Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Grumbly morning

Good morning. This is me ... just a short while. Half an hour to shower. Been up this morning Iming and such. Chief woke up for an extra stretch. Thought he’d get in an extra petting on the day. Schwoo, you just can’t change all the routines like this ... it’ll lead to chaos!

Woo, Word isn’t liking me this morning. All kinds of red and green marks. Hmm, it doesn’t seem to like any of my sentences. Well, that one got by. Having trouble with Word in the journal and with WordPerfect at work. Hmm.

There, just started over again in WordPerfect. Better for entries, I am going to try remembering to bring WordPerfect disk to work. I’ll load it to that machine so we have full versatility. Another trick we use if there isn’t too much mark-up is to copy/paste to AOL email, compose as plain text, then open up in the other word processor. Not sure if I want a whole lot of WordPerfect documents at work, though it seems that save sends documents to the same place, just indicates an icon difference. That works for me, no more complicated than switching to a spreadsheet. Hmm, did I check word data base? Hold on...

Hmm, that’s going to take some studying. Managed a little playing though. Most of my time was used up. Going to need getting in that shower in a few moments. Then maybe a half hour before work left. Not sure of moving here. I just started writing. Hmm. No, I’m not saying anything significant. Just to stall might be in our nature. Not remembering now if the doctor appointment was earlier or later. Think the schedule is in trunk of car. It’ll either be like 9 am or 2:30-3:00. I guess that would mean that I could get in over an hour of work if it was the earlier time. Be much more fun to stay at home and play hooky. *Sigh* Come on that’s not very professional. I know, I know ... was just saying ... I know ... forget it. Ok, sorry.

Might as well take the shower then brb.

Ahh, it’s always so nice after the shower is taken ... why is it that it takes so much pushing to get us in? Poor Missy, she’s all crabby, because the garbage men have just been by. She needed a good pet too. Hmm, think she’s calming down. She’s sitting quietly by the open door now.

Think we need to stop at the little store this morning. Better plan on leaving pretty soon. Had to do some switching around with files. Can I drink another cup of coffee before leaving? One more smoke. Need to relax. Think we got a little upset with garbage men too. Very unsettling. Oh yeah ... need shoes on. Tough getting ready in morning.

*Sigh* few more minutes. Too many doctor appointments! This one is going to look at my numbers :( She doesn’t always say something. Sometimes, she looks at her papers and just frowns. Then she thinks of something else terrible to do to me. There was a couple of things we didn’t do either. We haven’t gotten the lung test or the carbohydrates test. One is scheduling the other is being avoided because it requires 12 hour fast. To be fair though, I did have surgery, got my eyes checked, started physical therapy and went to the nutrition place. I’m no Super Woman! Hmpf, was even in the Emergency Room. That ought to account for something! Grumble, grumble...

I know, I know numbers off ... shoot forgot to do that glucose testing too. Started too, but between being another thing that hurt, I couldn’t get used to needing to carry a purse to get it back and forth from home to work. Can’t we just say there is room for improvement?  AND, my psychiatrist is outta town!

Shoot, better get going ... bye. :( 


Anonymous said...

Remember the Meds!!

Anonymous said...

You`re doin` fine!!