We believe that every individual and family (like their business counterparts) should create for themselves a mission statement. It seems that if everyone knew what to focus their decisions on, their life would be much more purposeful and cohesive. We find the same thing especially true in our MP world. Each of our abled parts have helped to create a statement that we could all stand by; the statement exemplifies our combined values.
Each individual's mission statement should be unique to the values they most respect and honor. It helped us to start each sentence with the words, "I will ... " If you need a list of values to help you get started ... this one will do. HumanityQuest.com: Home Page For 500+ Human Values We as a system have a very bad memory, so we use computer post-it notes to stick the mission statement (and other reminders) where we will all see them most often. You can get them free from the company by choosing "lite" from their selection." Post-it® Software Notes: Overview
I will include our mission statement, but please use it for just an example. It will mean much more to you, if you find your own direction! And, don't forget to edit and update as your values change. <Hehehe> There was a time we valued just clean diapers. We find in general being a Grandma(s) means having much fewer concerns. And, keep the statement short and workable!
"I will respect myself by being honest with my thoughts and feelings. I will love myself, my God, my family, my friends, and people I meet along my path. I will honor my freedom and independence and cherish my right to make choices. I will strive to be capable. I will be responsible for happiness, and I will share whatever wisdom I learn in offering help to others."
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