Mornin! Been a couple of days, sorry about that ... That’s ok Vince ... you can sit in the front row :)
How are you all? We’re doing pretty fine. Been keeping our nose to the grindstone. Let me tell you, the strength of my
fingers seems to be growing with every keystroke ... and man-o-man you should see
the efficiency of my cut/paste!
We’re planning on writing for a couple of hours, so you might as well resign yourselves to sitting back and getting comfortable! Nope, nope ... haven’t the faintest idea what we will write about. Maybe should think that through?
Well, I guess the biggest news is that the Hall of Fame Journal is doing great! The
latest statistics are that 502 journals have been listed (primarily through Pam’s
Directory), and to this time ... 373 journals have been accepted into induction at the Hall of Fame. That’s 75% of YOU!!! This is sooo fantastic. I really hope that you all will enjoy the project when she opens on Wednesday as
much as we’ve enjoyed watching the master list grow. The co-editors has been
excellent and are looking forward to theunveiling as well :) The stories are
We were working pretty hard yesterday, up until about 7 pm. We went
through a rough personal situation, but Christy was willing and able to step up to the plate! Thank you so much Christy!
The problem is that my son had arrived with some pieces from my father’s and step-
mother’s estate. He met my brother in Wisconsin Dells. He had borrowed Tanner’s Hummer and a U-haul. We’re not in speaking terms with remaining family members. It’s been going on like this since the funerals last year, when items
started disappearing. My brother had taken that which hadn’t belonged to him and
monies needed to be held hostage by the estate executor. But, that is finally all over now to which we offer our gratitude .
I was very proud of McAdam for handling the situation. He not only made the eight hour drive on his own, he also brought all the pieces up or over. My father and his wife, weren’t wealthy
people. But, as the items collected themselves in our
living room, I couldn’t stop the tears. I’ve been mad for so long, I didn’t
expect it. I received a recliner, the kitchen table we would talk over, a
small microwave (without dials!), a 19 year old tv, and the blanket Sandy used to
keep on the couch. Not major things, but things that I’ve looked forward to
I also received my Grandmother’s china that was passed immediately down to
McAdam and Lee. One day it will belong to my granddaughter. We will encourage them to use it now rather than hiding it in storage. I only remember happy meals at my grandmothers. She died 33
years ago. It still leaves me sad.
The only thing left to do to close the dealings of the estate and session of my life isto
order the books. Monies were put aside in this way for me to better self-educate myself. I’ve picked out about 75 books for the collection. I will try to take care of this today. Just have to go over the financial end one more time. I was
once an avid collector of books, but other then text to finish my degree, I’ve only
purchased a dozen books over the last ten years thinking it was something I would
be unable to do living
on my own. This is a true and wonderful luxury.
*Sigh* Ok, ok ... now we’re hiding. We’re on the run from
Hehehe ... I purchased 68 single books and one set of 14 books. I’ve been planning
this strategic move for months! It cost $2,265.60 with shipping. Hmm, averages out
to $27.63 a book ... could have been worse ... it does cover $143.09 in shipping.
See ... the thing is ... we decided to make the cost more reasonable by our first
attempt to use their marketplace deal. Can anyone advise me on this. Maybe not so good a deal? I figured I got more books for about $800 less. One book cost only .99 cents. *Giggle* But, it seems that to do all this, they placed 38
separate orders and dived bombed the hell out of my credit card. Suddenly, I was
flashed with 37 emails within 3 seconds. The counter on my mail box was just one
whirring blur. It seems as if 15 orders passed and are paid for, but 22 orders failed
to pass. Heaven knows where that lone order #38 is.
Now we’re afraid to touch the damn thing. We did, however, place an email with the order people at their help desk. Awfully inefficient I think not to
have an 800 number. I need to tell someone, they are scaring me! I know there isn’t
anything wrong with the card or money that backs it up. Just maybe they should
have placed one order at a time? Pretty quick to make a grab at the money! It
appears they only nabbed $698.79 of it though ... At least that’s what the bank says
they just paid. *Sigh* This may not be as easy as it looks. I sure hope they want my business!
Hmmm ... where’s Vince?? He can usually help me laugh through these things, and I bet HE has Amazon figured out! Hehehe
Let’s not think about this for awhile. :)
I wonder ... would a nap be in order? Been up for the last eleven hours. Getting kind
tuckered out. Sure wish I could move a few things around here. We’re going to have to wait for help. All the furniture came unassembled. Something about saving space. Shoot, my brother could have gotten a little tiny trailer! Ok, ok ... not going there either. You know, I think I could be a little crabby.
Hmm, that is definitely nap material. :) Pshwoo ... yep that’s tired setting in. Ok, ok ... we’re going
down. I’ll finish those last dozen Hall of Fame emails when we get up. Still have 4
hours to take care of the second emails. Think we’re ok ... Viv, Viv check in ... are we ok here?
Yah, right ... someone's gone to bed ... Can we spell the word
Hi, etal. The problem with may be the number of purchases on your credit card on one day is so out of your usual spending mode that the credit card company won`t allow it, in fear of the card being stolen!
Anyhow, nice to see the books being purchased.
I`m so happy to see your immense journal task being completed.
Pretty soon, you`ll have some time to relax.
oh, I loved this entry!!!!!
Morning!! I liked this entry with all the smilies! Made me smile!! How did you do that? Hope things are going well with you all! I've missed you guys!
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