Mornin Getting a late start today. We were up early, but then chose to go back to bed. Hmm This may be an ongoing all day entry. It seems like all kind of things are coming up this morning. Were already at work.
We first stopped to talk to Sr. Tess. We only talked for a moment though. I confirmed that I would be out Wednesday and Thursday for all day meetings presented by The ARC. The ARC is probably the biggest advocate organizations for rights and issues of the developmental disability population. This particular meeting will showcase how to get involved more in legislative issues.
Then there were a couple of client issues to care for. One is trying to remain centered in a family where her stepfather seems to be espousing a lot of anger issues of his own. The other client issue was from one of the gentlemen who has anxiety due to a compulsion to run outdoors and meet the garbage men on Tuesday mornings.
Then, I forgot one of the parents had initiated a foundation (committee) to address funding issues and I had been specifically invited to attend. Sr. allowed me to go, but after the meeting was over, she caught up with me and was very angry. She was upset, because the parent was so determined to have me take part, made such a big issue of us being there, where Sr. is adamant in regard to me having too much on our platter.
Yeeks, now one of the staff is asking me to help her a little on a Mothers Day project. I know Im goofy when I start the conversation, Yes, but you wont tell Sister?
Normally, we dont write from work, but we need to re-ground here. Slow down and concentrate. As far as yesterday
The first hour at Dr. M.s was real good, and then things went down hill after that. Jamie was out for the meeting from start to finish. She showed him how well we were doing with our on-line banking, then after a few moments general catch-up, the rest of the meeting was spent on the CARF Outcome Report.
It was very amazing. As long and complicated as the processes we were going through over the weekend with it, Dr. M. has the most amazing ability to concentrate and focus. He listened, asked questions, and most importantly, seemed to understand what we were doing.
He was in a position he could also make suggestions (help us cross a few bridges). I cant underline enough how important it is to be able to have someone in your life who understands your mind and its abilities to this degree. Very, totally positive and forward directed.
Unfortunately, Sr. had been waiting for me. And, I was yelled at again. She was mad that I had wanted more peoples input on the weighting of program hours to be spent on the Outcome Report. She felt the DSPs werent qualified to develop their own time considerations in balancing areas.
The last thing Sr. probably wanted to here from me was thats the point, theyve been balancing it on their own without assistance for at least the five years Ive been here.
Yesterday, I walked around saying to anyone who would listen, I think she hates me.
I dont know who is worse between Sr. and me. I think Ive learned from her that I want to be involved in everything and I want the power to be making decisions and contribute valuable input. *Sigh*
Sr. took me off the Outcome project until the Administration Team next meets sometime next week, so for now we are back to concentrating on writing Qnotes. There is always something that needs to be addressed next. J Suppose this is a good thing! Press on girls, press on!
etal, I don`t have much to add. You know thet Sr. is threatened by you. Gotta lay low for a bit!
I am distressed that Sister Tess chooses to deal with you by yelling at you. If she believes that you already have too much on your plate, then certainly yelling doesn't help?
Sweeties- I still feel that Sr. Tess if feeling threatened. Feels like she is loosing "control". But goodness, yelling isn't the way to make people listen to whast they say. Or, maybe she IS concerned about too much on your plate. I don't know Sr. Tess as well as you. How do you feel about it? Tammy
press on indeed, ayn and all...
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