Good mornin! I’m not sure how long she’ll be today, because truth be told ... I have really not much to talk about, ... but, I figure ... when did that stop me before?
Whoops little relapse, fell asleep ... and now we are up again.
It is already half way through the day. I guess I needed a rest. I had been up writing fairly early for the Masters’ program. if you would like to see a concise summary of where we are at really ... Click on this link over to the latest entry in the masters’ Journal. Eh, I’ve had enough of conciseness and editing for the day. In this journal, I will look at it just a couple of times and there are rarely editing changes. AND, I can be loose in my grammar structure. YAYYYYYY, YAYYYYY that I can write YAYYYYYY! Let's through in a few smiley's too :) :) :) Hehehe and a *giggle* Being so formal sometimes drives me nutty! Letting down boundaries ... yep back to my silly script and all. i am rambling plenty good ... umm, oh yeah ... this script is looks more like my handwriting than any other ... that's why I like it :)
Let’s see anything I want to add from this week yet. Hmm. Worked all week. Went to my doc appointments, stopped phsyical therapy, Worked. School. That’s about it.
Maybe we should zoom ahead into the rest of the weekend planning. I have like most of you the long weekend for Memorial Day. I have no "real" plans. I’m not invited to go anywhere or spend time with anyone. Sometimes McAdam will call last moment ... I think Jacob is booked. He’s planning a weekend marathon Dungeons and Dragons. I guess you gotta be into games to understand all of that. I do know the boys have their passions, like my passion for writing and computer usage. I respect that.
The prof has set out already the homework that will be due on Wednesday. I will get a jump on that for sure, but maybe tomorrow. I know that it is going to take some reading to accomplish the objectives. I know I also should read the newest book we have on Precision Teaching. It is only about 140 pages, but should be taken slowly in a studied approach. I want to make sure I have it straight, because it is the foundation of all this work I want to be doing. Perhaps, I will work on that next after this journal. Kind of late in the day to start that project, but I’ve still got a substantial time block.
I don’t think I brought home anything directly from work. Yesterday, was a real hodgepodge. I started the day early enough, but was catching-up with straggles of information the first period. We had said our good morning in each of the rooms and gone back to the office, but we were called back to one of the rooms because one of my clients was having an outburst. Hehe the sneaky DSP who IS loved, but regardless, she snuck out the door for chapel while I was left with her mess ... for 45 minutes!
That was, of course, back in shape when chapel was over and I had a scheduled meeting with this staff in 20 minutes, so I let her reorganize her room and snuck out! I stopped by in one of the other rooms and listened to a presentation, but was called out by a staff who needed to tell me there was a tow truck out front and my car was preventing him from access to the booted car. So, I messed with that.
Just enough time to stop in the washroom and grab my notebook. I was observing group IV. That went pretty well. Everyone got comfortable and the DSP seemed eager to talk about one of my client goals that wasn’t working. So, I said, "Great" let’s do it!
I wasn’t expecting what I saw, but I am on this new track. All DSPs are wonderful, but sometimes they need special attention! HEHE. After she gave two paragraphs of information to the client on how to do a simple task, she turned to me and stated, "See, she doesn’t do it1" I tried not to chuckle ... I thought, Hmm, I have my work cut out for me. So, we took apart the task which is a process called, "Task analysis." We simplified an over-abundance of confusing statements to four precise statements. 1) Look at the card, 2) take the card, 3) Put the card here, and 4) "Good." We also cut down on the number of cards the client was dealing with so she only had six identical cards. We weren’t anywhere close to sorting.
It was fun work, and it was good work. We then watched similarly another client being taught to put wooden puzzle pieces in their slot. This was broken down to (No verbal) 1) pick up the knob, 2) place the piece on the board, 3) slide the piece and 4) drop the piece in the board. Soon after that the DSP had to leave to help her clients set up lunches, but I used the time to create a chart which was typed up before I took over my lunch room duties. Usually that means I rush people through lunch for sister so they can get outside and relax for 15 minutes.
The chart had blankcolumns to include which steps were being used 1) - 4) or 5). Anything more is too complex. Then in the rows we wrote Independent, verbal, gestural, or physical. This has to do with the kind of prompts or cues a client might need. Then in the actual grid the DSP writes the number of successful trials over the number of trials completed. Like if the client successfully looks at four cards with only verbal prompts (no gestures or physical) out 6 the DSP would write 4/6 or 67%. Then I turned the paper to portrait and copy/pasted the form, so there would be rounds could be repeated 5 times and summarized in the last form.
