We're figurin we should tidy up. Our scenario is unruly.
At first Dear Heart would hand the geologist the rope and it would be lowered. We thought that it would be clumsy to have our geologist climbing a 15' ladder from center stage and that would upstage our star. Dr. M. brilliantly reminded us that there would be a "cat-walk." We're making things a little easier for our Dear Heart to control.
I just love this guy to pieces! He's such a good figurer! That would mean naturally no displacement for the buckets. We're pretty concerned about being juggled.
We just found there are 18 useful cleaning guidelines to caring for an auditorium or stage and there are 21 pieces of equipment the custodian would need including gum remover, wet floor signs, and toilet paper. Go figure!
Ack! Digressions!
There was also some more talk of the different kinds of rocks. We decided that some of the rocks should be sensational like diamonds and other gems and some of them would be old tossible crustaceans.
We want to make better use of the memories and feelings to lighten Dear Heart's load. We figure we should have a display case for the really good rocks. Other stage items so far include a couch, a chair, a table and light, a desk and a computer, a clock, and a picture of a cat!
Now, if this could turn into a real play, we have to figure why we have a geologist up in the rafters! Maybe he's a hired back stage consultant and the play is actually about? Not sure. We just know Dear Heart is going to get hurt.
Shoot, need to simplify, need to add physics.
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