetic if one year I really did end up with a PhD. in psychology?? You would have to say we earned it! The very best in psychology has been meeting Dr. M. the worst was electric shock treatments at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester. Can't say too much for hospitalization either. We've gone through it about 20 times, BUT it's been a few years now, knock on wood! I think this experience I am having right now is a process of reframing life. I counted them ... Basically, then I can neatly store my life in 34 life changing moments from birth to present. All of them red marker days. Many of those items periods of crises. BUT, I am still in a good mood and am generally a happy person. In the middle, I've picked up abuse, multiplicity, depression, anxiety, and obsession/compulsion, not to mention arthritis, diabetes, and a few other loose threads. Hey here's an interesting fact ... Most of my hair hasn't turned gray yet! See, there yago! Doing pretty good! Yeeks, another fact ... I just figured over a week's time I smoke 1.2 smokes every hour. Hmmm. Ok, just one last fact since I had my handy dandy calculator latoring ... For every year of my life, on average, I've gained 6.23 pounds. I believe an average woman my age should have only gained 2.82 pounds, that means I gained more than 55% of weight per year than is normal. That sure can't be good. BUT, this year, we're 20.37 pounds towards the other direction. So, things can't be too bad. *Giggling* I am also willing to bet that there is no person in the whole wide world "figurin" how many pounds per year she has gained at 6 am in the morning. Well, maybe a few, but those people would be odd!
Too what extreme will I go to avoid a simple paper?? Hmm... Whoops, shower time!
Sunday, November 6, 2005
A Good Experiment
Yoo hoo ... it worked ... more text to join this link later, but for now ... this is just a test. I was frustrated thinking I could not load my Word document in my journal due to it being a combination of Word, WordPerfect, and picture image from my snagging program. This just goes to show hard work and a little good 'ol-fashioned Tom Foolery, will get you there in a day! BTW The material is the "stuff" I have to get done to catch up my courses. Don't think its getting all done today, but figured, I should figure out, at least, what the h*** did they want again? AND, a pint of BLOOD!?? Ok, better get back to doing it! Super-V would just say, "School?"
Congratulations to the VIVI Award Winners! Refer to Patrick's Journal for final list. Hopefully, once I get caught up, I will reward myself by getting out to read some of these special journals. Again, Congrats EVERYONE!!!
Saturday, November 5, 2005
Dr. M.
We've been on this track of ordering things since 5 am now 3 pm, with time out only to get more smokes and bring in laundry and have early lunch at 11. It is very, very hard to put this down, keep checking and checking it to assure myself could work out and be excellent. I keep thinking we can build the perfect system. Maybe, though we could just resolve to have one that's pretty darn efficient? School has taken a back burner all week. I imagine in my panic over work I've given myself reason to panic over school. Just I've been feeling so lost and it is horrible to be so far behind in what I'm supposed to be doing all round. I took an extra anxiety pill at noon.
Everything is being run so methodically. I am not sure who each of the parts are that contributed to the MPD journal. This is the way it is for us though, someone says something, asks a question then some other part, we think Jesse answers the questions. They are very workable complex systems of thought, but we have no doubt, but to listen. I think Kelsie is still the main one asking questions, but it was hard for her to sort thoughts without the dialogue and support of Jesse. It amazes us that we can think through abstract problems and come up with what for us is a total package plan. Mostly, because questions are answered. Not unique though, because we see you doing it. You are responsive around the board. We are still learning to be like you. We're also working hard on weight. We are around the 289 mark ... that be closing in a couple pounds toward 25 lost.
Still everything takes time. While I am working on whatever I am working on, it feels good. I like processing thoughts, it's just I have to be more efficient ... think more globally. Like decide now that even though I might get a B instead of an A I'm going to use remainder of weekend to get caught up, without being carried into detail. I WANT so desperately to be on-time with everything. I want to think good thoughts of myself again. I'm not sure how though to get from the point of writing you now to studying. At least writing to you got me past editing the MPD journal.
