Tuesday, October 28, 2003

Journal Friends

We’re running behind this morning.  We're sorry.  I think we picked up a “loss-of-time” bug at Vivian’s.  We figure that we should think things through over the next half hour, so we don’t worry to pieces after we get to work.  The worrying path is a mudslide!
This is our take on the morning so far, forgive us, but at heart … some of us within the system are “summarizerers!” We figure that between the groups of journalists we visit, we were shown a large set of dizzying emotions. 
We saw loneliness, silliness, blessedness, sadness, thoughtfulness, happiness, guilt, hurt, hope, anger, disappointment, self-deflation, frustration, thankfulness, earnestness, gratefulness, playfulness, helpfulness, deviousness, resourcefulness, imaginability, and heart brokenness. 
Each person we’d visited we were glad to have met again.  We figure each expression allows us a window view of another world.  There is no value judgment on “good” or “bad” emotions.  All of them are real and useful in our alivedness.  In-between these views we find sharing and supporting.  And it makes us feel happy to be a part of the whole.  Sometimes it seems to be a real test of our thinkerer parts.
If I were to slip on my work cap, I might think, “Ok, we’ve collected a lot of information, we’ve analyzed things down to a smaller workable unit … now do we continue to analyze, or do we respond?”  (We’re going to skip the part where we analyze our creativeness in developing new vocabularies.) 
Thinking there will be more time to analyze at another less rushed time.  Maybe just one group hug for now mixed with our encouragement of starting a brand new day.   Seems as if we’re all doing a pretty good gosh darn job at being human and we certainly didn’t see anyone who doesn’t care!  There is so much depth, a lot of effort, and a willingess to relate.  Love you guys!


Anonymous said...

Tell Jamie "Thanks for visiting. Always glad to have you around." :)

That Happy Chica,
Marcia Ellen

Anonymous said...

Love You's too!
your friend, Penny
p.s. Thanks for dropping in to
visit again, it's always a pleasure
to have you there!

Anonymous said...

Muwha, having your company at my journal is always an honor!
With love,

Anonymous said...

Love to you all ~ thank you for your compassionate support. ~peace~

Anonymous said...

You all leave us tickled pink! (And, affect us with all the other various shades colored in by your many emotions, thoughts and dreams!) :) Our love goes out to you! Corey

Anonymous said...

I've never read so clearly what is going in my own thoughts when I bounce from one Journal to the next. Such diversity and it's hard sometimes to pull it together and make sense of the emotions I read, see and feel while browsing.


Anonymous said...

Sorry, I missed this comment earlier. I think the pulling things together is something that takes time to learn like with your photography. One of my jobs at work is to observe, plus we've been observant between the different parts for quite a while. If your missing a beat, we could start you off with the knowledge that your part developing story above is, "earnestness." Wonderful part!

Our love,
Corey and Ayn