*Giggling* now. The pot's been simmerin! Sr. Tess has decided that we are to receive the assistance of a CARF Standards and Practical Applications Workshop, even though we'll have to fly to get there! Just couldn't be more pleased!
The meeting will be going over input from persons served, accessibility, information management and performance improvement, rights of persons served, health and safety, human resources, leadership, legal requirements, and financial planning and management. They'll also go over outcomes and risk management.
We're having a hard time grasping one of our older persons' view in being able to handle all these complicated thoughts, but we're trying real hard. Transportation has been now planned and hotel arrangements made. Guess we'll be staying at a resort/spa where the meetings will be held. Man-o-man ... feelin good! We'll be gone Sunday, December 7 through Wednesday, December 10. The rooms have Internet cables, we checked!
In other news ... we had another meeting with Dr. M. last night. There was some summary work done, but we focussed mainly on household billing and not being overwhelmed with CARF and her deadlines. We made good progress. We were able to pay a big medical bill and we opened the other mail. Sr. Tess says we're to "simplify and finish CARF!" Final deadline is in April. *Sigh*
We also had an opportunity to talk more with Clear Sky about purchasing her real estate. The next three steps are to first, see the place, second step is checking out the doability of the project, especially with Tanner. We would need him to finance it. Then, if that all went through, we would order an assessment of the property.
We're keeping our fingers crossed. Macadam will pick us up tomorrow to be going to Jacob's college football game. He is a cheerleader. We should be bringing them up to speed. Busy couple of days coming up. And, today is Halloween! Our task will be to roam the events planned at the center to make sure everyone is having a good time!
Oh yeah, one more thing! If you haven't seen Steven's (Sepintx) zinnias yet, go look! (sometimes)photoblog
Either way, welcome to the Valley of the Sun Ayn and All!! I know you'll enjoy it here. The weather's great right now. Hey... I got a question for y'all. Are you all different ages?? I'm thinking that's the case, but was just wondering. Email me if you'd like. I'd appreciate it. Thanks!!
That Happy Chica,
Marcia Ellen
Henry (6 years), Lissa (7 years), and Sarah (8 years) are now young 20's, Corey (10 years), Jamie (11 years), and Kelsey (12 years) are now late 20's or first couple of 30's. Marie (2 years - internal self helper), Anniemi (5 years), and Dear Heart (birth-core part) are about 35-36. Ann (14 years), Kate (16 years), and Ayn (17 years) are about the body's age of 44. Jesse (18 years) is in her early 60's.
Hi Marcia Ellen - Pretty much there is just the 20 of us.
As far as the current ages, it's anyone's best guess. Embry, of course, was stillborn. Mimi (3 months), Crystal (8 months), Gracie (1 1/2 years), and Anna (2 1/2 years) have all stayed in an infant/toddler group. None have aged past 5 months to 1 1/2 years. Casey and KC (4 years each) have matured to around 7/8 years. (cont.)
Hi All ~ I just *had* to copy all the names and ages into a document and print it for my reference! (i hope you don't mind) Your self-awareness and intelligence is awe-inspiring. I learn much from all of you. :) xo
Hehe - nope ... Freee we don't mind at all. It's so neat that you'd want to get to know us a little better. In most of our life, the objective is to blend with each other a bit so we don't appear too strange. But, with the journals and you all, we get a little more freedom. Thinking this morning, who would know that feeling better than yourself!
Our love,
Have a wonderful trip! I was down in that area a couple of years ago to see spring training with my brother. It was our first family trip without our parents, and we had a great time. Bought a dozen Krispy Kremes and they were gone in two days!
Thanks Jeanne! We're looking forward to seeing it too. We've never been in the South West. Sounds like you and your brother kicked up your heels a bit. Yeeks on the Krispy Kremes! (hehe - though I think we could eat a dozen by ourselves in two days ... a lot of the parts want to experience the donuts first hand!)
Our love,
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