Ok, have to concentrate. It's pretty close to an early dinner. Wouldn't want to start next project without being ready to go forward. Maybe if I set a goal. I would like to get some reading done in multi next ... I have to set my mind at ease that It means I'm still behind in Cog. I think we are expected to get in outline tonight for major project and I have one more cog assignment due, but I will be tomorrow behind maybe up to four assignments in multi. I'm afraid to look. Ok, ok can't be scared right? Maybe I could wait with you for an early dinner tonight? Maybe? Thanks, We are having some tomato sandwiches for dinner.
Our friend is out of town fishing and V is out for the evening. I am still not ahold of Macadam. He hasn't signed on, but I know he knows where to get me. I guess we're not going over there today. V's been around most of day :) ... we were both up about 4 am. I went out about an hour or two ago to get smokes, money for laundry and laundry to cleaners. I will have to pick it up tomorrow. I think I will be able to pay rent, but otherwise now down to 0 in my checking account with ten more days to pay day. That's not so good. I got out $20 extra in cash to pay parking at the U. So, my account balance isn't charged $30 for $5 expense. I'm at about 3/4 tank. That might be a breaking overdraft problem, plus knowing carton won't last full ten days. We are running on average about 3 days short a pack a day. Maybe I'll have to borrow $20 from either friend or over draw on account toward end of week. No more groceries for now until next check comes in. I think we have enough to about make it. We have kitty food, coffee, rice dishes, yogurt and apples. For this next part, we even still have milk and cereal! I know though that our friend will let me owe him for ten days on that. At this moment we're paid up.
I was just thinking of something ... it had come up a few moments ago when we noted the weight. Although, it is slow in coming and we're way up toward the top yet. There is now a sense of hope and more a feeling of control. I just scoffed at the thought of buying a sweet when picking up smokes and I got onto our friend badly, when he tried to convince me Dunkin Donut glazed apple fritters only 300 calories. One of our ideal images was in working like what we did at JVS eight years ago. Although it is a long time now, we were in good shape, if not mentally, at least, physically. I will never have that again because of the back, but because of needing to be moving more with Mirza and gaining the type office system as we had back then, I am strongly motivated to being able to once again stand as we are moving things around, because we are going too fast to sit. I was very quick and process motivated. And, I had that certain feeling of command and presence. I miss that. Ok, I confirmed that apple fritter is stated as being 300 calories. They list a chocolate eclair at 270 calories and a glazed donut at 180 calories. Is this real?? Boston Creme donut 240?? Maybe donuts are bad, just cuz you never have just one? Well, you might ... think though you said you didn't like sweets. AHA! Apple fritter at Krispy Cremes 400 calories!
Ok, so much for our resolve. Doesn't mean we got to get them, right? Ok, it is like 4 pm now and we're done with dinner AND after dinner smoke. We could set a goal now to work for like 3-4 hours. Lighter stuff like multi-class. It would make us feel better to get something in. Like at work the feeling of movement as we are processing something. It won't be so bad after we start, right? Not too much time left in day. It is going to be hard to put fingers somewhere else beside keyboard. I've been writing for a long time. They are sorta tired. Hmm, maybe since dinner early, we should take night time medicine early too. AND, no tv ... that will keep us up.
If we process school the rest of the evening, it would be easier to get up early tomorrow and start seriously on the day. Ok, so how do I break away without feeling impending doom. We've been knocking our ability to get things done of late, including school. Just have to concentrate? Hmm, medicine hold on. k, that's done 4:12 pm. Feeling kinda tired. Too early for bed yet. Maybe if I just bring the book a little closer? Hmm, only 6 pages to finish chapter. Don't remember though what rest of chapter was about. Maybe if I just go over high lighted parts. Think something about counseling African Americans.
Ok, so far, just took less than 10 minutes and material seems kinda familiar. As I read, I know I'd gone through that information before. So, it is somewhere close in my memory :) Hmm, kitty is pushing for a break. But, just working hard now to take care. Five minutes of kitty petting, clear table of dishes and garbage, get ice water, and start dishwasher. This is all good, right. Did something physical. Now, something student? Shoot back hurts. Nother tiny break, to regain focus. Nother smoke, no I'm not too nervous.
