Saturday, November 5, 2005


name. As long as we don’t see a current due date or a priority, client would be good. So that means we could use that client as being good.

Now the tricky part is that we would have to note or eliminate new additions to the book in tiger first. This definitely advantages, especially when a CSO person is coming withing day or two. Especially to note would be Qnote!  If necessary a temp. Document could be placed in missing spot/outdated giving CSO a heads-up for us being attentive and in process of collecting this document needed to be brought up to speed.

Wow beauty of a system.

So, given Monday ... getting in at 9:30. First, I have to check staffings. I believe MS is due on Tuesday. Check first thing. Next would be to enter all the codes into the tiger program. I would like to continue going through files until I have located 4 good potential files. Big deal is having psychology and physicals in ... Maybe another hot item to note for Mirza. I’ve got her time stretched short. Maybe it better I get her on the hot Qnotes for first 4 clients and last couple of staffings. So, my priorities for day include Prepare for next annual, do Qnotes if necessary, complete ICAP pull together signature papers, then enter new Tiger categories, then start processing into tiger files first four possible clients for state inspection. Might mean getting on top of some annuals this week.

We can fill up project files as need comes up. We might though want to note/file hot papers already in cubicle pile. Ok, ok that’s a plan.  Permission granted for a 6:30 pm stay over on Monday (one day-alternative Tuesday), unless friend is over.  Get it Done!

Note task in journal. Sidenote ... list in organizer dates of meetings, think more about to-do list, ok just this one thing left. Meeting dates yes has to go to organizer, because we need visual. Now, if journal has ongoing highlighted pages for things left undone, and the tiger has listing out things coming up by date, do we need to list anything through the service of Lotus organizer to-do list? Maybe we could use it just for noting ROCK hard dates NEED TO HAVE DONE HOT LIST! We can save Paper tiger for maintenance tasks? How would that work.

Example - Say I have to get out a list of staff names for first aid by Thursday, it is now Tuesday, but I have no time. Hmm, I see an opportunity here. Maybe we should note all due dates three days prior to being needed. That would keep us more in front of the game. Get our annuals in without rush as well. Ok, we need the organizer. We will use tiger to pull up dates, but the organizing of dates getting done will have to be done through organizer. Is this a duplication?

Example - Let’s say my tiger comes up with date of stateID renewal for clients one month prior to becoming due. I would list or tape that task along with others on my journal. I would then need to complete the task or save it for later. Most often I have too much to do to get luxury one month ahead item complete. But, that would defeat the purpose of everything. How would I complete the task? I would write letter to parent, then I would note the letter in the tiger as check for progress in two weeks time under client file, and a copy of the letter would go out to parent and one in client file. How much time? If there would be a computer file for this kind of form letter, it would be done within minutes. Note form letter for state IDS in tiger Comp #1. Cool! Because I used paper tiger as a reminder, I had entered information on my own at the time process was completed. I could wait for Mirza and just leave code words in journal.

What would be the advantage of either? Peace of mind would say do it as it comes up. Hmm, might have to use that 4th high liter to note keywords I type in or keywords for mirza to type in. That would get us a good accountability degree. I like that. So, depending on time and urgency we can do it ourselves or wait. Certainly anything needing less than one week turnaround, I would have to enter.

Ok, think through this. With using journal and tiger, there seems to have been no reason to use organizer to-do, or calendar. Hmm, it probably wouldn’t be an advantage to leaving date marker on organizer calendar, because it will show up with tiger. And, tiger IS the BEST program, because of its super fast, accurate retrieval ability. What happens if there is no source document ... like something I want to do in the future, such as checking on my self-esteem project, or CARF. It would be helpful to keep a side-item agenda for that ... at present, no particular documents, except for self esteem project will go in a project file, so will be coded in tiger under project file. I could put a date to look at it by, but for awhile it is going to be a long-term project. Hmm, take note instead of project left/right, should be project short/long-term. In the tiger file if I needed or wanted to work on project I could code it ongoing, for when that time became available. That works for me ... still no organizer.

Ok, next scenario, the CARF project. Right now it would only be filed under Desk Drawer R4 (DDR4). I suppose, hmm, how do I get it into the daily routine? I could code project Daily, weekly, or monthly. So, I could pull that list from the paper tiger as well. Like Dr. Marvin would be listed under what? Am I also going to need coding in Monday, Tuesday, etc? Now, then I would be pulling up today’s date list, daily, and by day. Is that exorbitant? Say then, Lunch would come up by pushing daily. Thinking group, would come up by pushing Friday. Would be Great to get admin meeting in there too. Messed up by forgetting that meeting. I think I would have to list the date for that one, same as behavior meeting. Hmm, as an early project on Monday, check to see if tiger has a retrieval system to enter several key words/terms at one time with and/or variables.  Then, I believe it can be saved to a regular report format, so, we wouldn't have to duplicate efforts.

