Mornin! How’d everyone sleep? We’ve been up for a while. We wanted to get a jump start on the day. We had such a woooooooonderful weekend. Yesterday we concentrated 86% on diet. This is good, right?
We placed the grocery order so that it would arrive this evening between 6 and 8 pm. Can’t say enough about a service that charges only $5 to shop, bag, and deliver to your kitchen counter. Eh, theirs a little catch. One is expected (sorta) to tip the driver. I figure especially after throwing coffee, kitty food and 4 bags of kitty litter in the order, the guy is going to deserve his tip. Did we mention we live on the 3rd floor, no elevators!??
*Giggle* We’ve been a playin and a playin. Folks this is what happens when your husband and kids leave you and you don’t watch TV. :) Oh, and having cats instead of dogs helps too!
It’s been such a terribly, terribly long time since we’ve gone shopping. It’ll be much easier the next time after we figure out what we like and don’t like, or if we ran short/long of food. There is only a couple of buttons to push for a "repeat" order. This delivery service allows you to just enter an item and all the matching items show up. Or you can shop as if you were going down aisles. But the best feature I think, well there are two. The first one allows you to choose listing your foods by cost per size. So my best deals are right up on top.
The second thing that rocks is that you just push one button and you are reading right off the nutritional label. That is really, really cool. I would never have the stamina to do my food searches this way at the grocery store, I’d be on my feet for hours and hours. Hehe as it is there were many hours put into the project here from a seated position. The search feature allowed me to choose "fat free" items only. So, we went down that long list trying to figure out what we can handle.
I figure since we are still so new now to grocery foods and shopping, that we’ll need to adjust to however it is all going to taste. Looking over the list this morning, we’re a little afraid of the calorie part which was at one point our primary objective. We’ll test that out over the next couple of days.
The HealthKeeper Program does a whole lot of nifty things for under $40. It lists the calories and nutrients for about 10,000 items. Then it has a feature where you can add your own foods. Like one of my extravagant items were grapefruit and pineapples already prepared in a cup from Del Monte. Yay - Del Monte!! Those items were too new to be in the program.
Plus, umm well, if you haven’t noticed, hehe, we can get pretty detailed-minded. The idea is to be listing down the foods you are going to be eating before you have them, trying to cut down on impulse decisions. I figure for now having fruit and veggie snacks during my breaks (10 am and 2 pm) are also a luxury, but we’ve got in mind, if we are ever going to stop smoking those are the times, we’re going to want to have practiced putting something else in our mouth.
No, don’t go there ... we’re not ready to stop yet ... just thinking ahead.
BTW - Thanks Vince for the soup idea! We had some on our list, but we realized we had too many meals already this round.
There isn’t a whole lot of variety per say, in that we’re either eating breakfast cereal, lunch peanut butter bread (I know bad fat item), or three varieties of similar dinners. But, we tried more this time to be adding variety with especially the fruits and vegetables. That took a lot of concentration. We tried to focus on the foods that were fast and easy and could just be picked up on the run, because that is how we eat. Hehe - figured we could cook a double meal to last two days over the weekend, and practice our use of fork eating :)
Between last night and early this morning, we have typed in all the extra foods. It’s kind of neat how the program works. They have a patented system of using the nutri-labels. They show up for everything entered into the program. They also have a "nutrient bar" that lists 19 different variables like fats, proteins, carbs, vitamins, sugar, etc. And, each day as you add food items to your diet, the 19 little bars reflect what of what you’ve eaten. Tried not to panic yesterday that I was 25% over on my fats. We’re just starting.
Another thing about the program is that at the beginning you program in all your data like weight, measurements, body fat (they help you here ... and it isn’t pretty), and nutrition styles. Since, we have the diabetes, I took a diabetic style which turned out to be 20% fat 60% carbs, and 20% protein. You could custom design anything else you could imagine, so the program works equally as well on low-carb diets.
You can program it for different meals too. So, if you are anything like us and tend to eat the same dinners or breakfasts, you can set it up ahead of time. Another really neat feature is that it shows you for various time frames how much % of everything you ate by category is against the goals. So you can gage day, week, month or yearly goals by things such as calories, salt, water, or buttocks (no f*cking way, you'll ever hear that number!) Umm, anyway ... I'm sorry, scuse me. Really an efficient little program.
Now, the hard part ... I’ve chosen something that I think will help, now I gotta work out the daily kinks. Any support you all feel up to giving will be appreciated. There is a terrible terrible amount of weight to loose. I’ve been told that it isn’t reflected by my picture, but we’re nearly 300 pounds. We’ll know for sure on Thursday. We are going to start weighing in at Dr. M.’s. He has a nice digital scale (and only once a week).
I’m not sure if anyone’s keeled over at the mention of my weight. I suppose it isn’t very lady like to be mentioning, but when I say I need to lose a full 150 pounds (or the bulk of one of my female peers), I’m very serious. I keep trying to remind myself that six years ago, we were 145. Maybe easy on, easy off? Hmm, well nothing has been really easy about any of this. In the last year and a half. I’ve tried twice and only lost 30 pounds each time, before giving up. Somehow I gotta make it work. Seems to me we're more diet smart?
We’ll try not turning this into a diet journal, but to be fair ... only concentrating on work, and not concentrating on personal isn’t working out so well. The health difficulties in the last two years have been atrocious. It’s all very, very sad on my part.
The other thing we decided pretty much last night, is if our friend can make the connections to the person he thinks he can, we are going to get a housekeeper for 2 ½ hours a week. We woke up about 11:30 pm thinking about it still. So, we went over the bank accounts. I can’t thank my son enough for converting me to banking on-line. It’s going to be a stretch, but I think we’ll make it for at least a while.
The list we came up with was 1 load of laundry (sheets/towels), wipe down tables/counters, every other week switch mopping/vacumming, litter box, stray dishes, some swishy things in the bathroom, sinks, bed, dusting, and garbage. I think that's about it.
It’s just that only being able to be up the 5-6 minutes before cascading in pain ... it’s just not working for my household. It shouldn’t count that "noone ever really sees it." I see it and it makes a difference. I felt pretty bad overthe last month that I didn’t want my son to drop in because the house was too much a mess. I felt worse in that I didn’t want my granddaughter to see how I live. I don’t have a lot about, it’s just that things pile up on counters and table tops.
We are still going to have to do a good weekends work on picking up the clutter. It really wouldn’t be much more than three or four hours, but doing 5 minutes at a time with a 15 minute break, really stretches the days. I have to say here a special, special thanks to Tammy for talking to me about this kind of stuff. I think the most amazing thing is that she put me back in touch with not only diet, but our FlyLady thoughts. Tammy uses the program and understands it. It’s another on-line resource for people that need assistance in taking care of themselves and their homes. Very practical and encouraging.
Maybe if I’m so impressed with help doing the hard cleaning ... during the week, I can at least be putting things away proper? Man-o-man ... sure would make a difference, especially if we’re going to be home two days every week. Just some outstanding changes in the wind here. So, with that, its about time to cut out. Maybe have our first five minutes good house deed! :)
Confessions of a personal life mess ...
Take care of the day ... Our love!!
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