We're going to try a break in music too. We've listened to 162 George Winston Piano songs in a row. We turned it to our super soothing Enya. We only have 66 of her songs, so the music is only going to last about 5 1/2 hours. Sounds nice to hear dish washer running. Big sigh. About half an hour of medicine in system. Maybe you could stay around a little longer. Like if I read like 6 pages, you'll wait right here? Gotta look down and pick up pink highlighter. I got on my scrunchy eyebrows. Nother long sigh. Ok, I can do this ... take hands off keyboard!
Yoo hoo, I finished this tiny goal. I had to get through some yawning at first and Chief wanted another petting. It's now 5:08 pm. Still should be up a couple more hours. I'm not sure if I am able to write yet, but that would be next on the agenda. Ok, so what would that entail. I would have to go to school and read the assignment. Pshwoo. That's a biggie. Ok, one foot forward ... let's make it the right one.
Ok, I went in ... read a few messages and came back out after copy pasting two assignments from week before this. I was a little too intimidated to read what I had to do with them, but chapter just completed reading had to do with these two assignments. I was in a hurry to get out of the room. Felt uncomfortable in there, although I realize that there are quite a few students behind as well. That seems to help. Ok, light up another smoke. Take a few deep breaths. 5:22 pm.
Ok, I'm going to need to read the questions for the papers. I can do this, right? Shoot, looked fast ... seems hard. Heavy sigh. What would you tell me at this point? Maybe it would be ok to take a break, but I feel I have to accomplish something. Maybe put in two hours on two papers? Would that be really rushing things? We need to figure out our new global position. I think that is the one V would vote for. He said, take the B, no long-in-depth reports. He said I should try hard at that. Maybe if I frame in the questions according to pages in the book, I could pace myself and answer just what is asked of me.
Ok, still not looking hard at questions seems between two assignments there are seven literal questions and in breaking down words that need defining or interpreting to answer questions, I need to look up reference 10 things. Let's say then no more than 12-15 minutes per section. Might go up to 8 pm though, in order to frame out where answers lay in text. I think we should give ourselves time to structure what we are looking for. It might be better to list specifics of questions rather than sort out all the questions at once. Than I have key words to search for. I can keep them up on the screen while I am searching. Let's give this task 5 minutes. Go.
Wow, it took me 14 minutes to frame and understand questions being asked. Put them in outline format. It would be now more efficient if I could list answers in a few words to answer questions, and then next frame them in sentence format. I am still assuming that I am going to get answers from the book directly. Only a 15 page chapter, lets keep this light. Ok, outline page up, search beginning first page. YAYYYY done with that part ... pretty easy although generic responses straight from book, I may have to relay some experiences with clients. It is now 7:11. That part of the task took one hour 13 minutes.
Rest, Rest ... Maybe a little fruit treat? Double YAYYY! Hey, there are clean dishes out there! Our friend got us a few tiny fruit cups. This one is little baby mandarin type oranges in sweet juice! Wonderful for dry throat. The slices are only about one inch big! Ahh, that was great! I'm figuring by now I'm going to post this email, just because it is turning out to be more procedural than survival. This is a good thing, right? Still having trouble taking fingers off keyboard. Ok, outline page up, search beginning first page.
YAYYYY done with that part ... pretty easy although generic responses straight from book, I may have to relay some experiences with clients. It is now 7:11. That part of the task took one hour 13 minutes. Rest, Rest ... Maybe a little fruit treat? Double YAYYY! Hey, there are clean dishes out there! Our friend got us a few tiny fruit cups. This one is little baby mandarin type oranges in sweet juice! Wonderful for dry throat. The slices are only about one inch big! Ahh, that was great!
I'm figuring by now I'm going to post this email, just because it is turning out to be more procedural than survival. This is a good thing, right? Still having trouble taking fingers off keyboard. This next part is tough. It is almost 7:30 now. I have two options. I can either finish the double paper now and give me a later bed time than expected, or I can go to bed now at perfect time and save paper work for early tomorrow morning. Hmm, tough call. How am I feeling?
Let me look over the notes one more time. Doesn't seem to be a real hard project. I am tired, but could push self to go on. Be sure nice to get a couple papers done, but there are 3 pages of notes. Hmm, exactly 7:30 now. I'm thinking in the back of my mind that I could finish these two tonight, get up early and catch up other two for multi-cultural. Shoot that's not going to happen soon ... Have to read again. Lets look into that. Ok, just one chapter and that's umm... Wow another 15 page chapter. We will be moving on to Asian Americans.
