Sunday, November 13, 2005


Evening! Just me. It has been a wonderful day. I left six and a half hours to visit jacob and I’m just back. A little more tired, but worn in just the right places!

How I do love visiting the boys. The practical details are that I made it there just 5 minutes late and he was hiding behind a post. That will tell you the mood of the day! Hehehe. We were in a large, quiet commons room, so we sat down there to talk a little bit. Pretty exciting, yup, yup. We fell into talking right away, but we were interrupted when a fat, chubby squirrel looked in at us through the tall plate glass window, and just stared at us with his little munchers filled with berries from the bush just behind him. Jacob fell into telling squirrel stories from round the campus. I guess they are quite hardy fellas!

Most our conversation is pretty usual for a talk with one’s college son. He talked about classes, and teachers, and some of his friends. The funniest story was that I guess he’s taken to reading his Bible in the Bathroom. I’m pretty sure I’ve read in there too, BUT not as likely to bring the Good Book. I think the longest story this time was about a gym teacher (with Ph.D.) Messing up one of his grades. Apparently, he gave a take-home test, then posted a new one on the board two days later for people to take instead. If there is one thing a college student knows, it is philosophical injustice! As it turns out his study buddy is a girl who is a junior with a straight 4.0 average and the monkey business is threatening. As the story grew longer, I felt very bad for the pair. I hope they are able to work it out. Who has ever heard losing a 4.0 over a 100 level gym class! Yeeks. AND, just for the record, when did they start paper/pencil testing in P.E.?? Like does everyone lay on a padded Mat to write?? Yeeks!

Jacob is getting more and more good, each time I talk to him. I’m not sure where he gets it from. One of today’s discussions was on honesty. I said, "C’mon Jacob, You NEVER lie?" He said, "Well, not too much!" I wouldn’t have gotten that far, but I could remember once! I felt kinda bad. Said Gee! I seem to lie all the time. Well, not mostly, but I have my ways. Most of it is in regard to shluffin at work to get some school done. I’ve stopped doing that because it was making me feel bad about my work. But, if Sr. Tess asked me do you know anything about missing cookies, I would think first to blame my friend. Hehehe, well no, I would take the blame, because we’ve got some guilt piling up about stealing cookies from nuns, but not enough guilt to stop entirely...

I also told him in a sense I lie about seat-belts, in that ... I don’t often wear one, unless I know I have to pass a police car. But, all that got me was another lecture. Let me tell you, I’m about the most lectured woman you are ever going to meet! Like I have to figure out what I’m going to tell my diet buddy about the milk shake for lunch, when he asks how I did. He usually, catches me anyway, but some tactful creative fibbing is sometimes better than receiving another lecture!

Hmm, Guess I don’t really lie too much either, well, not at least on the important stuff, ...

Whoops, friend just signed on. Someone told him about the milk shake. He’s going to now start stacking up my lectures! *Grump* His other conversation was befuddling me. Think we need some sleep. *Sigh* Nighty nite!


Anonymous said...

Sleep well:)


Anonymous said...

Watch out for bed bugs!

Anonymous said...

hey i found your link and just wanted to give you mine if you get bored please stop by and check it out and tell me what you think about