I next got stuck covering the front end for a while so the secretary could get her lunch. Both Sister and the other QMRP (who have offices up front) usually cover, but everyone was gone. So, I’ve since then installed musicmatch Jukebox in both the front computers so I could enjoy being up there as well as in my office. It really makes a difference. Both the boss and secretary got new computers ... beauties! I heheh picked them out, but man ... their mouse and keyboards are something. When my boss complained of how fast the mouse moved, I just groaned , "Trade Down to me!" But, she didn’t Respond to that. Shoot!
In general, that whole thing went without incident. But, the secretary has a terrible habit of taking long 45 minute lunches. So, I missed mine. I grabbed at least one smoke before going into thinking group. I had decided that we were going to work on task analysis there too. I had started to prepare the DSPs during the training meeting the day before that we were going to be changing the structure of our goals. Now, I had the opportunity to work with the group. They weren’t so sure after the first introduction sentences on what we were going to do, but they are usually pretty interested in figuring it out. They sort of think as a group.
I said, "Ok, someone give me one of their goals." They looked blank. I said, "No one knows what there goals are?" (Each have three and they are to one degree or another same or different). So, we rephrased, "Can someone tell me what they would like to learn?" One of the clients (my usual - first hand puter-uper-er) said she wanted to learn helping. I thought, ok ... good. What kind of helping? Apparently, she had seen some of the girls from one of the other groups going in to help with group IV. Thought interesting. I bet she could do the job too!But, for the time being we had a room full of people, so we took the next step.
Ok, who in the room works with that group now? Five people volunteered their hands. I asked them, if one could tell the group what they did while they were in the room. One of the individuals explained she used a particular "manipulative Board." So, we broke that down into four tasks. But, that hadn’t gotten the attention of the many. They were looking confused. They needed something more hands on. We tried another route. We asked one of the brightest though quietest in the room who I know is paying attention, because he sits each week in one of the front chairs.
I said, "Can you tell me what you would like to learn?" He said clearly, "Money!" Pshwoo ... tough crowd, "What kind of money, coins or cash?" "Cash." "Do you know what each of the bills look like?" "Yes" (He’s not a big user of excess words) "Ok, cash. What would you like to do with cash?" He said, "Count it!" (Our people are being brain-washed, yeeks). "Ok, can you count 1-100?" "Yes," "Can you count using 5's?" "Yes" And so forth. "Ok, what else would you like to do with it? It seems like you have counting down already? What else can you do with money or cash?" He said, "Sort-it!" Ok, ok ... all of this we could do task analysis on, but I was already pretty analyzed already. I was looking for something more profound, I couldn’t describe. I said, "Ok, Ok let’s say you have all the money sorted and counted, What do you want to learn next?" "Spend-it!" Oh man I just chuckled and chuckled. His clarity is brilliant!
I said, Ok, let’s do this. We’re going to break down the steps of spending money, is that good? Everyone had been following along and listening laughing at the appropriate times. I’m pretty animated in front of this group, so we’re encouraging groans and cheers. I took a piece of legal paper I carry with me and divided it into the 8 sections. "I held the yellow paper in the air and I said this is our money." Then I said, "we need something to buy. Look around the room, what would you like to purchase?" They are pretty neat folks ... the first thing on their list was the TV! It’s a big black beauty of a TV. I said, "Great we’ll sell the TV!" YAYYY! Everyone was happy. "What else?" They pretty quickly named off eight items and I quickly calculated a price. I figured the TV was 5 bucks, the VCR was 4 bucks, the boombox and microwave was 3 bucks, the table and Exercise equipmentwas 2 bucks and the big ball and games were each 1 buck.
Then I invited the first client who had been helping me come up and purchase items with the eight bucks I gavehim. He made his purchase, then I said, "Who next?" And, we learned from each other ... (need to figure out one’s pacing and terminology), Thebetter majority raised their hands, soI figured I’d really caught their attention. So, I said we were going to make a game of it and figure out who our best shoppers are. So, systematically, we had almost everyone come up to the board and with eithermore or less assistance purchase the items. They had to both choose and count, and they had to spend only, but all the $8 bucks.