We could set a goal to be done reading then and writing by let's say 9 am. It will depend on when I could get to bed. But, that would leave me able to complete last Saturday's paper in cog. I can't remember, but it might be another paper on memory. I could shoot for a six hour goal on that. There will be some time spent on resting. Perhaps, I could go faster, not sure.
V might say ... I bet you could finish that by noon - 3 hours! Max! Wow that would only leave one more assignment past due. We could put in 7-8 hours trying to work through our final project outline for cog. That is what is due tonight. We could add another 3-4 hours more Monday morning. Shoot for a Six am delivery date. Need to count some time in here sometime for commenting too. That takes some time. I'd like to go in to work early, been trying that last couple of days, it feels great! We're not talking real early, just like 15 minutes. Makes a whole lot of difference. We get in there before DSP 1A gets there, so can focus on tasks better. Oh shoot, this isn't getting done very fast. Maybe I better get cracking. BRB. Lets say Two papers ONE HOUR!!! They are pretty much self written, just need to make it look pretty. Ok, here we go jumping in! 7:45 pm. Set timer!
Whoops here comes go to bed kitty. She'll have to be put off. Can't go to bed yet. Ok, re-estimate we are on pace to be doing ten minute paragraphs. That means we finish the papers by 9:15, plus two comments. Let's aim for 10 pm bedtime, regardless of where we are. We're losing serious time. Won't wake up until 5 or 6 am. Frowny face. Ok you! Back at it ... no use crying over spilt milk. You have tasks to be doing! Yes ma'am.
WooHoo ... finished writing the papers. Last on only took 50 minutes, however, it is 10 pm, my witching hour. I am going to post the papers, then go back in the morning to write comments. It is time for me to say enough. Hold on let me take care of that little task. AHA! Ran into the V-ster. He tied for first place with his journals for stories and poetry (Annual AOL journal people thing). YayYYYYY him! Ok, we've stretched her pretty late tonight and Missy on table between me and computer saying bed time! YAYYY, WE DID IT~! TWO PAPERS FINISHED!!!! Smooches on the house! Thank you, thank you for all your help!
ORGANIZING WORK (Part 1 of 2) Nobody has to read this one, just say hi at bottom ;)
Ok, trying to get organized here. Need to clear mind. Have to be organized by end of Monday.
26 folders, journal, dots, stamper, markers, (no dividers)
What goes in the folders - short and long term projects, or both - difference between left and right? 13 each? (Try to be adaptable)
How do I get the journal page to lay flat and still keep it together - Even laying flat on table problematic. Not feasible to take a couple of sheets out at a time. It would be different if only using half side for writing. Maybe leave left side open for dated urgency dots. Date, description, and stamped process on right side (easy for writing) Column #1 date, Column 2-4 for writing, column 5-8 for stamps - Look to get two rows (allowing for width of stamp). Still need easy visual to say completed.
Maybe highlight project stamps for work left undone by end of day, Or updating throughout. Two colors - one lighter color ongoing, two darker color complete.
How do I reference the cards and folders in journal - C-Clients-Name/11-5-05, Project Folders - PF1, PF2, PF3, Journal pages J1, J2, J3, Lines - L1, L2, L3, permanent Left- PL1, PL2, PL3, permanent right (PR1, PR2, PR3), Accordion Day - AD1, AD2, AD3 (by date due). Or Accordion Month (AMJan, AMFeb, AMMar, Organizer - O(date). Maybe mark ref. # on urgency dots. Extra notes get brought down to new page/line - No repeating - just considered a new project. Secret is to advance projects.
Can I give up markers to Gerardo - yes you can do this, just bring black fine-tip sharpie to work
Can I do without the dividers - You have to ... no more money, unless you get some from sister. Maybe look around or put in request, then folders get marked as PF12c.
