Wednesday, June 2, 2004

Lot's to Do, Thinking One Step at a Time

Morning all ... Are we all still friendly with the break of day? :) Ya, let’s be...

We finished some journal reading AFTER we checked in with diet results. The food came an hour early so there was a mad dash home. Well, as much as could be said for Chicago traffic :) I love seeing the expression on the Peapod delivery men's faces as they come up the three flights of steps determined to wear 20 heavy bags on their wrists. I think they feel pain. We make sure to tip well. Hehe When this one called to see if he might just drop the packages at the door, we firmly said, "No." Life is just not THAT easy!!

Beside from our extravagantly fat free chili, all food items made it home. We’ll try to make do. I’m sure I’ll tire of the bean burrito meal, but it was very delightfully filling. We started with the large golden apple it was juicy and tasteful beyond expectation. Then we followed it with two bean burritos with sour cream and salsa. The tortilla was the best I’d ever eaten ... all natural wheat and oat. And last, a double helping of the fresh chilled pineapple. This is living very well according to our normal standards. I felt indulgent and was especially happy at noting the cost was only 73% the calorie count of the traditional whopper. Felt real good!

We were 20% under our target calorie count, and recording ahead of ourselves today, it looks like we’ll be like 44% under. Not sure where this might be wrong. Target calories is 2480 (this will come down after a bit of weight loss), but its only recording as 1389 calories to be eaten as per our menu today. I’ve included granola cereal, apricot, apple, two peanut butter sandwiches, yogurt, carrots, celeries, two bean burritos, and some grapefruit. Seems like plenty to be eating. Don’t mean to go under so low in calories though. Eh, maybe we’ll have to go a couple rounds of Strawberry Twizzlers. We’re loving them. They are like 130 calories for 3 long ropes with only about 5 calories from fat. Hmm. Maybe. Ok, ok ... enuf of this.

Well one more thing ... fiber is no longer a problem, if it ever were :)

So, daily news ...

We had a little trouble getting "into" work yesterday morning. The drive was fine, but when we got there, we found ourselves playing around a bit on the Web. Then after admonishing ourselves, our female friend came in and plopped herself in one of our guest chairs to talk. I suppose I’m going to have to watch this better. I thoroughly enjoy the talks, but the"habit" is not very work productive and it's lousy on the scheduling.

Something we’ve been doing the last three days after updating our regular schedule (prints out up to 15 pages because it always lists ALL of our responsibilities), we’ve been cutting and pasting a separate word document with our "HOT" items of the day. It runs only a page or two. On this page we’ve been making all our progress notes by hand, because we can take this more easily up to talk on the phone, fto the boss or secretary, or other Q ... whomever. It’s nice to have our notes this handy without having to fumble through them for details. Then we started to simply progress through them. I love that at the end of the day, there are all kinds of my scribbles to be recording on the big scheduler and I don’t get quite as side tracked with what is not so important.

Most important is that it is allowing me to feel we’re making progress and covering a diversity of tasks. I think Sr. Tess is getting used to the idea too. As I check off one item after another, she is beginning to ask, "Anything else?" Hehe ... it’s very good to see that we’re not overwhelming her that she would ask for more.

One of the important things was to have spent an hour and twenty minutes with the other Q going through transitional needs of the Staff Training program. I understand that Sister Tess made her get it organized through the two inspections this year, so it doesn’t look quite as bad as we had thought. I talked to Sr. Tess before starting the "interview." I had clear objectives from her. She said, "Look through everything and THROW most away!" *Giggle* She might have said something like this to the other Q, because the Q said something like, I’m sure Sr. Tess is going to not want you to use my stuff, but start fresh. *Sigh* Lots of work to be doing.

The biggest difference is that the other Q loves to "lecture." I think we’ve noted before due to our memory inabilities. Lecturing is the worst thing we could do. People would get the idea of how much we aren’t able to remember. Like now ... without looking, I wouldn’t be able to relay the calories of most things I ate this morning or last night, even though I’d studied it.

I listened to the other Q enough to realize that as much as she has the ability to talk ... not as much is really relevant. I mean it is, but it is not. Like she talked yesterday about her "series" on the development of the brain. We understood as she was conveying the information ... she just gave them pictures with labels on them. She’d say sight is from here, creativeness here. As all well and interesting as that may or may not be. I just don’t think it’s relevant to how a DSP is going to be working with her client. The best I see of it is a five minute reminder that we all have brains and can sense, think and feel things. Why this is relevant wasn’t mentioned by the other Q.

As we were saying ... there is a lot of work to be doing. Maybe today we can further our own outline, especially if we go back to some of the books that we will be ordering. Hmm, thinking group too ... plus, we’ll be leaving early to day to be meeting our friend for an Italian dinner at a new place he’s checked out.

So much to do ... Oh, we mentioned that. :)


Anonymous said...

Have a good day. :)

Anonymous said...

etal.........doin great!

Anonymous said...

When you're eating extremely healthy, it's honestly very DIFFICULT to get in *enough* calories.  2400 seems a little high, honestly, if you're trying to lose weight.  Follow your doctor's advice, though.  And if you have trouble getting in enough calories, remember that healthy shakes are a great way to get in more calories, without adding a lot of bulk to your diet.  Fresh fruit smoothies with non-fat yogurt is a yummy way to boost your caloric intake.  Good luck and have fun!!  Healthy eating can be an adventure, with the right attitude. And you have it!  :D

Anonymous said...

Like now...without looking,     I learned some more `bout etal

Anonymous said...

love the list idea.  I use one at work too.  It list all my daily duties, plus I periodically post entries to it as I go through my day.  Not only for my reference, but also for my boss and I to go over at the end of the day.  That way I don't have to bother her except for 911's.  Works really well for us.  She can see which clients I"ve talked to and what I've done in mortgage files.