Monday, July 12, 2004

Just a Weekend

Morning ... How are you? We’re fine. Been up a little while, but working on the other journal.

I’m very excited about how much work Christy and Kathy put into things. I’ve got all of Kathy’s material integrated with the rest, but I still have about 70 listings for Christy to process. So far, between the three of us, there are 285 listings already recorded in the OneNote Program. Only 54% of those listings have been mailed out. So, there is quite a bit of work left to do. I feel confident that it is going to be done. We’re hoping that Christy may join us again because I believe it is something that she has enjoyed being a part of. And, we’re hoping that Debbie picks it up. But, time will tell... Just wanted to thank you guys for being co-editors with us!

There was not too much other that happened yesterday. It was pretty a quiet day spent around the computer. I got a couple of calls from my friend and oldest son, checking up on me. But, other than that...

I did do a few things that I’d been putting off. I ordered through the computer, groceries, bookshelves, and drapes for the living room. That took a little time, especially the bookshelves. I had previously found a model that I liked at a very reasonable price, but I wanted to assure myself that I’d made a good choice. So I looked at about 200 different shelves. While looking, I came across the ones that I’d originally chosen, and fell in love with them all over again!

There was one more part too. The original bookshelves were only 30" where most the newer ones were 36". Since I’m getting two sets of three shelves that will sit side by side, it was important that I keep the width of three bookshelves total about 8 feet. The smaller set came to 7 ½ feet, where the larger set came to 9 foot. I didn’t really want the larger set, because at 9 foot they bookshelves would be on top of the buzzer I use to open the door, and in front of my air conditioner plug. I also like the 75" height on the smaller shelve. The larger unit was either 70" or 84". Hehe - eh, maybe we’re a middle of the roader! :)

I’ll be so relieved when all of this is done and everything is up and looking good. Change is hard, but we’re looking forward to this one. Now ... gotta start thinking of carpet cleaning ... Yuch! Sounds like time away from the computer. How good could that be?? Thinking we’re going to need a dolly to move all our books out of the living room to clean the carpet and put in the newshelves. Our friend is really worried about our old set. It’s just 80 feet worth of bricks and particle board which is dipping on many ends due to the weight of the books. Plus its never been mounted to the wall, so there’s uncertainty there. *Sigh*

Next step is to arrange a date, we can get the car in for repairs. Need to fix the air conditioning and check out the rattle on the bottom of the car. We’re hoping ... PLEASE don’t cost over $2,000! Then lastly, will be our new books. We’re kind of at a toss up now because we’re not sure if we should bring the books home or to work. Thoughts all along have been to keep them at work. I’m not totally happy with the shelving area. They will be kept in front of my long picture window on the sill. I’m afraid even with six new bookshelves, I’m not going to be able to have better space for them here. *Sigh* S’pose work is still the better choice. Handy as reference materials.

Today is a Dr. M. Day. Not sure what will happen there. I’m afraid to open the door to where we were with the boys over the weekend, because it was such a sensitive area, but I suppose that would be a good thing to talk over. Just I’m not so sure what else there would be to add. Macadam listened as I told him my experience of being hurt. There is no blame. If anything, I’m mad at myself for still being "dependent" on the boys for things like holidays and dinners out. Clearly they would rather spend that time with their large extended "other" family.

I’ve got to be ok with that, otherwise it could tear me apart. I don’t have an extended family, so the time spent on "My Side," is really just time that would be spent with me. I also don’t have the game/tv/computer center that is prominent in most of the homes on the other side of the family, which is their apparent bread and butter. So, there is no entertainment here except conversation, plus I do not cook. Macadam can talk, but the other boys aren’t interested in my kind of conversation ... I guess.

Hmm, maybe we should talk to Dr. M. about this. I think it is still bothering us more than I would like to believe.

Shoot ... feeling kind of down again ... Think I’m going to stop.


Anonymous said...

thinking of you today, judi

Anonymous said...

Hello again:  everything in one fell swoop... First off, I would like to help you with your postings, but knowing me, I will need step by step instructions for what you need done.  (Technologically inept but a quick study)  I have a long day most days due to lack of employment.  (hopefully not for long) I am willing to do what I can for the project, if I am not too much a burdon in teaching the steps..
I am available and online most of the day light hours.  

Rose Kupko

Anonymous said...

Hi Ayn and all!

I just popped in to see what's up, and I noticed that I put your counter at exactly 15,000 ~ Wow! Congratulations!  And, do I get a prize?  Kidding.

Good going with all the Anniversary work you are doing!  I'm doing projects  too!  


Anonymous said...

I feel for you and the way you feel about last weekend.  I guess all I can say is that kids grow up and aren't quite as dependant on "us".  Like when my daughter comes home.  I would love her to stay and spend the whole time with me.  Sleep in the house, stay for dinner, just hang out.  But she spends a lot of time staying over at her dad's (he makes her feel guilty if she doesn't ) or up at her fiance's house.  It makes me feel kinda left out.  And sometimes I miss her more when she's here than when she's not.  But I'm glad I gave her the wings to fly and the ability to love many.
Take heart sweeties, it is not you, it is just the effects of our children growing up and leaving the nest.  