Good morning. We’re up with just a little time left to write ... was having a very nice IM chat this morning, but alas all good things must come to an end.
It has been a couple of days since we have written. I think we were holding out because they haven’t been real good days. Have been going through self-destructive again, but feel we are coming out of it. More talking to the good Dr. M. than normal. *Sigh*
Yesterday was a special day, because we FINALLY after nearly a month, got our office back. I moved in all the stacks and stacks of stuff and hooked up the wires as well as I could. Everything went pretty good, but I only have one speaker out of the four operating proper, and I couldn’t get the printer up. I just know it has something to do with that blue cord. Our fix-it-up person is coming in on schedule today, so he will be able to check it out for me.
I can’t tell you what a relief it was to be back in familiar surroundings. I’ve been on record for my claims at loving my office. I really do. It’s like a very special place. Today, should be pretty easy ... the only things that NEED to be done is to prepare a few Qnotes and attend meetings. We’ll hope for something more! I’m still pretty backed up. I’m fairly sure that Sister liked that I had all of my things out of her office by the time chapel was over yesterday morning. Same goes for my three co-workers as my things piled up on top of their things! Hopefully, we will get a little extra done. I’m really looking forward to being back in the office. AND, for being back to some kind of well-health. I think we’ve been on a mis-mental holiday. :(
The weather here in Chicago has taken a turn for the cooler. It is now 46 degrees out there, and of course, we’re still thinking this is open balcony weather. The kitties have become more frisky, so that is very good. Chief doesn’t sleep as much and they play tag throughout the apartment. Good kitties. This is the time of year, one begins to think, "I better get the winter coat to the cleaners!" I’m looking forward to wearing her again. She’s soooo warm in the chilly weather. But, I can breath better, so I have no complaints against the cold. Hmm, I forgot. I got new boots last year too so that is all good.
Last night and this morning we broke new records in our dieting attempts. So that made us feel pretty good. We’re now within 6 pounds of catching up with our diet buddy. Since he’s a he ... itwill help us with our feelings of femininity not to be the heavier of the two. Though, of course, I’m about 6 inches shorter, so still looking quite the pudgier of the two. V sent in this mornings mail a cartoon of a woman looking in the mirror being thinner and appearing to see herself as being much fatter, and then there is a fat guy who seems to see when he looks in the mirror, a much thinner man. It made me giggle, although, I’m pretty sure when I see the fat woman in the mirror, the mirror is being painfully articulate! We’re working on that though!
Our friend was over again last night. Two nights in a row Wooo HOOOO! We didn’t do any quibbling as we had done the night before. His emphasis is on safety where unfortunately it hasn’t been our concern. But, I really think we’re closer on track than over the last two days. I feel it as a lightening of our mood and affect. Think good talking with people and getting office back helped a lot. I had through out the impression with Sr. That I was being an imposition. That’s never cool. First thing up, of course, was our internet, and soon behind that the music. WoW! Really missed not having that.
Another thing that we missed was talking to one of the other co-workers that also work back in the new addition. We had a nice ½ hour chat mostly about her family. I’ve heard a couple sets of stories about people with families that were way off the mark lately. Kind of makes me feel good that in my own life there is much less goofiness. The boys are doing fine, although Tanner still is not talking to us. In himself, he is being a successful person. Plus, since I do not deal with my me-being-the-child family ... I have to admit then that it follows all is well there. As long as I don’t have to be dealing with the craziness, we seem to be all good! We just gotta keep US from being strange.
It is much nicer having survived the nightmares and to know that we’ve surrounded ourselves with sane people. Kind of makes me feel like the "system" is working.
By this time, I am starting to look more forward to school starting up again. Yesterday, I crossed some point and finally got down to the bottom of the book problem. I had indeed ordered the wrong edition, so I ordered the right one yesterday. The first book had been too cheap, I shouldn’t have believed that much good fortune. It had gone for only $6 including travel expenses. The book ordered yesterday was $45 which still compares nicely next to the $90 Amazon charging and the $105 theschool was charging. I went with a used sales store from Amazon. Seems to still be the right route. It will get here one to six days after the course starts, but the regular Amazon $90 book wasn’t promised to ship out until 1-3 weeks. So, I figure I’m in better luck than not. Hopefully, the old version book will get me through the first week. For $6 there is no way, I’m sending it back. Would cost me more in my hourly wage to go through return effort. Yoo Hoo. Yesterday, we wrote to the Amazon private book seller about the length of time and our scrunch. He just wrote back saying he thinks we might get it just in time!!!
I am really looking forward to the course room opening early (tomorrow). I need to see what kind of workload and schedule I will be keeping and get myself geared up to where I should be. Maybe there will be advanced reading or writing I can get done over the weekend. It would do my nerves well to get a jump on things. I am looking more forward to the cognitve/emotion/behavior course than the multicultural. I think the multicultural will be very interesting, but we’re already so invested in that through work, that I guess I’m thinking that there will be less to keep my interest high, whereas I’ve never really had a psych cognitive course before. I’ve been thinking of late that it might be too hard, but I know I need to quit thinking that way as it will bog me down.
There is also a little intimidation as to who the new teachers are. The experience with the Writing teacher has left me a little soured. The grades still have not been posted as of this morning. But, am expecting something soon.
I enjoyed watching a little television last night. That has been slow in coming. I am not to the point of watching much beside Law & Order Special Victims and football. But, our friend fixed the horizontal line problem and we were able to stay up until a little after 7 pm. So, that was all good.
My biggest problem at the moment seems to be we are one day out of running out of coffee liners. It’s not time to go shopping yet, so we were trying to figure out if we’d be able to pick them up at the drug store. I think they will have them. I can’t figure out anything else we would get, except red licorice and we’re thinking we’re probably better off without that either. I don’t think its too high sugar, but again we’re not real good with proportion. Betterhold off on that one, right? I don’t know ... if the craving is still there ... I suppose we could look at the calories and see how terrible they are. I know yesterday we ate only one yogurt, and stole 3 tiny tomatoes from the garden. We were kind of tummy frustrated and hungry. But, we held out ... no bad stuff. Hmm, I wonder if that piece of carrot cakes should be put on the bad list. Better stay away from that too! Umm, just in case! AHA! My good luck is holding out ... as it turns out while getting the tea at work, we discovered we have two little stacks of coffee filters to take home!
Just need to concentrate on doing work at work!
Well, I think that’s the top of the news hour report for today. Best get on top of the shower business now. :) Things will be ok, right? Tonight is a Dr. M. Night :):)
Things will be fine:) glad you are ok and eating healthy
Yea, Chief is up & about!!
In the mornin`!!!!!!
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