Saturday, March 26, 2005


Good morning.  This is me again.  Someday, we hope to get on line … maybe this afternoon.  If you are reading this, I made it! 


I’ve tried a lot of things … we thought it was just that I hadn’t paid the cable bill.  That did seem to be part of the problem, cuz it took out the TV too.  But, we took care of that while we were at Dr. M’s last night.  There are little tricks in living without telephones.  When we got back, the TV was working, but the computer still wasn’t.  We even went so far as using restore, but it says it can’t go back to the beginning.  It is very frustrating.  This afternoon, I think our friend will be coming over, so I’m pretty sure he’ll let us use his cell phone.  I’m not sure who to call first between American Online, Comcast, or Dell.  I guess we’ll go down the line in that order.  *Sigh* 


We were already at physical therapy this morning, so we’d like to think we’re on a positive track.  In three and a half hours though, we need to go back for follow-up on the surgery.  Then there is a silly appointment right afterward for podiatry.  I’m not sure if that was a mistake or whether that nutrition doctor, I didn’t care for, scheduled it.  I know his resident looked at my feet, and when the doctor came in, he asked about my feet.  We answered through frustration and told him they were ok.  They really aren’t, but I’m not sure he would have made an appointment without notifying me direct.  It just showed up on my schedule.  At this point, it is just something keeping me from getting on the Internet.  I’d double booked with my friend.  He was going to help me clean L All I wanted to do was have a nice vacation day.  *sigh* Well, at least we have the next few hours.


Ahh, well done!  We remembered to start dinner in the slow cooker.  We can have chicken and potatoes tonight.  Good stuff!


Well, you are caught up to the basics of the day.  We turned the TV on lite music and now have to relax.  Hehe, first thing is to do a little button pushing.  I’m a little disappointed in that I was sold Microsoft 2003.  I would have thought they’d come out with a new version.  Chances are then I’ll miss the next version out for quite some time.  We’re thinking that we also might want to update Lotus since I have a 2000 version and can’t even find my copy of the Organizer 2003.  More money spending … hmm, maybe we better catch up with bills first.  Ok, we’re not going to whimper.


Sure do miss V.  Maybe he misses me too ?


We’re going the wrong direction.  Cool.  Did you know whimper in French is gemir, deindre; or pleurnicher?  See V would have known that!  And I can do this ∑ .


Shoot, maybe we shouldn’t mess with all the buttons before saving.  Hmm, we’re pretty aimless now.  Guess we’re having a moment.  Ok, Ok.  One big Whimper… Get it off your chest!


What happened to our time?  Oh, that’s right, we wanted to relax.  Good thinking. 


Funny, now when I think of Internet I get a big blank thought.  I tried everything I could going through help.  Wow!  There’s a good place to get confused!  No, we’re going to wait and get live help.  Let it go.


Did we mention that Dr. M. is going to be gone for a while?  Actually, we are going to miss the next four regular scheduled appointments.  But, he said week after next, he would make arrangements to see us that Friday at 4 pm.  Let’s see that would be not til April 8th.  L  Since Sr. is going to be gone next week too, it’s going to be a very strange week.  Just need to get through it, right?  Shoot, we’re kinda mope.  I feel like I can only think with the Internet on.  Is life missing me?  Ahh, Missy woke up … she knows I’m real.  Normally, about this time, we’d be taking a nap or getting invested in a project, but there’s not enough time for that … Only 45 minutes left.  I’m crabby, and the project I want to work on is … I know no Internet.  I know … maybe I could make Dr. M. a picture.  That way when we have email, we’ll have something to send him.


That’s all … cuz we’re back to mope.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rats! Too bad about the comcast. Don`t be too upset. If you had a telephone handy, it would all have cleared up quickly. I`m glad your friend had his cell handy! Everything`s OK!
And, in the midst of all this, you made Dinner!  Woo Hoo !!!