Hmm, I'll try to summarize what we know here. Psychology is not an exact science. From our understanding most people develop multiplicity due to sexual abuse (usually incest) before the age of four. Not all people who have been sexually abused develop multiplicity. Some experts have said that it involves a certain amount of innate intelligence and creativity. If you've gone through the experience of early childhood sexual abuse and are not multiple, it doesn't mean you are not intelligent or creative. We are each unique and have special God given gifts and tribulations.
Another close cousin of multiplicity (or Disociative Identity Disorder DID as it is currently being called) is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). It's another problem on the same continuum. There is a lot of information on the Internet about these disorders. If you want more indepth information, go ahead and look for it.
Basically, we believe that our brain adapted to a terrible number of traumas and included sexual, physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse. When one part couldn't survive the force of a certain terrible condition, another more adaptable part would be created (new mind through a different pattern of brain synapsis's). The part facing the last trauma would then stagnate (or be bypassed) in age development, unless they had "time out" in the external world. There is a lot of sharing in our system.
We are not always aware or conscious of when the parts are switching, though sometimes it is very noticeable. Dr. W. gave us an image that helps us a lot. Imagine a very large conference table where all who are interested can gather to discuss all that is important, but we are viewing you via teleconference. We each get different impressions of the things happening on screen depending on our particular points of view. The system tends to frown on parts that stand up and interupt us or the other from speaking. Most people in the outside world see a united front that we present. Damn, we are just that good!
As I read this I think about my own abuse - I can recall creating other people to deal with the pain and confusion. I recently thought I had 8 personalities but I don't know if it was legit or just the creative part of me coping with life. Joey was always a name I used in certain circumstances and also Jeremiah (who makes people laugh because he is mentally challenged). I am an Actor by trade so I don't know if it's real. I fine your journal magnifient and educational. Thank you!
That is a wonderful presentation.
I loved the Dr.`s contribution & your understanding of it.
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