Friday, June 4, 2004

Shoot, We'll Try Again Later

Mornin ... as we start our day officially with written word, we want to thank Vince for being a glowing part of our day already. Thank you Vince! You seem to be becoming the cloth that makes us feel sparkly! Especially glad to understand you are more of the poet than the stopper of light and life. You remain undaunted as a superstar! Big bright one! *Silly grin*

Ok, ok ... calm down baby ... need to figure out where were at. I think we’re feeling pretty good now ... all concerns laid to rest. We’re about up to the part, that we’re thinking we should be working on figuring out yesterday.

Pretty much I think it was capitalized in our meeting with Dr. M. last night. Again, it seems as normal that we need to be figuring out what actually happened. We’re a little disappointed because we haven’t received the email yet that we asked him to forward in regard to a few key concepts he was talking about. Figured they were terribly interesting and thought provoking and needed some further research.

I think most of the time there were adult parts out, though the first one seemed a little shaky. I think it was our Ann part. She has trouble putting things together and sometimes hesitates in speech. I know that before we got to his office Kelsie had been out so things were being seen through our eyes that were brilliantly crisp and clear, then with Ann out ... we again couldn’t see past our own shadow. Kind of a let down in perspectives. I’m thinking that both Jamie and Kate were out with him. Casey snuck out a few times do some exclaiming, but that was more in the beginning with Ann. Casey might be a little intimidated by Kate. When Kelsie is out there is a feeling of being able to understand nearly anything 3D.

From what we can remember, I think we discussed primarily two events. He read over the journal and there were notations made, but pretty much just the two things. The first was the Staff Training and the other was a client relationship that had occurred yesterday that was very thought provoking to us.

Trying to figure out now the new conclusions on the Staff Training meeting. I really dislike not having direct recall. Shoot, it’s getting to be like that again. My brain hurts to think, we get tired, and the lights become too bright. Then I close my eyes and stretch and become dizzy and a little woozy.

Shoot, shoot ... fell asleep and now its time for work. Let’s meet again when we’re not so inabled?


Anonymous said...

OK, etal, Have a Great day, now!

Anonymous said...

I'm not catching up with lournals as fast as I would like to, but I pkeep tryin'. I was wonderin' (hope I'm not out of bounds here), if you tape your Dr. M sessions and if not would it not help you better understand what happened  with whom? if you did tape them? I was scared at first reading V.s' thing too. Take care all. Love,