Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Internet Outage

Morning. We are having a little technical problem here. Hopefully, by the time you read this it will be fixed. Last couple of days my IM’s and web page loading has been bogging down. It worked a couple of times to sign-off and come back on. When I tried that this morning (Monday), she wouldn’t load either AOL or Internet Explorer. Next thing I did then was to check the connector box to my cable company ... seems like all the lights are on, Not sure of the last one though ... TV seems to be working, though I messed something up on that too. *Sigh* I will have to do a few things. First is to check if I have any disks to save this entry so I can get it out from work. Next, I will make sure to pay the cable company, just in case, and last, I will ask my coworker to borrow her new program that worked for her in getting rid of all the ad stuff. I’m pretty sure that’s the real problem. My computer is fairly new, but I’d taken my poor baby to the on-line strip mall, and you never know what affect that has on a vulnerable child computer. Very bad me!


Ok, first step worked. I had to format the disk. Probably, pretty old. But, the point is it worked. Then I remembered I was writing in WordPerfect, which the work computers don’t have, so I switched her over to word and saved. So far, so good! I’ll follow through on the rest when I get to work. I’m still probably about three to five days from getting the office back due to the flooding and the hole they had to dig. I think the tile is in now just waiting for everything to set and somebody come in and clean the floors and move the heavy furniture, plug in the computers etc. Sister said no later than Wednesday. I had considered staying home today and working from here, but it is pretty obvious I’d go loony without my baby functioning proper.


I have to say one thing here. In all consideration, the fact that she went down today, rather than yesterday while I was finishing up the semester is a blessing. I may be inconvenienced now, but not handing in the final work on time would have been a disaster! So, this morning, I will not grumble. I will count my lucky stars! Hmm, seems like with the disk is backing itself up often. I can’t go wrong there.


It’s kinda funny. I am out of the habit of writing in the MPD journal in the mornings, because of the heavy workload at school. BUT, I had planned to write in it this morning anyway as a treat to myself. Two weeks VACATION YAYYYYYYYYYY!!! I hope Sr. is ready to put up with me for a couple of days in her office.


Something exciting happened yesterday; I got a chance to talk to another journalist named Jane. One thing led to another and it turns out she lives close enough to work to offer her a chance at interviewing for a position Sr. Has open. Between the two of us, we took care of the first step. I forwarded an email to sister that I would like Jane to be considered and Jane sent in her cover letter and resume!!! We’ll have to see if Sr. takes a bite of the worm this morning! It sure would be cool if she does. There are no promises, but at least we’re all trying J


Hmm, now I remember one of the reasons I don’t use Word. She underlines all my bad uses of grammar. I’m much more casual in writing to the journal than normal and if I want to say HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! I don’t want to be corrected for my misspelled word! There is one other problem in that AOL Journals don’t like Word … marks it up with all the funny codes. Yep, this is Ann being profound! Hmm, one more problem … at Sr.’s computer I would have to sign on as a guest and so I won’t be able to open my journal. Hmm, I brought my laptop up front. Wonder if I could connect that to the Internet … Just have to be a little sneaky, I guess. I don’t want to startle sister. We’ll see. I figure Brandy’s clean-up disk is at home, so it will take over-night to fix the problem. I’m thinking by now I probably have over a lot of adstuff in here. Ok, ok … let’s think of something else!


Hey, did you all hear!! School VACATION! Oh, I said that already. Shoot. I was starting to read something yesterday saying that when school starts up on October 3rd, we will have a new courseroom with more bells and whistles! YAYYYYY!!! She looks pretty neat so far. There was a walk-through of what she was going to look like. I like her so far. True test will be a couple of weeks down the line. Hmm, reminds me I ordered books, but I ordered extra. Although, books have been coming in, I haven’t checked to see if they were the necessary books. Better do that today too. List is on-line though.


I ran into another student yesterday who heavily praised the teacher she had had when she took one of my classes. It’s hard to tell if we’ll get that teacher, because there are more sections than one taking the course. And, since it is a general psych course, could be taught by more than one. Shoot, sure glad I got the work in. Having a computer melt-down has to be a fairly common excuse not to get work in on time! Wonder if they thing like, sure….


