Thursday, September 22, 2005

Whoops to much sleepin ... better get to work!


Good morning!  And, welcome back mere!  It’s nice to see you again :) Your thoughtfulness is always held in high regard!


We’re up pretty early this morning, so I’m thinking this may be a rather long exaggerated entry.  Sorry ‘bout that :) I’m in a strange mood ... Listening to Elvis Presley sing “Don’t Cry Daddy.”  Yep, yep ... this is where I’m at in life ... I’ve lined up 300 Elvis songs.  That ought to take me well into tomorrow :)


I’m up to about 25 singers on my playlist.  I know I’m in a growth period when I go out looking for more, but to do that I need to look through the list to see who I might miss by listening to someone else.  This must be something people do regularly, but music still seems new to me.


Hehehe, ok, maybe we should start with something a little slower, hmm, interesting never really heard Cher out ... we’ll try that for awhile.  Hehe 200 songs?  Eh, it’s a life...


Hmm, just been sitting here for 3-4 songs letting time go by ... darn ‘ner squandering it!  Feeling good, in ecstacy.  Lulled by the music and sounds of rain. 


Feel a little bad, because today is the day of the miniature golf event.  Word is its supposed to rain all day.  Eh, it’ll just force everyone inside to the game room.  They’re all supposed to get about $20.00 of tokens.  And, for the real reward they can sell back points and earn plastic spiders, fake fingers, and pearly plastic necklaces.  Yayyyy, time doesn’t really change.  They were giving out the same stuff in our day.


We had a visitor last night, well, yes it’s the same visitor we always have, but we sure do like the visits!  He was in a mushy talky way ... YAYYYYY!!!  Oh lordy, if he ever knew how much we’ve journaled of him over the years hehehe.  For the stories that will never be told *double sigh*...  This person leaves me feeling stunned!  And, you know what??  This time, I got a back rub!!  Woo Hooo!  He made sure to let me know though that this back rub might one day work away from the time I have to be giving HIM backrubs. *giggle* how does that all work out??  Hmm, maybe it is still better to give than to receive?


Hmm, this Cher person making me feel mushy all over again... AHA!! Perfect!


Ok, ok ... so this writing idea may have been a fluke.  Been listening and listening ... Damn!  She’s been fun!  Awe a sad song...


Hey, Maybe V. Will be up soon!!!  V!??!


What?  Something important??  NAW!  Not much of that around here.  Where hanging around irrelevant this morning.   It be the style!


Well, maybe a little something about yesterday.  I had a real nice day at work.  Sr. Was at a doctor’s appointment all morning, but I still felt like working.  So, I did.  Been working on CARF last few days.  I got some good stuff done.  After a while, I tested it ... its WONDERFUL!  I wish I could explain it so you understood.  It’s sorta like using the Internet, but more personal, because it is pulling up things we’re already invested in.  Yesterday I figured I could enter phrases.  I don’t think I’d figured out that part before.  So, I could say something like “client file” and everything in the client file will show up.  We’ve made sure to capture a lot of lists within each search set.  Pretty much table of contents.  And, everything is referenced, so I can get back directly to the spot in such and such book or drawer.  Same with items in the book we keep on the stuff for state inspections and so forth.  So, like I can say “organizational Chart,” and the five points of reference (location) will show up, the people on the chart will show up, the three times I mentioned it in reports will show up, and maybe the accreditation letter where it was referred to might show up.  Just soooo cool.  The CARf surveyor could ask, “What to you think of client rights?”  And, I could type in a couple of words, that bring up the clues.  Well, we say in such and such policy dated 2003 blah, blah, blah...  Or during a meeting held by the parent’s club, we ... and so on.  Just such a neat concept, because of all the background work that has already been done. 


I finished the second book yesterday and got a good start I the third book.  I found myself typing out in detail a half dozen flowchart contents, so that when I type in 30 day review, the flowchart diagraming it into our regular routines will show up, yes ok all we need to do is go to section 1.3.12.a.1-3 of our CARF references.  Or, I could put in regulation 119.250 and sure enough out it sprouts!  Just so gosh darn handy.  Or, if I type in “regulation” all 40 of them will pop up.  Same with Policies and procedures.  You should of seen all the neat citations when I pressed the simple word, “issues.”  Even the materials we researched are within the system, so we can pull up past, current and future issues, such as low staff pay, or perhaps client discipline.  Pretty, pretty neat!


I don’t know why this kind of stuff excites me so much.  But, the first image I get when saying this is to remember the Kate Hepburn movie called, “desk Set.”  That is the one where the reference librarians are required to compete against the computer.  I loved that movie!  I know that as much as my computer is an aid, because it is so gosh darn fast with pulling up citations, it works handily with the person who interprets, such as well ... the contents of the first aid kit are listed in ... and, they were used in compiling a list of necessary items for the car, and the business report states, that 3 were purchased on such an such a date ... hehehe ok, I am getting nutty here.  But, I’m pretty sure that not many people out there being surveyed have put together something like this.  I think I would like to carry out the concept no matter what business I would find myself.  But, I have to admit that our center is pretty well situated with ideas, and concepts and paperwork to keep me entertained.  I could type in the word, “value” and ten citations might show up.  By reading the descriptions in the listing I can cross-reference values as something we list in the materials we teach the new staff trainees, and it could be something we teach in sex education.  and, it could be something discussed in the integration policy, or listed in our mission statement.   Yup, yup it gets that detailed.  Hehehe.


I know, been here for a while, need to move on.  Hmm, 4:37 am.  Where is that V-person??  He’s sneakin in extra sleepin time!  This is the peril of people who are thinking they are in partial retirement.  Just start relaxing the schedules!  Sheesh!


As a little side note ... we got the grade on our final presentation for the writing course yesterday.  She gave us an 83% ... Well, you know ... I figure it’s that %(#*&  learning curve she placed me on.  Somewhere in her mind she’s placed be as a b/c student and that is where I get stuck.  BUTTTTT, I got a chance to write my review of her.  Do you think, she got an “A” rating???  Only one more thing I need for her.  She has to get in my final grade.  I think if she gives me a “C” I will have a meltdown.  But, as V would say, “It’s over, let’s move on!”  Ok, V, you are right, just trying to wrap this all up in my head.  We’re another step down the road :)


more Cher, yep a cher morning.  But, we’re feeling a little tired.  Think we may lay down for a little bit.  YAWWWWN, yep TWO can play at that sleepy game!


Umm, we're up again ... lucky I slept past time.  My friend wrote and said he'll be in an hour past my regular goto work time to check the air in my tires.  One seems to be pretty low.  Someone on the expressway honked at me and pointed to the tires.  God Bless strangers AND friends!


Cher's still singing her heart out.  She's gone through 77 songs already this morning!  Go Cher, I think that's where I'll start when I get to work.  Sr.'s system doesn't have the great speakers, but will sure do in a pinch.  Come on friend, please be here soon.  If I put Sr. late for leaving, she'll have my neck.  I sure do hope the secretary is on time.  I'm going to be pretty close to the time they gotta leave.  If I don't get there by 9 am, I'll be locked out.  Shoot, shoot AHHH friend is here later!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cher????  Yikes!!!
Top Poster!!!
Yea! The Weekend is coming!