Sunday, October 5, 2003

A Lazy Sunday Afternoon

I’m glad that we’re up now!  We decided before sleeping, we would use the word processor to do our journal writing, then we would copy and paste.  We also decided that we would no longer use the tools we were using to change the text.  It had taken us most of the morning to rid ourselves of the dreaded “+’s” and we had trouble saving the new text because of the script we’d chosen.  At this point, we remain encouraged!
As an update, our son, Macadam, called last night to talk for a short time.  We enjoyed his conversation immensely.  He is doing well at work and he also conveyed that Tanner was setting new records!  In addition, he said that he was going to be leaving soon to see Jacob.  Jacob was going to be leading cheers for his college football game.  Macadam said that he was worried about Lee being unhappy at her job.  She will have to decide whether the job is worth keeping.  But, Abby is doing excellently!
In general, “Ayn’s Multiple World” is a simple story on Ayn and the parts, all our particular interests, and that of others we come to know.  As long as we know our friends and family are ok, we feel free to think whatever.
Let’s see, glancing over our bookshelves sometimes helps.  Ahh, we notice a 1997 text book called, “Learning and Behavior:  Biological, Psychological and Sociocultural Perspectives.”   What great luck!  Maybe, we could write about “choice.”   We’re all in favor of people making responsible choices!
We should do a very brief introduction first on learning and behavior.  The text describes learning as, “a more or less permanent change in behavior resulting from personal experiences with an environment.” Or, it could be defined as, “an alteration in the way the brain works, or as a change in the way someone thinks.”  
There is a notation on "observable behavior,” and they define behavior as, "what you do, the ways you act, and how you respond to your environment.”  Pretty clear so far!

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