Sunday, April 4, 2004

Puttin Up Our Feet (Just two of them)

Man-o-man what a wonderful morn and the sun is shinin! It’s 9 am already and I haven’t done anything for a couple of hours except drink coffee and catch up with some J-reading. We felt too out-of-the-loop to be making many comments yet ... needed first to figure out where everyone was at. We’ve been stretching the work clock so have woken up too late for our regular reading this week. We’re sorry.

We didn’t have any more marguerites, but if it counts, we must have been pretty slap happy before we retired from work last night because the two sisters came home and accused us of drinking! We’d been workin like a demon and we were red in the face!!

We worked on three CARF projects yesterday. The first was to put together a State training manual (actually it had to be separated to three binders) for the DSPs. The second was to finish the last "big" book (21 sections) that everyone else had passed on to us. And the last, was to put together a "program" package for all staff. It was centered on not only the program, but on the basics everyone should know (like the Center's ethics and philosophy) and outcome summaries. Phew, lotsa work accomplished.

None of the work was real hard ... just took time getting through it. There is only one "little" CARF book left and at that, it’s complete just need to write in the description pages of each of the remaining four sections. I left plenty for Sr. Tess to look through today now. In all, there were directly 13 CARF books written (many 3" binders) and a bevy of supporting documents like the two just mentioned. We’re seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

Now over the next two weeks, we have to be satisfied with what we’ve done toward CARF and work on getting our regular Q work finished. I have 5 clients who are still way behind in their Qnotes, 2 annuals to finish up, and for my entire case load (24 people), I have to write Qnotes to cover March and April. That’ll take some time. Just two weeks left now.

But, today is Sunday ... a day of rest. Thinking Macadam might come over, not sure. Maybe I should clean off my desk? Hmm, do that now ... Ok, that’s better. Darn milk shake evidence ...

Back to the "relaxin" part!

Picture -


Anonymous said...

Good morning! Doing my rounds, too. Don't like it when school gets in the way of doing the things I enjoy most, but the year is almost over. Glad to hear you've been out having some fun. Jeanne

Anonymous said...

Milk Shakes????? I don't think so. Glad you all are taking a day off. Regards, Bill.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sure that`s not a Margarita stain?   LOL

Anonymous said...

Well, a couple of margaritas is enough to make me slap happy too, that's for sure.  That's why I stop at one, lol.

I think a little R&R once in a while isn't a bad idea.