Sunday, April 18, 2004

We're Starting with only 60 Books, but 116 Authors in the Author's Index... Oh Man is this Fun!

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Adler, M.J., et al. How to Read a Book. (1972). How to Speak, How to Listen. (1997).

Agran, M., Ph.D., et al., Self Determination to Students with Disabilities. Basic Skills for Successful Transition. (1998).

Ansell, E.F., Ph.D., et al., Community Supports for Aging Adults with Lifelong Disabilities. (2000).

Ashbaugh, J.W., et al., Creating Individual Supports for People with Developmental Disabilities: A Mandate for Change at Many Levels. (1994).

Baker, B.L., Ph.D., et al., Best of AAMR: Families and Mental Retardation. (2002).

Baker, P.C., Ph.D., et al., Embarking on a Century: Mental Retardation at the End of the Twentieth Century. (2002).

Bennett, W.J., The Book of Virtues. (1993). The Index of Leading Cultural Indicators: American Society at the End of the 20th Century ((Revised and Expanded Edition)). (1995). Moral Compass: Stories for a Life's Journey. (1995). Our Sacred Honor: Words of Adice from the Founders in Stories, Letters, Poems, and Speeches. (1997).

Berghuis, D.J., et al., The Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability Treatment Planner. (2000).

Berstein, G.S., Ph.D., "Human Service? ... That Must Be So Rewarding." A Practical Guide for Professional Development, Second Edition. (1999).

Bigby, C., B.A., M.S.W., Ph.D., Moving On Without Parents. Planning, Transitions and Sources of Support for Middle-Aged and Older Adults with Intellectual Disability. (2000).

Blacher, J., Ph.D., et al., Best of AAMR: Families and Mental Retardation. (2002).

Blaney, B.C., et al., Creating Individual Supports for People with Developmental Disabilities: A Mandate for Change at Many Levels. (1994).

Borhwick Duffy, S.A., Ph.D., et al., Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002).

Bossidy, L., et al., Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done. (2002).

Bradley, V.J., M.A., et al., Creating Individual Supports for People with Developmental Disabilities: A Mandate for Change at Many Levels. (1994). Quality Enhancement in Developmental Disabilities: Challenges & Opportunities in a Changing World. (2003).

Brown, F., Ph.D., et al., People with Disabilties Who Challenge the System. (1996).

Bruce, E.J., Ph.D., et al., Nonfinite Loss and Grief. A Psychoeducational Approach. (2001).

Bryant, B., Ph.D., et al., Supports Intensity Scale Manual and Forms (The set). (2003).

Buckingham, M., et al., First Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest managers Do Differently. (1999). Now Discover Your Strengths. (2001).

Buntinx, W.H.E., Ph.D., et al., Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002).

Burack, J.A., et al., Handbook of Mental Retardation and Development. (1998).

Burck, C., et al. Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done. (2002).

Campbell, E.M., Ph.D., et al., Supports Intensity Scale Manual and Forms (The set). (2003).

Carlson, J.I., M.A., et al., Communication-based Intervention for Problem Behavior: A User's Guide to Producing Positive Change. (1994).

Carr, E.G., Ph.D., et al., Communication-based Intervention for Problem Behavior: A User's Guide to Producing Positive Change. (1994).

Carter, W.W., M.Ed., et al., The Transition Handbook: Strategies High School Teachers Use That Work! (2000).

Chapman, M.S., M.Ed., et al., Developing Staff Competencies for Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities. An Orientation Handbook, Second Edition. (1993).

Charan, R., et al., Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done. (2002).

Clifton, D.O., et al., Now Discover Your Strengths. (2001).

Coffman, C., et al., First Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest managers Do Differently. (1999). Follow the Path: How the World's Greatest Organizations Drive Growth by Unleashing Human Potential. (2002).

Coulter, D.L., Ph.D., et al., Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002).

Covey, S.R., Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. (1990).

Craig, P.M., Ph.D., et al., Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002). Supports Intensity Scale Manual and Forms (The set). (2003).

Croser, M.D., et al., Embarking on a Century: Mental Retardation at the End of the Twentieth Century. (2002).

Didden, R., et al., One-to-One Training: Instructional Procedures for Learners with Developmental Disabilities. (2004).

Dinoto, A., et al. The Pressed Plant. (1999).

Duker, P.C., et al., One-to-One Training: Instructional Procedures for Learners with Developmental Disabilities. (2004).

Gardner, J.F., Ph.D., M.A.S., et al., Developing Staff Competencies for Supporting People with Developmental Disabilities. An Orientation Handbook, Second Edition. (1993). Quality Performance in Human Services. Leadership, Values, and Vision. (1999).

Gonzalez-Molina, G., et al., Follow the Path: How the World's Greatest Organizations Drive Growth by Unleashing Human Potential. (2002).

Gower, R., et al.,The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills. (1997).

Greenspan, S., Ph.D., et al., What is Mental Retardation. (2003).

Griffin, C., et al., Making Self-employment Work for People with Disabilities. (2003).

