Wednesday, December 17, 2003

The Work of Health and Safety

Yesterday, was a hard working day. We went over some of the work completed on Saturday on Human Rights. Just need to tidy that book up now. We opened the next craggily cave, "Health and Safety." Last year it was our biggest book. This year looks no different.

The first task was to look through the "outright" requirements of the ten standards. I gasped to find two of the standards were four pages of tasks each. We matched up standards from the last survey to this survey. Before there had been 21 standards, but this year they are much more comprehensive and difficult to complete.

There are general areas such as inspections, emergency evacuations, first aid, and incidents of anything from falling down to rape and suicide. We still need work done on fire, natural disasters and such, but this year they added preparedness for bombs and hate crimes.

The rest of the day, I worked on the inspection standards. We have seven different external agencies that come in to evaluate our agency, plus our more frequent self-inspections. This year CARF wants things pretty tight. We needed to create a whole new process of addressing problems.

In so doing, we created an Action Plan, Inspection Report, and Manager’s Log. The first document is for the responsible fixer upper person, the second document is for the accountable person who sees the whole project through, an the third is for the boss to ok the work, budget it, and assure that all the local, state, and federal regulations have been met. We still have to write a policy and procedure to document how all this works.

For fun we decided to test out the Inspection Report, because it was the most complex. We decided to look into the sneaky bathrooms. Their apt to be big trouble-makers, plus our center has eleven of them, so there was sure to be something wrong. Sure enough it was found. The ADA says mirrors have to be no more than 40" or less from the ground and a three of ours turned out to be 45"-47" from the ground.

I filled out a report and in mope submitted it to the Sister. She’s goina be upset with me this morning, because I looked for trouble - and found it! *Sigh*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are working too hard. ;-)
I remember how it used to be when we had to get ready for state surveys at my former job. It seemed like things never caused any problem until it was that time of year, then suddenly everything needed improvements...