Need to apologize ..."> thinking of late that we spend a lot of time talking about just "Our World." Thing is we actually know very little of what goes on out in the actual lives of other folks. But, sometimes we take a peek, or of late, j-peeks.
We know that in general, people wake up, care for their bodies, do something toward work or play (both we figure is really about the same as the other), then we seem to nurture ourselves before turning in for another night.
It seems when people don't nourish themselves enough, they get caught up in an illness that is either physical or emotional. That causes others around them to hover with reminders to be taking better care. In general, it seems that most folks care about one another. People need and appreciate being valued, and to feel self-value. No one takes better care of "self," then the self itself!
Yesterday we did a group that we haven't done for a while. Once a month late in the afternoon, we lead the individuals at work in a relaxation group. It seems like most the folks come in pretty tense. They're still working through the dramas of the week and haven't had the chance to unwind.
We try to "nurture" the nurturing process. When you stop your own buzzing to ask people how they are doing ... a lot of what you hear is that they tend to be ok, feeling good, or have been insulted or overwhelmed with something or another. So you do a little assistive nurturing. You listen, care, maybe even empathize, no one really wants to feel bad, or see you feeling bad.
We figure this is all a pretty good process, because in reality my world is yours, and yours is ours. Hopin next that folks will have found so much growth in one another, we'll all get a chance to to kick back and enjoy. Things will keep getting better and better. 'Cuz in livin this kind of life, we discover love. Man, does that ever go over well with the morning's coffee and bagel! (Or, in some cases ... fruitloops even!)
Aw what a great priority. I'll bet that if more workers attending programs like these - emotional and physical illness would have a dent in it. That is if they could find the time...something to think about for sure!
With love,
P.S. LOVE the new look, I am not so talented I can do that LoL.
Yep, yep Erin! There's sure a lot to be getting done out here. Can't hardly bear to think of our agency as being just a tiny, tiny piece of the much, much bigger pie. But, we figure you start out with what's in front of you and work from there with what you've got. Hehe, thanks for noticing the new luck. I'm absolutely positive you could do it ... Just go to Pam's J-help and she explains everything! Our love, Ayn and Sarah
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