I think that these last items will be listed under the card file. That has ready categories like discretionary for Dr. M. And, we might then want to add school deadlines. Though, maybe it is a given that I just HAVE to go out door at 4 pm each day, cause this other world is waiting. Could schedule in friend too, if I knew dates, and it wouldn’t hurt to get in a few birthdays. Organizer was doing that under Anniversaries. Hmm, we’re getting into old problem here, the organizer is good for seeing calendar. So, can more easily make appointments. Such as if a DSP stopped by at 10 to say, could we meet at 2. This would get noted in the journal, but might need a visual. I like the idea of keeping calender open on laptop. Maybe we could use that in trying to get everything scheduled in, but put reality in journal. Is that like too much work?

I think I am going to have to become more time and attention focused. I could foresee looking by the hour to see what is scheduled. But, it will take training and discipline.  Better use desk timer. Maybe then the journal becomes my hard core record, and organizer is thought as a planner holding broader scoped items like Read mail, where journal will be listing mail read. Like after looking at the journal to see what needs to be accomplished then I could try to schedule in my day on the organizer per hour. The journal is where we’d keep the progress and location notes.

Ok, nother test. Let’s say a client comes in with a problem. He sits down to talk, we take notes as we go along, or when he finishes. The note gets referenced in journal, but is written on a card, so card goes in Mirza’s stack for Qchrono and if anything is left undone, we note that in journal, like explain something to a DSP, or call parent. Then add it to Tiger, unless can be saved for Mirza.  In journal also right key words for Mirza to type In later. This way, we can access back to the problem and time date it if necessary. Good, good. Complete

Ok, lets say. I miss a day of work. The following day I come back and then would pull two days of agenda from tiger. That is going to be a time crunch, but can do only so much. Priorities are first the clients, administrator, staff, projects (short or long depending on urgency). So, for all that doesn’t get done, we are making a lot of marker high lights. Means we have to work harder? Would like just to work more consistently getting done as much as possible. It would be a dream to have everything done within a day or two, no longer than a month, except long-term projects. I believe there was a day, we were at this level, but it was many years ago.

Ok, so what is it that we are going to do, when we get everything in place and find out we’re four to six months behind schedule, with everything showing priority. Well, one thing would be we’d at least have a list to work off of. And, if projects slid away, we could take it off list. Maybe this has something to do with how we attempt to schedule ourselves.

On Mirza’s day, we know we can only use our comp #2, until 8:30. Mirza then has it until 9:30. 9:30-11:30, we work together with Mirza, or apart if the project falls that way. Try to work with her though, expedite whatever’s on top. From 12:30-4:00, she should be on my comp #1. And, at 12:00? Seems we got another ½ hour. We could use that as free space to either be working on hot project on her own, or going back to tiger. Hmm, Usually at this time I’m eating lunch. Maybe have her do then best to finish hot project. I’ll want comp #2 while eating lunch. It’s an organizing time. Ok, thurs. Whoops monkey wrench Staff training on Thursdays at 1. So, morning same, 12-1 Qnotes plus 2 -4:30 Qnotes that’s only 3 ½hours for Qnotes. Hmm, should be ok ... only 42 minutes per note where before 48 minutes. She’ll have to shave time. BUT, then we get situation where she is in my office for my lunch. I could try to eat between 11:23 and 11:43 ... that be at least 20 min. And, I could have one more smoke after lunch bunch. So that is settled. When she goes to lunch, I’m going to need going for lunch on that day, except my lunch cut 15 minutes short. So-right.

Still leaves us with problem of actually being able to catch up on work. It will help if I’m more organized and can be working on time. That will help the most out of everything, then we may have to fall back to we’re just doing as much as humanly possible. Still should be putting an extra 2 hours a week for making up time on Mondays. We could do half hour on each of those four days, but then there is time friend comes over, cuz he says 4:30 we should be home. Ok, plan that as much as possible, BUT as a rule ... We should now start working til 4:30, be home by 5 pm ... better warn V and kitties.

I think we should throw in here, we’d like to work ourselves up to being bosses trusted right hand woman. Just have to be on time with our work, that’s all it would take to get back in excellent graces. Let’s make this an arbitrary goal by June, 2006 about the time of our end of year appraisal. This gives us 8 months, to straighten up our monkey act! By that I mean ALL business is running through the journal and tiger, and everything is running ahead of itself and we’re back into scheduling two hours a day for CARF. I want very badly for 2:30-4:30 be for that project, by July next year, we will be at a critical level with it. By January next year, we will have gotten in the new CARF book, so will have to be serious in two months. Within two months, I want annuals all caught up and Qnotes well on their way.