They had a great amount of fun picking out "THEIR" items and there was a lot of group transference so they were learning from each other how to make the purchases (or have a turn) and they were into the spirit of the game, because we kept score between rounds that so and so was faster than so and so, but not as fast as so and so. The scores were dynamic and the people moving up or down the scale were changing. The group likes movement. The group cheered on their favorites or encouraged the quieter ones to give it a try. They are very supportive of each other.
It didn’t take too long before the time was used up. The girl that had Won the contest (By the way first, second and third all went to girls) had figured out which items she wanted before getting up to the board. Hard as I could, couldn’t convince most of them to think ahead and it ate into their time ... Rounds were from 7 seconds to 2 minutes. Most though were 45-50 seconds so things were moving along pretty quickly.
What had happened and was clearer after the shopping than before the shopping was that clients, or at least one client had been able to figure out his goal. The goal could be taught to many, and each of the clients had one trial out of one. Each had unique problem in completing the task. If I were to do this goal in a formal meeting, I could list (have picture) different kind of real items, perhaps go to stores, compare brands, include real prices, and set up break-down objectives. It is a lot different shopping for eggs and tooth brushes than clothes and cruises to the Bahamas. We could set up the objectives as items .25 cents to $10, $10-50, $50-100, $100-500, $500-$1,000, 1,000=10,000, $10,000-50,000, $50000-100,000, and 100,000 and more ... (houses & super fancy cars). That is at least for the upper two groups, we’d have to narrow down the scope for group III.
now, utilizing the technology gained this last month, we could get pictures of say 100 items and establish costs for each put them in the PracticeMill program which makes flash cards and computer quizzes and tests. The cards and quizzes could ask, "How much for each item?" Then you could set it up to say which is more expensive? Then because it is the program that it is, you could build up fluency by having the client compete against himself in time it takes to get throughstacks either each category separate or all categories together. It would be a great goal! Hmm, maybe for the flash cards, we would use some form of a tape measure with amounts on it indicating moreor less. Could be, could be ... hmm. We could also place on the cards according to minimum wage how many days, weeks or years it would take to earn each amount. Interesting.
Anyway, soon after the thinking group was over, we had a meeting with one of the staff, then went up front to release the secretary. There were still three clients waiting for cabs and the front end to watch until four. We figured out the musicmatch and turned up "Prince" per client choice. Hehehe turning up music isn’t something that might happen if Sister were in the building!
We went out with our friend afterwork and had yessss, the secret word, "Margaritas!!!" YAYYYYY!
And, that pretty much brings us up to now. Maybe we should be moving along soon to working with the Precision teaching. I want to really know that information. One of the things I found this week working with staff, beside it takes a while to record everything! Is that the more well founded the information is in my head the easier it is to teach. Somehow, I seem to be able more now then ever before to come up with solutions to problems. That’s a pretty neat feeling ... again, like with the clients that things are moving. Maybe I will coin a new term. We’ll call it "Thought surfing!" Yes, I like that.
BUT, we still have a little more figuring to do. We need to set up a three day weekend ... wouldn’t want the time to go to waste. Let’s see ... this afternoon start and conclude by tomorrow afternoon the material on Precision teaching, then do the next assignment, then ... Hmm ... I know I’m going to go ahead through the rest of the weekend pre-studying the work on up ahead.
I would really like to start soon the big final project. I’m much, much better using at home time for school and work time for work, but I want to get the big project done, so I can start clearly with the other two classes at first of July. See week 4 completed now ... so the goal is to complete the project by end of week 8 or end. Maybe this weekend I should then break the task into four equal tasks. Hmm, that seems good ... with any luck at all, the fourth task will just be editing. We takea long time with that.
Ok, ok ... good, good ... feel the weekend is being used well. I’m paced! Dishes? They can wait until the dishwasher gets here. It shipped sometime this week, looking forward! YAYYYYY!
Oh and one more thing we need to do over the three days ... We need to learn how to operate our new chopper upper thing. We just discovered how fast you could puree strawberries or mushrooms. Although that wasn't our first intent! Hmm Strawberry smoothies, YAYYYYY!
1 comment:
Good mornin! I’m not sure how long she’ll be today, because truth be told ... I have really not much to talk about, ... but, I figure ... when did that stop me before?
Yea!! A short Post!!
{{{ Oops! }}}
What you`ve adapted from school to work is GREAT!
I`ll take the TV!
Yea!! Musicmatch! Everywhere!!!!!!!!
Enter the Dishwasher!!!!!!!!
{{{ HUGS }}}
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