Update from the Hall of Fame Journal...
Tuesday, July 20, 2004 @ 4:40 am. So sorry we haven't updated for last 5 days ... we were trying to keep up with the needs. Here are the stats. We still have 80 journals left to get listings for the Hall of Fame Journal. We are working off the newest July additions to Pam’s Directory. There are 455 complete listings in the Master File. Of these listings - 118 are ready for their first mailing, 80 are ready for their second mailing, 22 have said no, and 235 have accepted!
I think the numbers are lookin pretty good. Just we're not as fast as we would like to be. Kathy (Bless her heart for her outstanding work!) has retired, Debbie is giving it her best shot, and we have a new volunteer for helping send out some of the emails. Sandy has offered to lend some of her time.The original July 19th deadline was reset for the 21rst, but at this point we're lookin at about the 27th to get everyone's requests in. I'm really sorry about this, but I want everyone who may be interested to get a chance. If we can do this new deadline, it will allow me 4 days to get all the listings in the Hall of Fame Journal. Really want to do this before the calendar changes over to August. It will make a neater directory :) We're going to get this done, RIGHT!!
Lookin for one more volunteer for a couple of days ... It you got the 'stuff, let me know ... thanks!
So, this is about where we sit this morning. I’ve finished 10 of the 80 journals left to get listings for (after this update was written). *Sigh* We’re so slow ... it takes about 1 hour to finish doing 10 listings. Very slow. Hmm, lets try to time budget this in hours. Hmm, thinking there is about 28-30 hours of work left to complete the first stage. Pshoo ... we can do this, right? Come pretty far :) Plus, there are the volunteers ... they contribute to the mix.
Debbie is working on the additions Pam made to the directory on July 16th and Sandy is going to work on getting out the 80 journals ready for their second mailing. That is about 6-7 hours worth of work ... hmm about 25%. The longest task at this point is getting those 70 journals left to list. That’s at least another 7 hours for someone who is fast. Let’s see I could budget them and complete it in 2-3 days another 25%. (Before after work). There is an advantage to me doing them at this point, because they go directly into the Master. That will leave 8 days each for Saturday/Sunday "Safe" time. I know I'll work more than that, but I'm guessing other things will come up too. Lot's of that happening :)
So, by Thurs morn ... we should be ready to do the mailings ... By then, there will be about 200. Yeeks. Think its going to take Friday and Saturday to get out the mail. That would save most of Sunday for responding to mail. Think it’s going to take some of Monday and Tuesday too for the trailers. Will need to check Pam’s list one last time. *Sigh* That put the date about ... Yep, yep the 27th. Better call it quits at that ... there won’t be a second mailing for that late group. Think this is still doable.
No DOWN days for the 10-11 days! Hmm projecting about 375 journals saying, "Yes, I would like to participate. That be about 140 more people saying yes with these late mailings. Sounds good ... Think we can do that ... That means ... we’ll have to post abut 90 journals a day those last four days to the Hall of Fame Journal. Hmm, a little steep, but we’ll be close to the end and working hard. Our goal is to get done in time that we can celebrate some of the festivities, enjoy voting for awards (btw - is their a deadline for all that?), and get back to some of our journal reading/writing.
We are very proud of the work done by the co-editors and us. Particularly Kathy and Christy ... They each put in a very long stretch of work ... I can’t say thank you enough for theirtremendous effort. (BTW - Please note Kathy is up for an award!!)All of the volunteers have been contributing good cheer and optimism. They saw something worthwhile in the project as a contribution to the community.
Also, we want to thank the community for being so responsive to the idea. Feels real good. We’re hoping that maybe by the time we get all the listings in the journal, John Scalzi and Viv will give the Hall of Fame Journal a plug, along with some of the other leaders in the community —> we want people to visit the journal and look not only for friends, but new faces. If there is one thing J-land does well - is look out for the new faces! Yep, yep ... pretty gosh darn exciting!
Oh yeah ... One more thing ... PLEASE remember when you are over there to LINK to The Hall of Fame Journal and visit frequently!!
Wow, I'll have to go check it out! It sounds like you all have been working really hard. I'm sure the finished product will be a pleasure. :-)
I`m glad you have such great help, etal!
What a great job you`re all doing!
Wow.... you are doing so much good! Thank you for all the effort and hard work. What wonderful people!
Hon, this is a HUGE undertaking. I don't know how you're doing it. Good luck and THANK YOU for all your hard work. You're doing such a service to ALL of us. But remember to rest and take time to enjoy the celebrations yourself too! ::smile::
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