Sunday, September 25, 2005

Happy Birthday V!!!!! (Please MAXIMIZE screen)

Me  and the kitties

wanted to tell you about "our" V

Long before any of us knew Vince he was an apple in someone's eye. then there was his Dad. 

 This was V when he was just months old ...

He was destined to be a special child.

Rumor has it that V. was born not only of special parents, but as well to a special home! 

Could this be one of V's poetic beauties.

V.'s just told us a little bit of his son.  But, you can be pretty sure ... he's pretty gosh darn important!  (Word is he has his mothers good looks!).

Right outside V's door he has a full mailbox from all the notices he gets to visit journals.

I personally think there is nothing that Vince could not accomplish.

I've had opportunities to look into our hero's mind.  It's a beauty.<A

V. had an uneventful childhood.


He grew in character and charm and has had a good fore-arm.

V. took no time to graduate.

V. came into the adult world with theories and theorems!

V has done his share to save mankind from themselves from beside his trusty psychoanalytic couch.

V. like no other journalist around has inundated J-Land in culture and fine arts.

He will be busy all through the days he teases the years from retirement.

V. has brought us poeticism to our thoughts, buthe's not all in raptured melancholy. 

After the party Vince had last year, I'm not sure if we should start up again. We know him and Vlad to be heavy party animal dudes.

I have to be honest, in that V. has made my kitties life a lot happier while I'm gone to work

As one of V.'s MANY friends

It is with much happiness we present this celebration entry for V.

V shares with all of us thousands of smiles because of who he is

More than Just becoming a butterfly, V. has helped us ALL to grow into butterflies.  Happy Metamorphosis V!!!!!

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY V!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Anonymous said...

Awww, etal! Hey, that`s really you in the first Pic!!
This is a wonderful gift; much better than a mailed card! How much time it must have taken!!
And those Kitties!  Yea, Mis[sy]chief!!!
Thanks so much!!
{{{ Hugs!!! }}}

Anonymous said...

This entry brought tears to my eyes. What a precious and thoughtful friend you are. I KNOW Vince agrees with me.
Big hugs, dear one.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, Happy Birthday V


Anonymous said...

Again, Ann, thanks!!
{{{ Hugs }}}

Anonymous said...

Ayn - What a wonderful creative beautiful "birthday wishes card!!!" -

                   Happy Birthday to AOL J-best - Vince!!!

Thank you for sharing this thoughtful lovely Birthday Tribute to V!!! _rRose

Anonymous said...

Wow!  What an incredibly amazing tribute!  It's wonderful.

I missed the actual date (but I thank you for the heads-up, little birdie ;) but mean it when I say, HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Vince!  :)

Anonymous said...

What a lovely a lovely man.

Anonymous said...

Ayn, your tribute is fantastic!  What a wonderful gesture for a very special man.    T