Make a decision to keep current date on top for both folders and cards (except with journal)
Try not to duplicate, so if card is involved note (See card Ref - Area/Date), but if given time it is better to record in journal assignments. Keep things together. Consider notes (cards) vs. Records (Journal). Cards When mobile
Make a note to place doubleline at end of day and bright dot with new date on it to separate/note new date.
Dots and stamps - stamp received/completed (or middle processes on right side columns, left side dots for references. Match all stickers Journal/reference. Process? We need something to clue in Mirza? Maybe a certain stamp? Harder to read through list of stamps than to note color. Maybe use marker color again. I think we’re up to needing 3 colors, can still give markers to Gerardo, but let’s not go over 4 - that we can do with currently owned extra high lighters.
Still consider leaving small note in folders with open tasks. As a reference point? Would this be too confusing? Howabout a "what if" Say like the state survey - maybe can write on card info collected for that purpose, Plus? Maybe color code folder on top for urgency. No I don’t want it all messed up.
Urgency then saved for left side of journal, maybe one dot matching color reference dot under first column left. Followed by date-noted urgency color. Try to clear up old urgencies first, if possible, except for those needing a quick turn around. Think references no longer used can be covered with black dot when reference empties/ceases to be.
Use accordion file for papers that used to be saved for Monthly documents, at end of year, clear old file month when the month starts - if holding information, place it in a permanent file. Use dated number files for information held over for a later date within month? Hmm, all dated material has to be written down in either book, or organizer.
Clean out drawer that is used for accordian ... Nothing else in it! ... Place in long-term project folder, or file in permanent, if not ongoing.
Note master Folder key, Card file key, and keys used for reference sources on front/ back of journal - type and glue to inside covers, or type and place with dots so they can be changed if necessary before journal expires.
Should Mirza’s time be split between regular tasks and rush jobs - see this as necessary until things are more caught up. Explain to her job will become more routine as we go along.
Should I go back to filing also in bottom left drawer? Permanent file perhaps, keeping projects up on top
Clean-up desk drawer project - start with middle drawer for Mirza - Have her get loose numbers to the Lotus contact list in organizer. Perhaps, use organizer dates again.Reference Journal Page Line - J132L23
What is the difference between what I am doing now compared to the program for paper tiger? Notes are more accessible - levels of urgency, not having to scroll, Still would be nice to know where things are ending up for easier reference. Maybe a Mirza project could be to relocate info from journal to Tiger? As well as cards to Q-Chrono note.
ok, now difference with Lotus Organizer scheduler and to-do list? With Lotus there was a big time pressure to maintain by dates turning everything past due to unyielding red. How is that going to be taken care of by the Journal? As it happens, we record in journal, as we complete - mark. Does it go back to Lotus organizer, or is that a duplication?
Perhaps with time dated material that isn’t getting completed? Puts us in same bind. Still, I am thinking At end of day place items in Lotus to-do with completion dates. It could be a back-up tickler. Is there a computer jack in back of desk for blue cord to go to printer in Brandi’s room? Should be, Did it work? Why are we using center plug for both? Could we print out and paste for new day, old task reference #’s. Maybe, help us pull-forward outstanding issues? No. Duplication of work? old tasks in detail in Journal. Still how about getting time dated material up to snuff in organizer. Just not Qnotes - that will be mirza’s job. Force a tickle file for things in journal, cards, folders, lines, or Accordion, or even permanent.
Make a note clean out 2nd permanent drawer and organize left. AFTER ... You get four clients fixed.
For the ongoing tiger program, we could list cards for Mirza to type in later with key words, work-up the system gradually. Or, we could use some of hour to dictate info, she can take notes, then add during hour(s) remaining, Or, we could use a different color marker in journal and just highlight key words ... if that were done on a once a week basis, might not take too long.
Let’s see so far permanent jobs for Mirza would be to type card client notes in chronological. Update Paper tiger, and do Qnotes? After she has typed cards in correct space, file cards in black box. I like that, but save time for helping out with rush jobs. Could try to narrow so client notes ½ hour, paper tiger One hour, First thing so - up to 9:30. Two hours for emergencies and4 hours for Chrononotes. That would be one Qnote per 45 minutes @ 5 per day. That might work. It would help her to keep schedule. Client notes could be done on her computer, paper tiger laptop could be moved to her desk, Rush Jobs try to keep her in her office, and qnotes need to be done at big computer in our office. Means we have to get our big computer work done early in day. Save two hour block to work WITH Mirza. After all she’s only in one day a week. Between 8:30-9:00 she’ll be using laptop and journal ... we’ll need to plan for that, or make out cards, but then that is duplication of work.