Frazier, E.S., M.A., et al Self-directed Employment: A Handbook for Transition. Teachers and Employment Specialists. (2002).

Hammis, D., et al., Making Self-employment Work for People with Disabilities. (2003).

Hanson, M.J., Ph.D., et al., Developing Cross-cultural Competence: A Guide for Working with Children and their Families, 2nd ed. (1998). Understanding Families: Approaches to Diversity, Disability, and Risk. (2003).

Herr, S.S., J.D., et al., Aging, Rights, and Quality of Life. Prospects for Older People with Developmental Disabilities. (1999).

Hingsburger, D., M.Ed., Sexuality. Your Sons and Daughters with Intellectual Disabilities. (2000).

Hodapp, R.M., et al., Handbook of Mental Retardation and Development. (1998).

Holburn, S., Ph.D., et al., Person-Centered Planning: Research, Practice, and Future Directions. (2003).

Hughes, C., Ph.D., et al., Self Determination to Students with Disabilities. Basic Skills for Successful Transition. (1998). Supports Intensity Scale Manual and Forms (The set). (2003). The Transition Handbook: Strategies High School Teachers Use That Work! (2000).

Husch, J.V., M.A., et al., Self-directed Employment: A Handbook for Transition. Teachers and Employment Specialists. (2002).

Janicki, M.P., Ph.D., et al., Community Supports for Aging Adults with Lifelong Disabilities. (2000).

Jongsma, Jr., A.E. et al. The Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability Treatment Planner. (2000).

Keith, K.D., Ph.D., et al., Cross-Cultural Perspective on Quality of Life. (2000).

Kemp, D.C., Ph.D., et al., Communication-based Intervention for Problem Behavior: A User's Guide to Producing Positive Change. (1994).

Kimmich, M., D.S.W. et al., Quality Enhancement in Developmental Disabilities: Challenges & Opportunities in a Changing World. (2003).

Knowlton, E., Ed.D. et al., Teaching Students with Mental Retardation: Providing Access to the General Curriculum. (2002).

Kozleski, E.B., Ed.D. et al., Teaching Students with Mental Retardation: Providing Access to the General Curriculum. (2002).

Kregel, J. Ed.D., et al., More than a Job: Securing Satisfying Careers for People with Disabilities. (1998).

Lehr, D.H., Ph.D., et al., People with Disabilties Who Challenge the System. (1996).

LeRoy, B., Ph.D., et al., Women with Disabilities Aging Well. A Global View. (2004).

Levin, L., M.A., et al., Communication-based Intervention for Problem Behavior: A User's Guide to Producing Positive Change. (1994).

Lovett, H., Ph.D., Learning to Listen: Positive Approaches and People with Difficult Behavior. (1996).

Luckasson, R.A., Ph.D., et al., Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardatioin Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002).

Lynch, E.W., Ph.D., et al., Developing Cross-cultural Competence: A Guide for Working with Children and their Families, 2nd ed. (1998). Understanding Families: Approaches to Diversity, Disability, and Risk. (2003).

Martin, J.E., Ph.D., et al., Self-directed Employment: A Handbook for Transition. Teachers and Employment Specialists. (2002).

McCarthy, C.F., PT, M.S., et al., Communications Supports Checklist for Programs Servicing Individuals with Severe Disailities. A Product of the National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities. (1998).

McClean, L.K., Ph.D., et al., Communications Supports Checklist for Programs Servicing Individuals with Severe Disailities. A Product of the National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities. (1998).

McConnachie, G., Ph.D., et al., Communication-based Intervention for Problem Behavior: A User's Guide to Producing Positive Change. (1994).

McHugh, M., Special Siblings. Growing Up with Someone with a Disability, Revised Edition. (2002).

McMorrow, M.J., M.S., Getting Ready to Help: A Primer on Interacting in Human Service. (2003).

Melberg Schwier, K., et al., Sexuality. Your Sons and Daughters with Intellectual Disabilities. (2000).

Miller, J.F., Ph.D., et al., Communications Supports Checklist for Programs Servicing Individuals with Severe Disailities. A Product of the National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities. (1998).

Mithaug, D.E., Ph.D., et al., Self-directed Employment: A Handbook for Transition. Teachers and Employment Specialists. (2002).

Noonan Walsh, P. Ph.D., et al., Women with Disabilities Aging Well. A Global View. (2004).

Novak Amado, A.R., Ph.D., Friendships and Community Connections Between People with and without Developmental Disabilities. (1993).

Nudler, S., M.A.S., et al., Quality Performance in Human Services. Leadership, Values, and Vision. (1999).

Oliphint, J.H., M.Ed., et al., Self-directed Employment: A Handbook for Transition. Teachers and Employment Specialists. (2002).

Orelove, F.P., Ph.D., et al., Educating Children with Multiple Disabilities: A Collaborative Approach, Fourth Edition. (2004).

Paul-Brown, D., Ph.D., et al., Communications Supports Checklist for Programs Servicing Individuals with Severe Disailities. A Product of the National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities. (1998).

Pengra, L.M., Ph.D., Your Values, My Values: Multicultural Services in Developmental Disabilities. (2000).

