Friday, September 5, 2003

Our Friends

This morning we woke up thinking that we'd like to include pictures that represent our friends.  This experience of portraying them is giving us feelings of profound joy and happiness. 

One of the things we have realized when placing them all together in one album is that all of them hold qualities that we admire.  With Forest Path it is his strength and effort, with River Bank it is his openess, with Bubbling Stream it is her ability to reach out, with Rosewood tree it is his sense of companionship and giving, with Clear Sky it is her abilities to ground and encourage, and with Gentle Brook it is her combined traits of being strong yet fragile.

These people who are our friends are very attractive to us.  They accept us in being whomever we need to be, yet give us a direction of moving forward.  They each know about our multiplicity, but support us in our efforts to be at our highest functioning levels. 

They each love dearly, are independent, and are enamored in the positive.  They very much live out each day to their full potential.  They are also a very intelligent group of people.  They each hold a sense of widom about what it means to be human.  In addition, they each have learned to give of themselves to others.

My friends are respectful of thoughts and feelings and care about honesty.  They are each able to love themselves, family and friends.  They honor freedom and the right to make choices.  They each hold cabilities and support others abilities as well.  And, each  are responsible for extending their gifts of happiness.

We are honored to be known and cared about by them and we hope the things we give them in return are of the highest nature. 


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