So, with that kind of global pattern, how do our days not overwhelm us. Hmm, first we’ve given ourselves a time period to work with. Our expectation priority this first week will be to get those four clients taken care of. Next priorty HAS TO BE, getting the staff training calendar and material back up to par. Then, I can start worrying about some of this other business, because we will be ready for State inspection anytime between now and end of February.

Whoo, lotsa responsibility. But, that’s why I’m paid the big bucks, right? One of the key factors will be to get a working printer cable going for both comp #1 & #2. Mirza’s Comp #3 is fine. Though if push came to shove, I might nudge her over and use her plug on wall that separates us. Need to secure the print system, especially with daily print-outs going to journal.

Ok, concentrate here ... we’re almost done. I know ... thank God. What a muddled brain she must have *giggle* Ok, we’re down to the part of starting, and handling day to day. First DSP 1A has to be warned not as much time for her to be chattering to us. As nice and evasive of work this has been. We need seriously to be using our time.

Ok, next. Walk into office, place keys in drawer, bag on post, soon coat posted as well, and mail on desk. Assure both computers on. Open window shades. Sit down at desk, withdraw journal from its station. Go to tiger and check for date, Day, and Mon/tues, etc report. Print-out and attach to journal. I shouldn’t have to yet look at accordion/date, because everything should be entered in tiger before placing document in that file, so information should come up with other priorities. Next, open and read all mail, noting priorities or notations (keywords) in journal. Take care of anything that can be done within a couple of minutes. Next, hmm, do I turn to organizer or journal. Let’s see both!! Open organizer to current date, if not there already. Question, will open projects be placed in tiger from journal, under Journal page line? That might be a good idea. I could also be noting then urgency code to pulled up, In general we decided something like red for within one day, orange, for 3 day turnaround, yellow for 5 days, green for two weeks, and blue for one month or more. Maybe we should add one more color, say purple for over a month, because we are going to have a lot of projects come up within month.  Keep hard dates 11/5/2005 for absolute days(remembering 3 days early), so that tasks at high Orange 1-3 days, can be expanded always to 1-3 days.  Hehe We're a national security risk to ourselves!  Hmm, we could use colors in tiger for codes like "Yellow". Hmm that would be a few more items to pull from tiger. This is where we start to feel overwhelmed. Maybe we would be just pulling the reds and dates. Then if we can complete them we'll pull orange.  Pretty much of orange will be general priority like completing annual reports and seeing that backed-up Qnotes get completed.  Now, as we come closer to completion of projects, we should code in both journal and tiger black for completed and of course as anything changes priority we would keep only one code in computer. The goal then would be to complete any reds, daily trio and work toward an orange. This is where the organizer comes in handy. We schedule the day as needs to be done, by listing time and priorities in organizer. Those will be the goals, of the day ... and optimistically all other Day to day emergencies of all contacts kept to a minimum so things get accomplished. The ideal then would be to have this much completed by one hour, 8:30, so that we can begin tasks, or turn over comp #2 to Mirza.

WOW, I think we’ve about got it. We will need to let this all set in. Wait, what happens last half hour of day, any organizing left, or is all done? Hmm, think it is more a matter of marking things down as we go. Most important is to get complete in journal, then back-up to tiger. If process takes more than 5 minutes for both journal,tiger and possibly calander, we are spending too much time, because we need to be going forward on the next priorities. Remember too ... just because we asked staff to write it down, doesn’t mean its happening. Try again to carry note cards.

Ok, last thing. I need to see how many more than 25,000 is going to carry me. I realize I’ve been long-thoughted and am up to past 16 pages. I suppose nothing to do, but check it out. I hope nobody has seriously tried to read this entry, it’s most likely much to much. But, if you have read through it. Thank you very much. I think I’ve just trained you how to be a Q!. :) Time for an early lunch, then we need to go out a few minutes for smokes, then seriously into school work. Shwooo, one thing off my mind though. I feel a hundred tons lifted from me. It is really horrible when you know that what you are doing isn’t getting done proper. I’m not saying that I will be able to maintain this system, though, I am going to try.  But, I know it has to be different, because right now the present system, is stripping our brain and making it worthlessly hopeless. At this point, I want to just know what needs to be done next, and given some uninterrupted time to do it. That’s not too much, right?

