Wednesday, February 18, 2004

Ms Ann's Funny Money

This morning finds us pretty well rested and having found time to travel the course of our J-neighborhood. This usually leaves us feeling pretty good.

Yesterday, there seemed too much to be doing to get a lot accomplished. Does this make sense? Last thing I recall of the morning was thinking it was going to be a productive day, but then after walking into the center and discovering the new monitor had arrived and needed to be installed, we thought we wouldn’t be able to keep up with our schedule. We were right.

Today is going to be another day of the Thinking Group. Not sure yet what the plans will be. Let’s see ... what floats up to the top as next necessary task to be accomplishing with the group time?

I think in the back of my mind I would like to try teaching them something very practical today ... just need to figure out what is the common denominator that they are all sharing at this time? What comes to mind is usually the discover of "thoughts" and "feelings." Maybe its time though for something more tangible? I’d like to make it something that is interesting to them. Hehehe ... that would mean going back to the area of love and friends.

Maybe something on offering support to self and others? Ahh, just found a report written by the University of Illinois - Chicago on Self-determination. Hehe ... we get only about a 1/3 of the way through before ideas start popping into our head ... just love this kind of work!

We’re thinking that we are going to set up today a quasi-community. Yep, yep.   But we’ve in mind that for individuals to appreciate the quality of life and their freedom of independence, we could play with some choices. First, we’ll set up four chairs in the center of the group and ask for volunteers. Each will be given about $600. This is about $50 more than the government pays adults with developmental disabilities to survive on.

They’ll be given their $600 dollars (12 bills), but being as they are sitting outside in the park on a bench ... they’ll need to find a permanent address to continue this benefit. Also, because its going to rain that evening.

The object will be to make it for one month to follow along their budget allowance.  You need to start of somewhere, right? Let’s see ... how much and how long does one roll of toilet paper last??  Better bring our calculator ...


Anonymous said...

Remember Yourselves,Too!!!

Anonymous said...

Having read your latest entry first, I have to say that you came up with an excellent way to teach them about making choices. Sorry about the monitor change, it seems something always gets in the way of getting some serious work accomplished.