Hmm, were up cautiously this morning. Were a little worried about you alls comments. It seems the general thread is that theres an argument against all the yelling that she is doing and there is a good possibility that Sr. Tess is feeling threatened by us and that we should lie back some.
We dont like the yelling either and we think were going to try and figure out how to lay low. Going away for a couple of days to the ARC Convention seems to help ... and we werent supposed to be at work on Saturday, because it is the first Saturday, which theoretically we dont work. The meetings end Thursday at 3 pm and were hoping to drive in to the city in time for Dr. Ms appointment. Then on Friday at 2 pm, we have the appointment with the surgeon about the hernia. So, the point being ... what would happen if we took off Friday too?
That would be some very serious laying low? The way we figure, weve got to take six more days off between now and June 30. The sick days will carry over, but not the vacation and personal days. It seems as if the only problem is that Im expecting my prescriptions to come through the mail and end up at work. We might have to arrange to pick them up sometime in between all these days off. Eh, just a call and a short ride?
There we did it! So proud of ourselves!! We wrote a note to Sr. asking if it would be ok to take Friday as a personal day. We did say ... it would give us both a break, since lately, we seem to be upsetting her and that we didnt mean to be so frustrating. I figure for this little bit ... its ok to let her know that we are sensitive to all the negative stuff being imposed on us. Hmm, better send our friend a copy too. *Giggle* And, Dr. M. Seems like this wanting a day off is a big deal!
Wow!! Just got an email back from Sr. Tess ... bout 5:52 am now ... Shes okd the time off. She didnt comment on the other stuff, but she didnt say anything negative either. :)
Im almost like on vacation! Dya hear that?!!
Shoot, shoot ... whatll I do? I know, I know ... maybe I could get a room?? Heheh - meetings go til 5 pm and theres supposed to be a magic show I think until 7 pm. Im not interested in magic, but you all know what I think of Marguerites and Bloody Marys!! Of course, not until after the meetings are over. Did I mention this is a two day convention?? Hehehe
Hmm, ok ... plans are all made ... AND, friend is coming over to the hotel for dinner! Prettygood, pretty good. I am hopin they are going to be pretty good meetings! Suppose I should get going? Ahh, thats the deal ... just checked and sure enough Internet access in the guest rooms! So, guess well pack it up ... lets see shampoo, medicine, pajammas ....
etal, I`m so happy you have some time away! Remember, one of the 1st rules of a convention! R E L A X !!!!!! Yeaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woo-Hoo! Woo-Hoo! Vacation time for you. So sorry that our comments were a little negative towards Sr. Tess sometimes. We all just care. Obviously you got a room for the convention... How decadant of you! *giggle* You don't even have to make the bed in the morning!!! Have a wonderful days off - talk a walk, check out Spring in the air, go somewhere that you've been wanting to go. Ta-ta! Tammy
Ah Ha, a chance to relax and enjoy so, do it. Have fun. Bill
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