Monday, October 6, 2003

A Brand New Day (Thanks for Fixing Things AOL!)

This morning our first thoughts are going to Lois.  Lois keeps two journals, as noted in “Our Journal” log.  We encourage anyone that is reading our journal to check out Lois’ work.  She is truly a remarkable woman who could use good support. 
Our first thoughts of Lois are that she is wonderful, courageous, and encouraging.  We don’t believe her adult life has been easy because of the difficulty of her loads.  We find that she not only suffers a great amount of pain and lack of physical strength due to her medical condition, as well, she has a tougher than normal job taking care of her son who is emotionally and physically disabled.  Lois maintains her faith, but her day to day struggles are very burdensome.  We would like to see Lois writing more.  She is a very good writer who writes from her heart. 
Good writing from the heart is a common thread of all the journals we take special note of.  John G. has gone through a very harsh childhood, but as a young adult, he’s been able to find love and the ability to reach out in support of himself and others.  Erin is also a young adult.  She is very strong and we cheered for her heartily, in regard to one of her last struggles to establish positive personal boundaries.  Penny is a devoted friend to Erin, but as well, she has immediate concerns in the uprooting of her and her daughter’s current home while continuing full, though loving work shifts.  Shelli is able to pull from a smorgasbord of thoughts the elements of love and care needed to understand and contribute deeply to life.  And, last but not least is John S.  John S. holds the King of Hearts position for all of the AOL journal community.  Although, this is his “job” it also seems to be a natural calling.  He is much endeared by the masses and us.
Shoot, we’re feeling pretty humbled by now to be standing next to this small crowd of new people.  I’m sure there will be others who come our way, but we figure we’re off to a fine new path.  I keep thinking life just keeps getting better!


Anonymous said...

I am the one who feels quite blessed, and honored
to have met YOU! Yes, life does indeed look very
good right now, in spite of any struggles we may
face day to day. But knowing that there are kind,
loving, and generous people such as yourself in this
world, it makes us all feel, that we are indeed, on the right
path. Many blessings to you, my dear friend!
Love, Penny

Anonymous said...

My love goes out to you guys everyday. From day one when you posted in my journal, I have been so blessed. Your ability to communicate your life to us, and teach me about it, has been so positive and the energy is amazing. You supporting me meant so much, and the tribute to my grandmother was so touching. I could not ask for better friends anywhere else online or off. Thank you for all you've done. I am so proud to say I am your loyal reader, and more importantly, friend - my love,

Anonymous said...

Thank you Erin and Penny. Feelin the need for a group hug about now!

Ayn and all

Anonymous said...

*runs to form group hug* lol
- <3 Erin

Anonymous said...

BIG ole Group HUg......I'm here!
Love ya's plenty, Penny