Thursday, March 4, 2004

All in a Day

Hmm, this morning is kind of a sleepy morning. Probably good. Yesterday had only about four hours sleep. I think I’d caught that Vivian thing that keeps you wanting to float in J-land all through the night.

Yesterday there was plenty to keep up busy. We are back to CARF this week. We’re supposed to be working on the balance of the Client files on the remaining Saturdays before the next inspection. *Sigh*

At the end of our day, we spent an hour trouble shooting our friend's computer with him. His laptop had gone down and was sent to California. Then his files had to be reinstalled, but he couldn’t find his major documents. We finally found them hiding in an obscure space. But, it was tense. He despairingly kept repeating, "They're gone!" Hard to be optimistic when those around you aren’t.

This morning we’re going to have an Administration meeting. *Sigh* We’d been clued in earlier that he was going to be looking at our worse file, so I fixed that one first. Tough, tough stuff.

Both Sr. Tess and him are above my position and they each have different expectations of what I am to be doing. But, alas ... Sr. T is the big boss. We need to follow her directive. We think the friend is right ... but, we're not fighting the powers that be. 

I want to thank Jeanne, Slo, and Floralilia for stopping by yesterday and for their prayers. The DSP and I had a chance to talk over and plan our best means of supporting this individual when she returns. It will be a situation where we’ll try best to follow her lead.

As far as Vince goes and the trouble caused by SOMEONE mussing Floralilia’s rooms while she was on vacation ... we’ve just got this to say ... There might be fingerprints that SEEM like ours, but I’m pretty sure that there is no proof WHICH of our parts MIGHT have created the messes!

Maybe Dr. M. can help out with this seemingly noticeable lack of responsibility. 

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Anonymous said...

How about the DNA Profile you posted,Ayn. Sure looks like yours!!!

Anonymous said...

the hell with the fingerprints, vince forgot to put the lid down....

Anonymous said...

Yeah Vince!!! The lid was up so what does that prove, ahuh, ahuh?? *most winning smile*

Anonymous said...

Only proves someone ate too much ice cream!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Ayn! I didn`t see the fingerprints 1st time through! How`d you do that?

Anonymous said...

Well Vince ... no one could say I didn't have a sneaky bone in me! Hehehe