So far then, Tiger files (TF #),
permanent Left (PL#),
Permanent right (PR#),
Permanent Computer (PC#)
Journal (J(page/Line #’s)),
Organizer (O(To-Do Date)),
Cards ( C(area, possible client/staff name, Date),
Accordion Date (AD #),
Accordion Month (AM (month)),
Project Folders (Pf #),
Book (B (Author, Year),
Computer Desk Folders/files (CDF (Name)),
Desk drawer (not file drawer) (DDL1, L2, R3, R4, C5, C6, CC7),
shelf cubbyholes (cub1, cub2, cub3, cub4)
Client File (CF (Name)),
CARF (CARF(Name)).
Should have a space to for stuff going out to others, Hmm. Lot of files ... we can do it ... St. RoseCenter (SRC(Name),
Teacher storage (TS(name)).
Computer Main (Comp #1 (file name))
Computer Laptop (Comp #2 (filename))
Computer Mirza (Comp #3 (file name))
Everything should get a same color reference dot so we can use numbering system of Paper tiger.
Ok, so far so good - need to run her through test. DSP comes in with a complaint about a client. Take note on card, note in journal time and card reference. Leave under right upper folders for Mirza’s first half hour or reference back during week, until she "posts" in Qchrono. List in journal if there is a next task involved. Complete first task. Take care of second task, or save for later.
Test #2 - Sr. catches us in hall and reminds us that we haven’t completed nurses registry for DSP. Write note in journal, place an urgency dot either complete task, or schedule it on the organizer. Note in journal reference information in project folder for Nurses Registry.
Test #3 - A client has an annual scheduled for next day and no work has been completed. Later down the road when Qnote caught up, it will be a matter of transferring info from Qnote over to agenda/goals package. For now while behind, write in journal Client File (CF(Name)). Check to see when last Qnote written. Either catch up with Qnotes, be careful try not to save for later, unless working on hot project. Avoid take home work from interfering with school. Record ICAP task preferably scheduled in with DSP 2 pm time (DSP Group 3 - morning time). Write task for Getting package of sheets to be signed, all loose data being collected goes to a project folder. Folder stays up on top until Annual written, everything is signed and it gets placed back in client file (CF). As completing mini-tasks, mark completed. Mark in Paper tiger Client File (name). Annual (date) to CF, so that later we can pull up client file and note what is or is not there.
Hmm, interesting. Could we place all records in paper tiger from client files so there is a ticker time date noted? How would that go. Enter tiger file (TF) Client Files list in Title name of client and document name and date of document. Then in keywords list hot buttons, then in date due for list date one month prior. So each date we can search for today’s date and dot list to journal. Wow ... that be a system. Be very, very good to be working ahead of ourselves. Key then would be getting information added to Tiger file.
Priority of items forMirza to key in? First journal items ... need to keep that updated. Other reference words should be listed in journal for her to key in. That would keep her from having to go through cards? No, she would still need client cards, but we could take care of general cards by noting key words. So second priority would be to get client files updated in tiger file.
Until we get four good client files up to date, should this be a priority over journal? Let’s set up a scenario. Let’s say we enter NC’s file. We would record go to Tiger client file, type in NC’s name, document and document date in title, add keywords and if time dated. If time dated and expired already, it would mean coding it immediate attention - priority code. Otherwise, we could code it the one month prior. So anything due before 11-7-05 given priority if late, that could be a list Mirza or I could pull-up then and work on. Items being coded by date would include anything we can note WITH month’s notice. Good. So, now to work the system, we would go to tiger file and run search in all files for anything marked priority. How would we know if the client’s file was all good considering things could change at a day’s notice. Once all client files entered and things start being accomplished its not a problem, BUT for now ... need to watch all files to catch up.
Let’s see ... client files can be pulled up per client