Thursday, April 1, 2004

Thing Keep Moving Forward

Yesterday was a pretty good day all considered. The Thinking Group was at the top of the morning. It was day 2 out of 2 for discussing Administrative type issues with the large group. We had a rough start due to one of the smaller groups having visited a pet store to buy gold fish.  Overnight ... some of the fish had died. There were tears. Tough call on that one.

The group's focus was challenged.  The tendency is to want to bring up personal issues during group time which isn't really a group agenda item. We reminded them of adult responsibilities to be talking of issues that affected them as a whole. The responsibility is to pay attention and contribute.  They were receptive. 

Most important issue turned out to be safety. One of the groups had been on a walking tour and had stopped by the local fire department. They thought to ask for an appointment, but were treated to a first lesson. They seemed to pick up quite a bit and not all of it was about how good looking the Chief was with his long mustache. Hehe. They were shown equipment and vehicles. Next time, they will view the private quarters like where the firemen eat and sleep.  Oh yeah, something about getting down that pole too!

After that it was back to CARF needs. One of the interruptions was to clean off our desk surfaces lest it drive us bonkers. I can get only so far before I need to organize.

I was excited about one of the projects for the secretary. She will be translating (to Spanish) our Individual Preference Interview. It is 14 pages of questions we ask the individuals about their choices in 10 different areas such as where they live, with whom, what they do for leisure, safety, etc. Now with it translated, we can send it home to the Families for the individuals who cannot answer on their own.  It's a tremendous amount of good information!

We’re half way through the big book on our services. This one addresses 21 areas. It’s kind of funny really. I spent a year working on CARF three years ago, but I’d been very new to the organization at that time. What’s funny ... is that, I actually kind of know what I’m doing or looking for this time around, just there's always change!

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Anonymous said...

Good for you,etal, and I`m so happy you have this wonderful Secretary.

Anonymous said...

Vince, we don't say this as often as we should, but thank you for reading our journal almost every morning. We look forward to your comment. Kind of gives us the feeling that we are indeed real.

Anonymous said...
