Monday, November 3, 2003

Dr. M.?

Our sleeping was badly handled.  We forgot the medicine and had fallen asleep about 7 pm., woke up at 10:30 pm, and stayed up ‘til 3 am, then slept again until about 6 am.  We’ve had a lot on our mind. 
We figure we should talk about the personal response we had toward the multiple reading and summary we wrote.   
It’ll be much easier to talk about the excitement with the boys.  We also advanced the house buying issue.  Macadam says we should wait to talk to Tanner about it until after we find how he is doing past the end of the year.  So, we’re resolved! 
We’re somewhat worried about our spending.  About 2 am, we were at Amazon buying our digital camera and accessories.  There was also unfounded joy in having made the decision.  Our ex-mother-in-law and ex-husband had brain washed us to thinking, throughout the boys’ childhood, that it would be a waste of money to get a camera, because she had a very good camera and would take “the better family pictures.” 
I can’t say enough thanks to Steven for getting us past this dilemma.  It has been his joy in taking pictures that got us over the hump.  Our memory isn’t turning out well enough to compensate.  We’re now grieving for the loss of so many opportunities missed.  But we’re thinking the FlyLady would tell us, “You’re never behind, just jump in where you are at!” 
We’ll have to go over the bill paying too.  We’ve advanced, in that, we entered the bills in our new financial journals and wrote out the checks.  But, we were at work and didn’t have the actual bills and account numbers with us.  This is not so good in that we couldn’t tolerate looking at the project over the weekend.
Then, of course, there’s work pressure.  There will be a staffing immediately after we get to work.  Sr. Tess cancelled the Thinking Group this week, due to CARF time constraints.  *Sigh* it’ll be ok?


Anonymous said...

It will okay absolutely. Everyone has those rough nights and weekends, and look you are getting pasted so much! Dig. cameras are awesome - they may be a luxery but they can be incrediably niffty to have around for sure! Your comments on my journal always make me laugh - it is you all who are the coolest!
With love,

Anonymous said...

Hi All - it's already okay :) you're exactly where you need to be. impossible to think you could be anywhere but here! and woohoo! congrats on your digital camera... let the healing begin! love to all of you xo ~peace~

Anonymous said...

Thanks :-) I am honored that you found some energy in my images. If you do feel the need to return the camera, I will understand too. You bought a stellar package and it should serve you well. Prices should plument after Christmas with overstock and slow selling models. Work the numbers and take it slow. Lots to learn with a camera :-)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new camera! I can't wait to see what you come up with! Take pictures of everything. Life is all around you! Fun, fun. And yes, of course, it will be OK. Things always work themselves out in the end. Good luck.

Anonymous said...

You all are super! Erin, we figure we'll always be working on getting "past it," because it is the thread of our life. We're happy that the path is now following its own fun stream! I'm not sure if we're "the coolest" though. Thought brings to mind the big red Kool Aid guy! *Giggle* He'd be like way cooler! Amy, maybe this is like what you were talking about? Feelin like a million bucks!

Our love,

Anonymous said...

We're going to sit here feeling the thoughts "awesome" and "stellar package" for a bit. We do find energy in this whole camera process and we're hopin to apply it to the healing and beyond. Steven you got a "no, no, no!" responce from someone inside us at the suggestion of returning the camera! Shoot, we figure Sarah barely ever says the "N" word! She's been hangin around KC too much!

Our love,

Anonymous said...

Good :-) My first digital camera was a bit of leap, but I am glad I kept the investment going. Tis worth it :-)

Anonymous said...

I would love a new digital camera..lucky duck! Mine is from my inlaws, that said they just don't use it enough. I am going to be very sad when they decide they want it back.... :( enjoy your camera and take lots of pictures!