Perlstein, R., et al., Ready-to-Use Conflict Resolution Activities for Secondary Students. (2002).

Reave, A.A., Ph.D., et al., Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002).

Romski, M.A., Ph.D., Communications Supports Checklist for Programs Servicing Individuals with Severe Disailities. A Product of the National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities. (1998).

Rourk, J.D., O.T.R/L., et al., Communications Supports Checklist for Programs Servicing Individuals with Severe Disailities. A Product of the National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities. (1998).

Rotholz, D.A., Ph.D., et al., Supports Intensity Scale Manual and Forms (The set). 2003

Sands, D.J., Ed.D. et al., Making it Happen: Student Involvement in Education Planning, Decision Making, and Instruction. (1998). Teaching Students with Mental Retardation: Providing Access to the General Curriculum. (2002).

Saphier, J., et al., The Skillful Teacher: Building Your Teaching Skills. (1997).

Sax, C.L., Ed.D., et al., Transition Assessment. Wise Practices for Quality Lives. (2002).

Schalock, R.L., Ph.D., et al., Adaptive Behavior and its Measurement. (1999). Cross-Cultural Perspective on Quality of Life. (2000). Embarking on a Century: Mental Retardation at the End of the Twentieth Century. (2002). Handbook on the Quality of Life for Human Service Practioners. (2002). Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002). Out of the Darkness and Into the Light: Nebraska's Experience in Mental Retardation. (2002). Supports Intensity Scale Manual and Forms (The set). (2003). What is Mental Retardation. (2003).

Schultz, C.L., Ph.D., Nonfinite Loss and Grief. A Psychoeducatonal Approach. (2001).

Sigafoos, J., et al., One-to-One Training: Instructional Procedures for Learners with Developmental Disabilities. (2004).

Silberman, R.K., Ed.D., et al., Educating Children with Multiple Disabilities: A Collaborative Approach, Fourth Edition. (2004).

Silverman, W., Ph.D., et al., Supports Intensity Scale Manual and Forms (The set). (2003).

Slaggert, K., et al. The Mental Retardation and Developmental Disability Treatment Planner. (2000).

Smith, C.E., M.A., et al., Communication-based Intervention for Problem Behavior: A User's Guide to Producing Positive Change. (1994).

Smith, D., et al., What is Mental Retardation. (2003).

Snell, M.E., Ph.D., et al., Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002).

Sobsey, D., Ed.D., et al., Educating Children with Multiple Disabilities: A Collaborative Approach, Fourth Edition. (2004).

Spitalnik, D.M., Ph.D., etal., Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002).

Spreat, S., Ph.D., et al., Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002).

Stroul, B.A., M.Ed., Children's Mental Health. Creating Systems of Care in a Changing Society. (1996).

Switzky, H.N., Ph.D., et al., What is Mental Retardation. (2003).

Tasse, M., Ph.D., et al., Book, Workbook, and Forms Set: Mental Retardation Definition, Classification, and Systems of Supports 10th Edition. (2002). Supports Intensity Scale Manual and Forms (The set). (2003).

Thoma, C.A., Ph.D., et al., Transition Assessment. Wise Practices for Quality Lives. (2002).

Thompson, J.R., Ph.D., et al., Supports Intensity Scale Manual and Forms (The set). (2003).

Thrall, G., et al., Ready-to-Use Conflict Resolution Activities for Secondary Students. (2002).

Van Doren, C., et al., How to Read a Book. (1972).

Verdugo-Alonso, M.A., Ph.D., et al., Handbook on the Quality of Life for Human Service Practioners. (2002).

Victoria Hospice Society, British Columbia, Canada., Transitions in Dying and Bereavement. A Psychosocial Guide for Hospice and Palliative Care. (2003).

Vietze, P.M., Ph.D., et al., Person-Centered Planning: Research, Practice, and Future Directions. (2003).

Weber, G., Ph.D., et al., Aging, Rights, and Quality of Life. Prospects for Older People with Developmental Disabilities. (1999).

Wehman, P., Ph.D., Life Beyond the Classroom: Transition Strategies for Young People with Disabilities. (2001). More than a Job: Securing Satisfying Careers for People with Disabilities. (1998).

Wehmeyer, M.L., Ph.D. et al., Making it Happen: Student Involvement in Education Planning, Decision Making, and Instruction. (1998). Supports Intensity Scale Manual and Forms (The set). (2003). Teaching Self Determination to Students with Disabilities. Basic Skills for Successful Transition. (1998). Teaching Students with Mental Retardation: Providing Access to the General Curriculum. (2002).

Winter, D., et al., The Pressed Plant. (1999).

Yoder, D.E., Ph.D., et al., Communications Supports Checklist for Programs Servicing Individuals with Severe Disailities. A product of the National Joint Committee for the Communication Needs of Persons with Severe Disabilities. (1998).

Ziggler, E.F., et al., Handbook of Mental Retardation and Development. (1998).

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

B E S T   O F   L U C K   !!!!
I hope the next three days go swimmingly!