Saturday, August 23, 2003

Suicidal Ideation

We wanted to say something of a caution here on suicidal ideation and acting out of those behaviors or other self destructive urges.  First, and most important ... if you are dealing with these issues ... seek professional help now.  This is a good place to start.  They can help you if you are in a crisis. - When You Feel You Can't Go On -- Let Someone Know Your Pain. You can call a Suicide Hotline Right Now. ...

The next thing you should know is that we believe and have made commitments with our doctor to be hospitalized if we can't control these urges or desires.  Usually, it's just a few of the parts of our system actually going through these ideations.  But, it has to be safe for all of us, because we share the same body.  If we can't get a hold of our doctor we have to be responsible to call the psychiatrist on call at our local emergency hospital. 

Last, I'm not a licensed psychologist.  I can and will talk about the issues, but this is just from a lay person(s) point of view of someone who has experienced the trauma and has been enabled to see a few ideas past it.  Know the emergency numbers of your support system!  This is the most serious life giving decision you will ever make ... with the exception of choosing to have a baby.  Make good choices.

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