Sunday, June 6, 2004

Keeping it Lite Today

Mornin ... How are all today? We’ve been down and around the block, still with few comments in between. Hard to explain this ... Maybe a little sad ... and still a bit disconnected. Ok, girl ... chin up...

There is a new girl (WHOOPS GUY) on the block discovered by Bill. So far, we know of her (HIM) name only as Knoxhugh, (ACTUALLY NAME IS HUGH ),but maybe we could nudge a little more from her (HIM)  :). We’re always very happy to see members of the social service field. Her (HIS) speciality is in drug rehabilitation counseling. Welcome, Welcome!!  (SORRY - About faux pas foot in mouth!  Umm, Hugh ... next thing you do is create an "About Me!  *Grin*)

Well, that may be the highlights! *Giggle* Ok, maybe not ALL, but a nice proportion!

Actually, we had a visitor last night. Our friend stopped over, so we could talk and be nice to each other again. And, no it wasn’t just because he brought with him pizza! Maybe the hard lemondades? Nah ... that wasn’t it either. Maybe after you get to a certain age, you realize that it is really no fun to be mad at people ... I figure 24-36 hours top. Then the feelings of wanting for things to be "normal," come back.

Pretty much, I think our main point to him was "Sometimes, I want you just to listen!" His main point was "Sometimes, I want you just to move on with things!" We tried to get an agreement that it was fair to have at least 10 minutes of anger, before I "needed" to calm down and be moving on. But, that may or may not mean I'm going to be real happy for a while as we are processing the offense and the hurt from it.  There was a lot more discussion than that ... maybe 45 minutes, but that was the important stuff. After 10 or so years, ya know basically ya kinda are better at getting along with each other, than not.

Funny things emotions ... I know that we were feeling them real strong. First the anger, then followed quickly by the depression. We’re hopin for another good day today, though I think it will be quieter. I know ... we’ll have to go out, cuz we’re short on smokes, yes I knoooww, we should take the dirty laundry with us *Sigh*. Just that part doesn’t seem so exciting. We’ve committed ourselves to not be getting our traditional candy bar along the way. Just one day, and sometime one moment at a time. This is how change comes about.

Hmm, we’re not going to say much about the pizza. Well, maybe one thing. Does it help that it was a vegetable pizza? Hmm, thought not, but figured we’d ask anyway...

Hmm, we skipped right out of the commenting on emotions. Sneaky, sneaky ... Maybe we’re not feeling very profound.I know we have strong emotions. I suppose with all our happier feelings it would be natural that the pendulum falls back to the other side? Just hard.

Anger feels like having lost control - maybe of control, we never had. Try as I might to calm Sr. Tess’ raging at myself or others ... seems as if we’re all just destined to be her targets. That just seems so hopeless. I wonder if Sr. feels when she gets mad that she is "losing control." I think we’re coming up against a torrential hailstorm this next week or so. We’re thinking both Sr. And our friend are scheduled for vacations by about the 19th. Hmm, reminds me we have some days we’ll need to take off too. Maybe 5 more days before July 1rst. Better check the calendar on Monday.

Still don’t know what to do with her trashing my one year project of much time and effort. Think we’re way past wanting a thank you or good job. We know that CARF thought we did good work. Shoot, they wanted to hire us, right? 98% accuracy isn't supposed to feel bad!  And, they made no qualms about giving the 3 year accreditation. Just the hard part is having to deal with Sr.’s anger over CARF for the next 3 years. Not sure how we’re going to be handling that. Seems like we’re going to have to start the project at many deficit levels. What will be our motivation if we’re expecting all along that "A" type, or exemplary work will not hold her favor, and worst yet, makes her angry?

I don’t know ... starting to feel depressed again ... think we need to switch gears here.  Too much, too much ... let's stick to our precautions, Ok dears?

Mmm, went in to the kitchen to take our medicine. Figured that be a good start and in the process opted for a nice juicy apricot! This is the good life :) Maybe we’ll take a small break from the writing and do some journal reading. I think we’ll do as we did yesterday in coming back to be making additions. It worked well for us. And, a second cup of coffee too? Yeah, maybe that’s what we’ll do.


Anonymous said...

No Dwelling on Sr.!!  All else seems to be going Well!   Yeaaa!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning! Actually, my name is Hugh Knox, and I am still figuring out all this aol journal business. I think keeping it lite is excellent advice to anyone. anytime i start taking myself too seriously i manufacture unpleasant symtpoms. And the last time i checked, I was a boy, albeit a very old boy, but i well aware there is a girl in here somewhere, too. Once I was able to get in touch with that part of myself I became a much nicer man. Well, it sounds as if you are doing well today, my dear. Have a wonderful day.

Anonymous said...

Yes Sir, Mr. Vince Sir ... No dwelling!  Been emersed in journal reading all morning - and have passed the apple stage of the day!

Yikes!!  Update, update on umm the new GUY!  Hehehe - Welcome to J-Land Hugh!!  Have we mentioned that humor is real important to most journalers?  Figure you'll fit in just fine!  

Anonymous said...

Good Morning!  Loved the pendulum analogy!  Just wanted to sy hi- gonna pop on IM and see how you're doing. Tammy

Anonymous said...

Ayn, Ive been journal reading all day since its dead here at work.  Its always a great read to stop by yours.

Anonymous said...

tehehe... I know the feeling when you run onto an enigmatic journal personality.  No "About Me", no "photo", no clear identification of sex, age, etc.  LOL  It makes for interesting reading, though, as you try to "sort out the clues"  tehehe..

I'm glad you and your friend are trying to work things out.  It's good to talk about it and come to some decisions.  But remember - you don't have to accept things that make you upset.  Friendship shouldn't be so much work!  A good friendship is an easy one.  ::hugs::