Monday, March 1, 2004

Leadership (part 2 of 2) Read Next Entry First :)

In the back of our brain and at this point of AOL journal history, we’ve been figuring that the leaders of the AOL journal group are people who are able to achieve high number of comments.  We figure this means that the people receiving (an arbitrary) number of 20 comments or greater on average appear to be the community members looked to for leadership or at least as important role models. 

We’re still trying to clarify in our own minds if popularity equates leader ability.  Certainly these folks are respected for their thoughts, writing ability or responsiveness.  We’ve heard out there the theory that popularity is equivalent to the amount of visiting or connecting to others that one does.  This might be a strong leadership tenet (to be out there and be seen), but we believe you need to search deeper for the reasons people return to any one given site. 

Do these people hold insights to the world that are more important or of higher value?  Surely, the modesty of most would keep them from acknowledging they have more greatness than others.  *Giggling* of course there are those others who’ve declared themselves Kings, Queens or princesses. Those folks require special homages be paid.  (Teasing Gregg)

I would think, paying attention to the contingency model of effective leadership, that anyone placed in the position of a journal or community leader is generally positive.  This is a remarkable factor in J-land, particularly after a need is identified in the community.

The degree of task structure accomplished appears fairly structured.  Each member contributes new entries, to greater or lesser degrees these entries are commented upon, and to greater or lesser degrees people return visits to folks that have been so kind as to drop by, like the proverbial friendly neighbor who stops in to borrow sugar, but stays a moment for coffee and to chat.  

Several took lead parts in the last “crises.”  And, it was only considered that due to a norm of low friction here at J-land.  Flickers were quenched before flames could spread, particularly out of consideration for members who might otherwise have been hurt or angered.  This embodied neigborhood strength of character.

Generally speaking, looks like things are moving along swimingly! 


Anonymous said...

Ayn, I think you may have a point here, but I don't personally think any one person wants to be a leader or role model in this community. Who wants that responsibility? I sure don't. And I've seen negativity get equal attention compared to positivity. <-- is that a word? Anyway... I just mean to say that people should do what comes natural to them and make their journals about THEM - not other people. My opinion. :)

Anonymous said...

Great entries Ayn! And I'm inclined to agree with SloMo. I founded B2B based on an idea tossed around by a few of us who'd grown close. I certainly had no intention of being considered a leader despite all my bluster. :-) It's all about fun for me & that's it. Nothing else. I've got too many resposibilities in real-life & this is where I come to relax. :-)


Anonymous said...

Hmm, "positivity" AOL dictionary is being sluggish now, but pretty sure this word is iffy. I think you all may be missin a point here ... you may not have signed up for the "leadership/role model" tour, but people are looking up to you all nonetheless. Can't take this away from me or any of them. Let's take the pressure off you two though. Let's say there are at this point 12-15 of you that can take in a crowd on a sunny day. Heheh - you are still then leading!

Anonymous said...

Now ... about responsibility ... there may be nothing to the role, BUT to be your best self! You can relax in your pj's for as much as anyone around here would care! I like best the idea that someone I would look up to was doing what came naturally. And, we're all about independence ... I teach it for a living! People need to take care of their own needs first. But, see here you go again ... You're simple words teach and influence others to do the same ... still sounds like leading to me!

Anonymous said...

Ayn now I have to go read that book. When I worked for the military I always had several leadership classes that they made me attend. john

Anonymous said...

Ayn...Not Fair..That was you who ate Flora`s Creampuffs!

Anonymous said...

Ayn..great post!! You Nailed It!!!

Anonymous said...

Ayn and all - Great entry. Again, the clinical-observer :) I appreciate your take on things. I agree, there are leaders and followers in every community. Whether we want that role [leader/follower] or not, it just IS. And we are only responsible for ourselves. If I'm a follower and I choose to put someone in the role of leader, then my actions, views, beliefs are still my responsibility. Hopefully I'll remember to be the best ME I can be - no matter what the role!

Anonymous said...

Ayn,Flora found your fingerprints!!

Anonymous said...

This is a very intellectual take on an interesting topic, thanks for sharing what you've read. I think a journal's popularity is not necessarily a matter of leadership, but a matter of kinship and reading pleasure. We just tend to gravitate toward certain types of journals and because people are generally decent and polite, feel they should return the courtesy of visiting the journal of someone who has visited theirs. All in good fun, may I add. =P

Anonymous said...

like i said, i go away for one friggin week, and look what i come back to....fingerprints, controversy, and graphics galore...oh, and ayn, don't worry about the creampuffs...the cats licked up any leftover residue...