Ok, what's the matter?  I just took some time to read over MPD journal notes, we're a little frightened about making what seems to be like double/triple entries between journal, organizer, and tiger.  Specially in area's where priority/urgency levels are changing.  What has to happen to change an urgency level.  Client emergency or immediate boss need would change urgency level to red, or call/visit needing immediate attention, or dated within a couple of days.  Could be natural changes too.  Say we had an orange urgency on getting letter out to parent and we expected 3 day turnaround.  When letter goes out black it out in both journal and tiger, write new order for dated response, if not in need to call parent.  By the way ... there should be a special code to use for running things by sister.  Let's call that code "Pink."  Pull at end of day to leave on her desk over night.

ok, now the fine line being, do we have to do at least two or three organizational tasks, before we lift finger to do task?  First, take out the third Organizational task of changing organizer calender.  That schedule stays put as intended order of the day.  If a date priority needs to be set, Always, always mark in journal first.  We need the record.  At bare minimum, get it to a card.  Now, we have to schedule the priority.  Remember, at this time, we are not using organizer to-do list.  Just the anniversaries, meeting dates, Contact list, and daily calender "scratch pad." If I was to set a meeting time, I would note on journal, then transfer to organizer calendar.  Let's establish that this date goes also in tiger under Organizer as a specific date.  The reason that it has to be noted in all three is that you want it in the organizer, so that you can look ahead to scheduling new dates, or for locking in set task.  You can also block in scheduled meeting days.  It is going to need being requried to look ahead to date, before scheduling anything.  And, the new date has to go in immediately after journal entry, or by latest before leaving work.  The reason it is so important to get into the tiger is that it will be in place with date print-out, and it will be issued with client, parent, staff or whoever the meeting is regarding so to allow our mind to attach significant items together.  For example, if LD was here now and we were expecting her sister to come in for a meeting.  We should be able to pull her name and all records including past meeting dates and journal/card references would be pulled out as well.  This will also work for the behavior meeting.  No more guessing scenarios or dates.  YAYYYYY  

Now, you need everything you do to go through the journal and tiger.  Why?  The journal will act as our memory of things past.  Organizer is our memory of things future.  Tiger is like our working in-sync and present virtual mind.  I need to be able to access it and ask any question I may see fit.  the only way that will occur is to tickle its tummy at every move.  Is this going to take a lot of time throughout day?  There will be some naysayers that say, just do the work when it comes up.  BUT, unfortunately, there is too much work, for any one given day and priorities swish like leaves in a brook.  AND, although, we are multiple, we can only focus on one thing at a time.  Also, after a date goes by on the organizer, it doesn't matter any longer.  It only serves as a guide and for future planning.  The journal holds all details of the events as they are happening and collectively.  This is not true for tiger.  Tiger only holds key words and references, it is the internet browser pulling like objects together at whim.  If Sister wants to know how many medicals I have outstanding at any given time, All resources beside tiger would be time consuming.  With tiger we just cue in medical and priority.  And, so forth, but it is not efficient to type all details into her.  She's needs to remain uncluttered with non-specifics - our efficient brain :)

Ok, I avoided the question, is this an efficient use of time, to be ordered to this degree.  It sure would put a hell of a lot of meaning back into things.  I would like to go to Client C's chrononotes and have all the specifics of my communication with and about her.  It will free me up to make a wise decision.  It will help me to feel responsible again.  I also think the time is justified in that to keep current.  Dates are being held together wonderfully.  I would like time to be condensed so I am not spending so much time even remembering which tasks I am looking at.  We need to hold a better global position.  Take charge!  Maybe this effort will help us learn to streamline our projects.  We hope so at least.  I need to be able to control my obsessive/compulsive needs, but I can't afford to lose things to a system where the parts don't know what each other are doing or processing.  The fact is we are a system,  We are not a singleton.  We've been trying to act as a singleton with a linear mind, but that doesn't work for us.  we are multi-directional.  We need our systems.  It'll be ok, this is just us trying very hard.

Speaking of efficiency, we have run ourselves out of smokes and time in the day.  WE NEED to MOVE!! NoW!  Time to restructure school priorities.

So, make sense ... let's analogy - past memories journal/cards, future expectations Organizer.  Brain in the present, tiger.  All those other resources - specialized brain structures.  Hmm, maybe then I am only the consciousness :)  Nothing moves unless I am aware.  YAYYYYY!  Cool then why don't we consider MPD journal our right hemisphere, and Masters' our left hemisphere and like lately we've gone through a brain split!  Whoops, ok ... Get to it!!!!  It'll be ok.  Maybe we can help finalize this by sending it to Dr. M.  Is it ok to think a system is simplifying things for us?



Anonymous said...

Hello how is mom and baby?


Anonymous said...

Yikes   X 2  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{{{ Hugs }}}