Hmm, where are we now
? Last night was a Dr. M. night. He is going to be moving from the 4th floor to the 7th. There is always little life changes. We figure its best to adapt sooner than later. It seems this change is reflective of other changes and its sometimes hard. ">http://
Last week Sr. Tess prioritized one particular CARF project, now this week its another. Note: We need to be staying fluid and do whatever is necessary at that very moment.
One of the changes that happened this week is that we had to let go of the individual that had been wreaking so much havoc. Hed been practicing running out of the building, but the last time he ran down the street and across a busy street. Sister Tess felt that self-endangerment was something beyond the centers scope.
We talked of other work matters to Dr. M., bill paying, cameras, friends, the house/renting, time management, our forgetfulness, just a smorgasbord of topics, really.
I dont know how we got there, but he said something about us switching in appearance "> like with interests, facial gestures and posture. We didnt know what to think of that, though wed heard it before. He says that were subtle. Hmm, thats what our first major therapist said. My father said it differently; he compared us to a snake in the grass. Thanks Dad
We left Dr. Ms office feeling kind of bleary and foggish like. We know to look for his expression. It was telling us that things would be ok. We like his confidence in himself and us. Afterward, we took us out to what is becoming our favorite restaurant. We like that the waitress remembers that we drink one glass of Riesling with our meal. Sometimes multiplicity kind of feels scary and over intimate, like heart on sleeve. But, what is normal, really?
Hi, I don't think there is such a thing as normal and besides who would want to be anyway,lol? There's nothing wrong with alittle change now and then.... without change life would just be boring. You're doing a great job, wish you the best! siempre, Shasta
only you can say what is changes with everyone :) just checking in so you know i havent left you! :) i've just been a busy busy woman! :)
What's the difference if we're living one life or ten as long as we are who we are? I draw upon many past life experiences which some people wouldn't look at as normal either.
That Happy Chica,
Marcia Ellen
Happy that your ok Kayleen - busy is good! Marcia Ellen, you caught our attention with being "who we are." And, your right shasta ... It would seem like wanting normal would be like wanting to be only average. Dr. M. this time was a little more daunting in that we could feel him "knowing" our self differences. *sigh* We're starting our 5th year, go figure! Usually who "we are" seems more like a presentation.
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