The last couple of mornings, weve been writing about group processes. Id like to continue that thread. In need to think about this some more, but the following statements/questions seemed handy ... need to think it through though. I found a great site that needs more time.
Questions Members Often ask Themselves
Will I be accepted or rejected here?
How will this group be different from my daily interactions?
What exactly will theses sessions be like?
What risks will I take in here?
How am I like other people here? Different?
Will I feel pressured and pushed to perform in some way?
How important will I be?
Who will be the real leaders here? What can be achieved here?
Concerns and Fears
I'm afraid I'll look stupid.
Will I tell too much about myself?
Will others like me?
What if I find out what I'm really like?
What if everyone rejects me?
What if the group attacks me?
I'm afraid I'll be withdrawn and passive.
What will happen if I really open up my feeling?
Will I embarrass myself?
What if I'm asked to do something I don't want to do?
What if others can tell I'm afraid and nervous?
What if I find out things about myself that I can't cope with?
Characteristics of Initial Stage
Silence and awkwardness.
High anxiety.
Impatience to "get the ball rolling".
Confusion about what everybody is supposed to be doing.
Storytelling, a tendency to talk about others and focus on people and situations outside of the group.
Central issue is trust vs. mistrust.
Testing of each other and the leaders.
Requests for greater leader involvement.
Cocktail conversations, safe levels of conversation.
Vying for informal leadership
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