Thursday, July 1, 2004


Mornin. How is everyone at this junction? We’re doing better. We had some difficulty with some of our parts yesterday, but the happy feelings of doing the Hall of Fame work helped out.

Maybe someone should say to us periodically, "Are you on time with your medications?" Yeeks! Sometimes, I think we get to feeling that we’re feeling so good that we don’t need them, then it turns around and bites us in the rear end. It was one of those kinds of days yesterday. It was causing us problems, especially in that we were not able to wake up properly for quite a while, then at that needed extra naps.

We were still able to progress the work at hand with the new journal ... somewhere inside a glow has been set in motion that is hard to ignore.

We’ve been in places where we had need to reconsider going in for our appointment today with Dr. M. earlier during the week, because we’d felt some pretty strong negative emotions. I’d slept through the time necessary to make the early Monday appointment. We experienced feelings of having been crushed by the fact that he no longer does phone appointments. I think in general, people struggle with trust issues when things like this happen and in particular we have feelings of rejection and abandonment that we need to be dealing with as well.

Maybe then too it has to do with some of the issues that we’d been working on the week previous. It had been the first week that our youngest part was out with some of the other younger parts. In our early childhood, there were eight parts created by the age of five. Most often we are now able to maintain adult parts, but this time the going was kind of difficult. I think too, we were dealing with feelings of rejection due to so many important people in our life being away on vacation.

I don’t feel quite out of the woods yet though. I know enough intellectually that we’ve tendencies to act things out. Nowadays, the kids call this being "drama queens." Our point of reference is that although we had help last night getting the proper medicine, we still don’t feel able to make the appointment this afternoon with Dr. M. And, we’re still having difficulties with the concept of going in to work. Sometimes, it is very difficult for us to leave the security of the house.

Shoot ... been a half hour now. And, we still haven’t gotten it figured out. Things build up and it feels a point of inner crises. There are parts that know the right thing to do would be to take the morning medicine, go to work, then at 4 pm, cut over to make the appointment with Dr. M. That’s the scheduled events, but, there are other parts like screaming, "NO, NO, NO! I won’t go, I won’t!" Hmm, Dr. M. would say if he were here that we should compromise. Maybe if we could just take the medicine? Shoot, why are we being so stubborn. It feels very confusing. Lot of tension.

Oh dear ... then the tiredness hits again and we’re unable to hardly keep our eyes open. We just drift.

Shoot ... now it’s a couple of hours later .. I guess we missed work ... still feel groggy. We haven’t had this kind of problem for a year.

Nightmares too. This time we could barely move our body and became homeless. We were trying to scoot ourselves along in a makeshift wheelchair made of the bottom of an old office chair. The Events of the dream took place around some version of the college we had attended in real life, but we’d aged considerably ... maybe about 20-25 years. We were fully groggy in the dream as well. Hmm, remember too that we were placed in a position of watching someone’s infant granddaughter. Fortunately, we’d gotten along very well with the baby. She seemed to take to us. We had watched her while she watched them emptying a big metal roll-off trash container with a loud machine and magnet. We figured the infant was pretty smart. But then after we turned from the Grandmother, she skipped town leaving us to hunt down our few possessions.

As most our college dreams, much of the time is spent wandering around and around trying to figure out as in a maze where we are and how to get to the place we want to go. Fortunately, this one had a fairly good ending ... the cranky house mistress had us following her up old rickety stairs that were very narrow. Upstairs was a very large dry attic and the maintenance staff disappeared then came out of a hidden closet and threw over our "belongings" which included the car keys. There was a broken fishing pole too and a sleeping bag. Go figure, hmm?

We had a full 8 hours sleep last night too ... So does this mean ... we’re going to be able to leave the house??


Anonymous said...

You`ve got a lot on your plate, now, with the J Responsibilities!
You can do it!   Are you still home?
M  E  D  S  !!!!!!!!!!!
Dr. M   { you know you trust him! ]


Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.. Ayn, I'm sorry to hear you were having a rough time of during the time of this entry. I think it's probably important to keep up with your medications, especially if you're feeling well, because the minute you don't feel well, you might be less likely to go through with it and do what's good for you.  I'm hoping you work out your issues with Dr. M and that those much needed people return from vacation soon, so that you're able to feel more secure.  

Anonymous said...

I can't imagine what it is like to have so many conflicts, but I see you as a strong and vibrant person able to leap tall buildings and out run those bullets!  Keep positive, remember your meds and all will be wonderful.  We are rooting for u.

Anonymous said...

you have a very powerful journal. have a great day today! judi

Anonymous said...

Sorry things are being rough. :-(   I hope you feel better very soon, and of course those medications are very important!

Anonymous said...

Sorry that I'm late with this, but I'm just now catching up with everyone's recent entries LOL

There are computer programs and small pill holders that will send out an alert when it's time to take your meds Maybe that might help? You should always take them feeling well or not, that's how you stay well :)

If you need to talk you can always IM me
