Saturday, September 24, 2005

Ok, We're on Our Way


Good morning, Everybody ok? :) Hope so, at least.  Things feel a little shaky, in that we’ve spent quite a few hours watching ABC News on-line.  I think we stayed up until 8:30 pm, woke up once around 1:30 AM and am up now about 6:00 am.  We feel like we’re on alert. 


The best thing is that the hurricane wasn’t as strong as it could have been, but the situation on the expressways was pretty terrible and will be discussed further by all.  I think to make the matters worse was that people were told to get off the expressway and go to shelters and it seemed that some of the shelters had to close because they weren’t prepared.  It would seem threatening to have gone through that kind of ordeal out on the road, just to get off and be turned away. 


Whoops ... somehow lost time ... It’s about 8 am now.  We figure that we should be in the shower in about an hour.  We want to be leaving by 9:45 for Jacob’s!!!  Hmm, just had a snuggly with chief, but then he hopped down and said, “so now should we consider a second breakfast?”  Boooo ... I’ve been used!


Hmm, somebody’s almost out of medicine ... how’d that happen?  We emailed Dr. M.  Seems we got prescriptions for most except one for depression and one for the diabetes.  Frumpy face!


Well, let me pre-warn you that nothing important is going to said during the rest of this entry. :) Fortunately, you won’t have to listen for long.  I feel a little tired.  Mostly because of listening to the news.  I’m in one of those stages, where I don’t feel I can turn it off.  We keep pausing to hear reports.  I’m not sure why.  I don’t know anyone in the area except I used to know the boys aunt and her family in Houston.  I think our concern is more for people in general.  My safety signals have been confused.  Maybe its that Mom in me looking out for things of danger.  I’m not sure ... maybe just my obsessiveness, or some combination. 


I had a chance to IM with my friend this morning.  He says he just miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight be out my direction this evening AND, he maaaaaaaaaaaaaaay be bringing his smoocherinism with him!  YAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYY!  Not sure if I won’t get back until just before that.  After 3 or 4 hours, Jacob is going to get tired of me and anxious to get back to the games.  Then too, it’s an hour 15 minute drive each way.


I think I’ve got gas ... but, will have to check for the return trip.  Maybe I will feel better after the medicine has gotten a chance to work AND this kitty starts to leave me alone!  I don’t know what’s gotten into him where he wants to be fed more often than normal.  Hmm, now he’s jumped up back on my table and is rubbing against my right elbow looking at me.  It’s gotten to be rather personal.  If I stop to pet him, he will take over again!  Silly Cat!  Ok, ok ... I’m going to pet him.  Shoot, he’s pretty needy this morning.  Have to shoe him away cuz after getting his petting, he started to mess with some of my piles in search of rubber bands. 


Oh dear ... time just sliding past ... only 10 minutes now ... But I can tell you bout anything on Ritanews.  Poor journalists look tired.  They seem to have not gotten so much sleep.  Not only are their faces dragging, but also they are repeating themselves, just to fill in.  Hmm, a few new reports on the differences between federal, state, and local concerns.  I think Bush is going to be given more credit, but it seems to make his concerns over New orleans that much worse.  They just showed again a picture of the stadium after New Orleans where people were sitting on curbs yelling for food and water.  Shoot that was just terrible.  They talked about mortuary people being sent from New Orleans to Texas, but beside those poor 24 lost souls on the bus, I haven’t really heard of too many deaths.  Hmm, a couple older people Galveston were like on the expressway for 36 hours and then when they got to their locations died of a heart attack.  That’s not good.  At this time the worst of it is in Jasper and lufkin.  They are going to be ok, right?


Shoot, shoot going to have to go.  I really do want to see Jacob, just at this point, it doesn’t seem real.  I’ve almost gotten my mind to visualize leaving my neighborhood.  Maybe after we start driving, we won’t feel so confused.  Well, let me catch the shower, I’ll be right back after that. 


Pshwoo!  That’s done!  Sparkly clean Yooo HOOO!  It makes my skin smile!


Now, I have about 20 minutes before I have to do the next thing.  Hmm, there’s a helicopter that’s still out there ... He was there before I got into my shower.  I wonder why?  I found out too that both kitties were outside.  They are being pretty brave.  Think its those good looking birdies in the tree next door. 


I feel a little more like seeing jacob is going to happen.  Better gather his pillows.  He forgot those last time.  YAYYYY!  Dr. M. Wrote and the prescriptions have been placed.  Better plan on some extra time to stop by the walgreens and place the orders.  Welllllll, I guess then that it is time.  I can do this, I can do this.  Cuz then there is Jacob!!!


Anonymous said...

Yes the hurricane is bad. Kitties are so much fun we have 4 and they are the rulers of the house lol Have a great time with your son:)


Anonymous said...

What a day for the vacationer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{{{ Hugs!!!!!!! }}}