Our system believes in trauma theory and that it is natural. But not all trauma-based multiples have been told they are defective. Not all of Western society has turned their back to issues of trauma. We think this cause is being well furthered in work of trauma and object relations, particularly by Menninger Clinic.
We believe that the personal stories of multiples in childhood and beyond are often horrific and bleak. But, we believe that the normal life of a multiple does not have to be after the abuses have stopped. They do not have to continue the dysfunctionality or chaos. We need relationships where caring is experienced and trust is allowed to develop. Sometimes this happens in a good therapeutic relationship.
We think strongly of the idea of there being a host. There needs to have been born a human body with a functional heart and brain. What happens to this biological human being in development of becoming, is up for speculation. We personally believe that trauma caused a different pattern of brain synapses that clustered different personalities of our one self. Like the adaptation of any species in their developmental years, we needed to continue perfecting or creating self to survive and prosper within a given dysfunctional enclave.
We're discussing with our therapist now the idea of kinetic energy almost as a field for our excessed emotions to have projected onto. Dear Heart recessed. We are thinking that afterward in our need to avoid dissonance, we advanced mythological explanations of how we (all) came to being. We believe singletons as well create their life story which would be mythological in nature. This is just because truth through history is hard to discern.
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