I am still in a bit of over shock from completing the last couple of assignments. My final project in the lifespan course was a little off the normal level. I wrote a paper on a game I invented for the paper to incorporate all that I’d learned in the course with what I wanted to do after graduating – that is writing training programs. I sure hope the teacher is ok with all that. It took a full day to get it done and I was within 6 seconds of being late … but, I made it in. Unfortunately, I only had one chance to proofread it. Eh, what has to happen has to happen?


The writing project was pretty bogus. For the most part we collected a bunch of our assignments into one portfolio (file), so that she ended up being like 100 pages long. We also had to write a cover letter and a writing map of how we get things done. That was kinda fun. And, then I threw in a table of contents just to clean it up. Let’s see, maybe I can include the map here. I’m so vain, I have to admit, I’d like to look at it again J



AHA! There she is! Cool, cool!!! It reminds me of a dissected brain. The center two circle of course being the brain stem J Ok, ok a little gross.


Hmm, it seems to be raining! I just got up for my coffee to know this. I guess this will be a good test as to flooding office or not J I really like a good rainy day … Kind of mellows out the world. No hurricanes mind you!!! And, if you got your smokes … then entirely better! Hmm, wonder if I need gas yet this morning. I thought I saw prices had come down some, but I’ll have to check that out. Hmm, need to remember … lighter on last leg … REMEMBER!


Hmm, better leave the drawing alone … darn things got me mesmerized!


Maybe the point at this time is that for the most part, my higher brain functioning has turned off. J We have a whole half hour before we will need to shower YAYYYYYYYYY!! Let’s see kitties fed, breakfast ate, fingers limbered up … What else? What needs to be thought through next? Hehe if I had it my way, I might be headed back to bed. I’m not sure though whether I would like to wake up. Good rainy weather for sleepin!


I sure do hope Jane gets that job! Missy says, “Since you are not doing anything, you might as well be petting me!” Silly cat! Ahh, she laid down on top of the quilt, on top of the couch right in back of me. If she is really irritated, she will walk directly in back of my right ear and MEOW Loudly! Like cuts right through the thick of it. Chief’s been well fed and is on his way to slumberland. What a life feed/sleep/feed/sleep. Ahhh…


Ok, bout time I thought a relevant thought? Yeeks! Don’t think I got one! Got, Got, Got … doesn’t really matter! My friend said over the weekend that along with a degree, I would have to start being less eccentric so people wouldn’t be nervous about me. That thought went over real good … YEEKS, YEEKS!! My goal is to be an absent-minded PhD’er J You know protect your mind from over use! I learned something interesting this semester. As people (older) continue to learn, they continue to grow more neurons … that’s a good thing, AND it is supposed to help you live a longer life! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!


Been just sitting here letting my fingers rest While Listening to the windy/rainy sounds outside. It is definitely a fall sound. I love it. Hmm, I wonder if my bistro set is wet. Let’s check that out! Whew!!!!! It was cold and breezy out there! Chair was dry, but the wind was going right through me. Trees just a’dancin!! Makes being inside feel that much more cozy. Hmm, I think we are going to jump in the shower a few minutes early. Take the chill out of my bones and help dry my hair before going out there. I’ll meet you back here in a few moments. J


Ahh, there we go! Already shiny and new and ready for work! Feel pretty warmed. Hmm, even Chief is up!! Maybe the winds died down and I can open the door cat-width again. J Yep, yep it’s a beauty out there. Perfect temp, slight breeze and rain in sight!


The kitties darted to the other side of the apartment when I came in from outside. Kind of makes me feel like the monster that swallowed New York. I know if I were ever robbed, they’d be the first under the bed! Good kitties!


Next, day dream? Be visiting the boys soon. Really, am looking forward to all that. Jacob on Saturday and Macadam and family on Sunday. Better check my money status when I get to work too. Have to fill up the tank to get all the way out to Jacobs. Can do! Can do! With this pleasant thought, I will leave you! Have a good one! Off to work!


Anonymous said...

Wow! You've really got your juices flowing. I'm having difficulty getting started this a.m. Computers can really be frustrating. Hope once you get yours fixed it stays up and running for you.
Barb- http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/THERESTOFTHESTORY

Anonymous said...

Wow!  Look at all these entries!
Congrats on the end of semester!!
Yo, Mis[sy]chief!!!!